His target was the huge one-eyed eye that occupied the entire head.

First of all, make sure whether the other party distinguishes things through eyes. With this in mind, Yun Tian swung a thunderous blow.


Just when he was about to make a move, Yun Tian's expression changed suddenly when he heard the voice from beside his ear, and he switched from offense to defense without hesitation.

With a hard step on the foot, the whole person quickly retreated to the other side.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

Andaris' upper body human-shaped chest cavity suddenly opened, revealing the magic stone inside and the suddenly intense energy fluctuations.

It is almost impossible to mobilize a huge amount of magic power in an instant, without any warning beforehand, even Yuntian was deceived.

There is no doubt that Andaris used his divine power in this blow.

The terrifying energy fluctuations reached the limit along with the light, and then, a blue energy beam shot out from the magic stone.

In an instant, the blue light occupied everything in Yuntian's sight.


A blow that seemed to be able to penetrate heaven and earth directly hit Yuntian!

The people in the distance couldn't help but exclaimed. Alize and Lyu even planned to rush over to help, but they were stopped by Edelweiss at the front.

Before they could explain, the monstrous black flames rising gave them the answer.

With the Black Furnace Demon Sword standing in front of him, Yun Tian's body appeared extremely small in front of the torrent of energy released by Andaris.

But it was this tiny figure that blocked the energy beams that were adding divine power.

The power of the stars was continuously poured into the Black Furnace Demon Sword, and Yun Tian sighed helplessly as he felt the oppressive force passed on.

"Is it the limit to barely block it?"

Yun Tian tried his best to move forward, but his body was pushed backward involuntarily.

"Forget it, it's almost time to warm up to this level."

Yun Tian looked at the torrent of light that was blocked by Hei Yan but still exuded incomparable power, a smile gradually appeared on his face.

Afterwards, Yun Tian closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let go of his thoughts.

In the next moment, a certain emotion that had lost its restraint replaced calmness and occupied the main position of his thinking.

At the same time, a large number of skills were instantly activated, and Yuntian's aura began to climb continuously.

It was the sword intent that exploded first, and the endless storm of swords gathered on the Black Furnace Demon Sword. With a nameless sword hanging above his head, Yun Tian, ​​who had spread out the sword field, stopped backing.

Then, the invisible grace of God began to shine.

Develop ability 'Monster Hunter', strengthen all attributes.

The skill 'passes the end of the sword, crosses the peak of the world, and rebels against the Millennium Immortal'

* When being a challenger and at a disadvantage, all attributes will be greatly improved

The overall increase in physical fitness made Yun Tian start moving again, but this time it was no longer retreating.

Instead move forward!

One step at a time, extremely slow, but Yun Tian still took forward steps against the torrent of light!

"Ha, can't you completely suppress it to this level?"

Yun Tian parted his mouth and revealed a ferocious smile, at the same time, the Jing Xin scabbard around his waist began to emit a subtle light.

A frantic aura began to spread, gradually covering Yuntian's body.

Instead of refusing, Yun Tian took the initiative to accept this breath.

Fanaticism: Inspire fighting spirit, adjust your own state to reach the peak.

This is an additional hidden ability added by Fan Xinglu after recasting the Meditation scabbard.

His emotions were mobilized, and the moment Yuntian's fighting spirit reached its peak, he finally mobilized the magic power that had been silent in his body.

In the next second, the devil shredded the torrent of light!

Chapter 1071 World-class power!


A sword light burning with black flames split the torrent of blue light released by Andaris in two.

The invisible magical armor covered the body, the power of the stars turned into dots of starlight and surrounded him, and the black furnace sword in his hand was wrapped around black flames.

A large amount of energy gathered in Yuntian's hands, and the pitch-black blade of the Black Furnace Demon Sword rose again and again.

A gigantic sword that almost caught up to half of Andaris' body appeared in Yuntian's hands. He looked at Andaris, smiled, and swung the blade!


A huge slash attacked Andaris with jet-black flames!

The torrent of blue energy just now was undoubtedly the attack that Andaris could only burst out with the help of Artemis' divine power.

It is impossible for Andaris, who spent a lot of divine power to complete the catastrophe in the sky, to use it continuously. Not only Yuntian, but also Alize and others are very clear about this.

Therefore, this sword, it must eat it!

But at the next moment, the sudden burst of purple-black light surprised everyone watching the battle from a distance.

A huge amount of magic power gathered above the magic stone, and the fluctuation of magic power that shook the air even affected the surrounding environment.

The ground seemed to make an unbearable sound and then began to crumble.

This is not the divine power of Artemis, but the power of Andaris himself.

Don't forget, even if Artemis hadn't been devoured, the 'Scorpion of Calamity' Andaris was still a terrifying monster capable of causing world-class disasters.

The reason why facing Yuntian seems a bit stupid is because most of its energy is put on the catastrophe of building the sky.

Even with great wisdom, Andaris followed his instinct first and tried to destroy the world.

It originally thought that allocating a part of its strength and energy would be enough to deal with this "little bug" Yuntian, but with Yuntian's outbreaks again and again, Andaris' thoughts began to change slowly.

With only a small amount of strength, it seems that this little bug can't be taken down?

Andaris made a decision the moment Yuntian entered the state of a demon, and the threat it brought to it increased sharply.

It needs to use stronger power to quickly solve this bug that interferes with its own destruction of the world!

Without using his divine power, Andaris drained most of his energy and all his magic power, even if it delayed the catastrophe in the sky.

It can perceive Yuntian's current strength, which is very strong and can bring threats to itself, but that's all.

He is nowhere near it!


A purple beam of magic burst out, destroying everything in front of Andaris.

The ruins of Elsos, which had been left in ruins, were completely reduced to ashes and dust in the direction penetrated by the purple beam.

The light that destroyed the world bloomed, the buildings collapsed into rubble, the rubble turned into dust, and the earth turned into a desert. Starting with Andaris, everything in front of it was annihilated until the end of sight.

Of course, the huge slash that Yuntian swung before was no exception.

It completely disappeared without leaving a trace.

This is, truly world-class horror!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!"

Andaris roared, it was celebrating, it was joyful, the annoying bugs finally disappeared, no one can stop himself from destroying the world!


Suddenly, severe pain interrupted Andaris' roar.

The incomprehensible but annoying voice echoed in my ears again.

"Fighting is not something that anyone who is strong will be able to win."

Yun Tian's figure appeared on the head of Andarishi's figure, he was holding the Black Furnace Demon Sword with both hands, with a smile on his face.

"You can't hit me, but you can't do damage, world-class big guy!"


The huge sword blade burning with black flames mercilessly pierced the one-eyed eye on Andaris' face!

The movements of Yuntian's hands did not stop at all, and with a horizontal stroke, accompanied by the sound of scorching and cutting, it directly cut off half of its head.

After finishing all this, Yun Tian stomped hard, and flew backwards.


"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!"

Just as he expected, Andaris fell into a state of madness.

The terrifying magic impact erupted around it. If Yuntian failed to evacuate in time, he might have to take the blow head-on.

Andaris's previous judgment was actually not too wrong. There is indeed a huge gap in strength between Yuntian and it.

But there are often many other factors that determine the outcome of a battle.

Yuntian failed to enter the world class, but that is a comprehensive evaluation. If only individual items are counted, Yuntian will definitely not be worse than the so-called world class.

And his strongest item, of course, is speed!

A figure appeared in the distance, Yun Tian stopped and let out a deep breath.

Sweat began to flow down his face, and his slight panting movements all explained his current state.

Andaris's speed is not fast, but that is also compared to the world class. If Yuntian wants to maintain absolute suppression in speed, he must maintain himself in a very extreme state.

Based on the characteristics of the winged sword, it is a new skill that combines the super fast and super fast skills of Feitian Yujian style.

Let Yuntian really enter the world-class speed sword!

This is also the first time he uses it in actual combat, and the burden on his body is beyond Yun Tian's imagination, even his current super-standard Lv6 physical fitness can't fully bear it.

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