
This sentence, when he looked at Yuntian, he couldn't say it no matter what.

An idea that Hermes himself found incredible came to his mind.

"How do you know if you don't try it, right?"

Yun Tian smiled, and said the thought that had just arisen in Hermes' mind.

The next moment, Yun Tian, ​​who was talking to Hermes, suddenly raised his head and looked up, and Edelweiss was also making the same movement with him.


Lyu, Alize, and the others also successively sensed the huge presence that was approaching extremely fast.


With a loud noise, like a meteorite falling to the ground, the terrifying shock wave spread around surrounded by smoke and dust!

What fell from the sky was a monster with a huge body - Andaris!

There was a huge one-eyed eye on the humanoid face on the back of the scorpion. It scanned everyone present and paused for a moment on Artemis.

Then, following the guidance of the core, the eyes focused on the figure whose fate was connected.

Looking at the one-eyed staring over, Yun Tian stretched out his hand and tapped the Black Furnace Demon Sword on his waist.

"Okay, don't be awkward, I don't use other weapons."


The Black Furnace Demon Sword vibrated a few times, as if expressing his dissatisfaction, and then, after Jing Xin sent a 'shut up' thought to the scabbard, the Black Furnace Demon Sword withered.

Smiling helplessly, Yun Tian held the Black Furnace Demon Sword, lowered his body slightly, and moved his right foot forward, posing in a posture he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Xiao Ai, take the others back."

Yun Tian ignored Hermes, he breathed a long sigh of relief, his attention began to concentrate, and his distracting thoughts were thrown out of his mind.

The next moment, without warning, Yuntian disappeared from the spot.

All that was left was a sentence that could not keep up with his figure echoing in everyone's ears.

"Anyway, let me chop it up and try!"

Star Sword Art·Sky Dragon Flash!

The blue starlight flashed away without a track, like a star shining directly in front of Andaris.

When he captured Yun Tian's figure again, he had already completed the initial blow.

Quickly, draw your sword!


The sword energy exploded!Shock rages!

The earth turned into a torrent of rocks like an earth dragon turning over and rushing around!

This sword is earth-shattering!

However, as the person who swung the sword himself, Yun Tian caught a crisp sound amidst the roar.


"This feeling?!"

Yun Tian's expression changed slightly, because the Black Furnace Demon Sword that had slashed at Andaris' body failed to break the opponent's shell!

The purple-black scorpion shell resisted the pure white energy sword blade, even though Yun Tian increased the rate of star force, he swung the sword almost without reservation.

It still couldn't shake the shell of Andaris in the slightest!

"Amazing defensive power." Yun Tian couldn't help admiring.

The Black Furnace Demon Sword has a sharpness that surpasses ordinary first-level weapons. With the full blessing of star power and sword energy, and with Yuntian's terrifying physical fitness, this sword is unprecedented among the monsters he has encountered in the dungeon so far. Any one can block it without injury.

With this defense alone, what Hermes said was invincible was almost established.


"It's just this level, it's useless to me!"


The black flames were burning fiercely, and with the infusion of the power of the sky and stars, the pitch-black flames instantly covered the blade of the Black Furnace Demon Sword.

Pure white turned into pitch black.

At this moment, the power of the Black Furnace Demon Sword was pushed to the limit by Yun Tian.

"Give it to me! Open—!"


Purple blood spewed out, but was directly vaporized into a blood mist by the zero-distance high temperature in the next moment.

The pitch-black Black Furnace Demon Sword was no longer blocked, and the blade began to expand under the urging of the stars, turning from a Taidao into a giant sword.

Then, with the ear-piercing sound of the flesh being scorched and cut, a huge scorpion claw fell down.


"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!"

The giant fell to the ground, roaring to the sky, the impact swept across, and the monster's painful roar resounded through the sky.

The next moment, the huge scorpion tail stabbed at Yuntian in front of him with unparalleled momentum!

Chapter 1070 Devil!


The huge scorpion tail fell to the ground like a pillar reaching the sky, directly blasting a deep hole in the ground.

The ground that had been churning because of Yun Tian's sword was once again in turmoil at this moment.

However, this powerful blow failed to hit Yun Tian.

When the scorpion tail sting came, Yun Tian had already disappeared in place.

Winged Sword!

Silently, the extreme acceleration from zero to one hundred made Yuntian seem to have crossed the space, and the whole person seemed to distance himself in a flash.

After dodging Andaris' counterattack, Yun Tian flashed again, appearing on the side of its huge scorpion body like a ghost.

The Black Furnace Demon Sword changed back to the form of a great sword, and Yun Tian held the sword with both hands, exhausting all his strength.



A huge sword mark shattered the shell of Andaris, and under the full power of the Black Furnace Demon Sword, Andaris' amazing defense was as fragile as paper.

The scorpion shell on the side was chopped into pieces, and several scorpion legs supporting the body were also broken.


Half of his body fell to the ground, and Andaris, who had lost his entire scorpion leg, could only struggle in vain on the ground for a while, unable to get up immediately.

"Good... so strong!"

Alize and the others, who were escorted by Edelweiss and taken to watch the battle from a distance, were all stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

"I already knew he was very strong, but it's too exaggerated to be so strong, right?" Kaguya's tone was filled with shock that could not be concealed.

"You really suppressed that Andaris by yourself?!" Ya Sifei also stared into the distance in a daze, a little bit disbelieving her eyes.

"No, it's not quite suppressed."

Among all the people present, only Edelweiss knew Yun Tian best.

"He's just warming up."

"Hot, warm up?!" Laila looked at Edelweiss in disbelief.

"You said that the burst of strength far beyond the ordinary Lv6 is just a warm-up???"

"If he didn't have this strength, he wouldn't be qualified to challenge Andaris." It was Astoria who continued.

Although this goddess of justice believed that Yuntian would not fail, she would not underestimate Andaris, known as the 'Scorpion of Calamity'.

A monster that has grown to this level already possesses considerable intelligence.

"The other party is probably just testing..."

Sure enough, before Astria's words fell, Andaris launched a counterattack.

It opened a huge scorpion pincers to pinch Yuntian, with such a great force that it even stirred up the air to form a strong wind.

However, compared with Yuntian, Andaris' speed was still a bit too slow.

Although the destructive power was extremely strong, he couldn't hit the target. The moment Yun Tian found out about the attack, he withdrew and retreated, avoiding the attack easily.

However, at this moment, another scorpion claw suddenly protruded from the smoke and went straight to the retreating sky!

It was the one that was chopped off by Yun Tian at the beginning!

The interval between Yuntian's two attacks was extremely short, but within such a short period of time, Andaris had already completed self-healing.

"The second sword is not over yet, has the injury caused by the first sword been fully recovered? This is really an exaggerated resilience."

Yun Tian didn't pay much attention to the attacking Scorpion Claw, but it was Andaris' super-standard recovery ability that made him frown.


The scorpion pincers bombarded the ground, except for the shock that caused the ground to shatter, it failed to hit Yuntian.

Turning over lightly, Yuntian landed directly on the giant tongs that Andaris reached over.

Do not retreat but advance!

Andaris's body is quite large, even a pincer can be used as a wide passage.

Stepping on the giant tongs all the way, Yun Tian instantly came to the huge human figure on the back of the scorpion body.

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