After only moving twice, Yun Tian felt his physical fitness decline obviously.

However, the effect was far beyond his expectations.

Andaris is a world-destroying monster that really doesn't have any moisture. Even if he doesn't use his divine power, he still surpasses Yuntian in terms of level.

But now, it was Yuntian who successfully suppressed Andaris.

"However, if this continues, I should be the first to fall."

Seeing Andaris who had fully recovered, feeling the anger contained in that one eye, the smile on Yun Tian's face didn't decrease at all, on the contrary, it got bigger.

He untied the Meditation sword sheath from his waist and carried it obliquely behind his back, retracted the Black Furnace Demon Sword into the sheath and held it with one hand, and grabbed it in the air with the other free hand.

The magic power gathered, and a black sword with sheath appeared in Yuntian's hand.

Facing an enemy of this level, Yuntian was no longer allowed to retain his strength.

Inserting the Star Perishing Sword sideways into the waist behind him, Yun Tian held the sword in both hands, posing in a crooked cross posture.

"Say hello first!"

Before he finished speaking, Yun Tian suddenly appeared in front of Andaris.

Ignoring the burden on his body caused by extreme speed, Yun Tian faced the pair of pincers thrown by Andaris, facing each other head-on without dodging or evading!

The Star Death Sword slashed horizontally from right to left, while the Black Furnace Demon Sword slashed forward in a semicircle from top to bottom!

Double sword drawing!

Two Swords of Life!

Four Lives Sword·The Heartless Voice of All Beings!

Chapter 1072 Desperation and Reversal!

The blue brilliance of the star power shines to the limit, and the magic power flows silently in the body.

The moment the Star Perishing Sword and the Black Furnace Demon Sword were unsheathed, the two sword lights flickered slightly.

From two to four, from four to eight, eight to everything.

In an instant, the original two drawn swords turned into endless sword lights and blasted past!

The four lives are all sentient beings!

The Four Lives Sword is the sword of all living beings and all things!

Boom, boom, boom, boom—!

Continuous sword strikes bombarded Andaris!

The Black Furnace Demon Sword is covered with black flames, and its ability to slash and burn everything is driven to the limit.Starlight flowed on the Star Perishing Sword, and the power of cutting off was also mobilized at this moment.

Every blow can shatter the shell of Andaris, scrape away the flesh and carve scars, and the storm formed by the sword light forcibly stopped the pair of pincers it smashed over.

However, the next moment, a shadow fell from the sky!

The huge scorpion tail shone with purple magic light, and the terrifying power broke through the storm of sword light, and fell towards the sky.

However, Yuntian did not dodge as fast as before. Under the shocked gazes of Alize and others, Yuntian actually raised his sword and tried to parry this terrifying blow like a mantis holding a cart.

This is simply courting death.

The two are not at the same level in terms of physical strength. Even with the double blessing of star power and magic power, Yun Tian is definitely not an opponent of Andaris's huge size.

What's more, the incalculable monstrous magical power also flows in that monster's body.

But the next moment, not only Alize and the others, but even Andaris was stunned.


When the scorpion tail came into contact with the blade, what erupted was not a roar, but a crisp sword cry.


While the sound of sword chant echoed, Yun Tian's figure slowly disappeared into the air like a phantom.

The next moment, several figures appeared beside Andaris at the same time.

Two Swords of Life!

Kongguan Sword·Six clean cuts!

Among all the sword skills of the Life Two Swords Style, this move can be said to be the first one Yuntian learned, and it is also the most commonly used and best one-style sword skill.

From the first two clones to four clones, and then to the upper limit recorded in the swordsmanship, there are a total of six clones.

With the growth of Yuntian, this trick is also constantly improving.

But today, when he broke out again with all his strength, Yuntian has already surpassed his former self, and surpassed the upper limit of the swordsmanship recorded in the two swords of life.

It is no longer a clone of six realms, but nine realms!

Nine clouds appeared at the same time, rushing towards Andaris in the center at extreme speed!

These avatars are not just phantoms or afterimages, they are physical avatars composed of star immortality and magic power combined with Yuntian sword intent.

It is a real existence that cannot be ignored!

The shell couldn't resist Yuntian's attack, and every hit of the sword would bring severe pain. Feeling the sudden appearance of nine threats around him, Andaris was startled and angry at once.

The countless spear-like scorpion legs waving behind the figure on the back of the scorpion immediately stabbed in all directions.

To Andaris' surprise, this time, it hit the target smoothly.

Nine Clouds didn't explode at an extreme speed that it couldn't keep up with like before. Although it was also silent and extremely fast, it was far from enough to avoid Andaris' scorpion-legged spear.

Excited by the hit of the attack, it roared again.

However, just as its attention was being distracted, another figure quietly fell from the sky.

The nine avatars before were all entities, but the avatars were just avatars after all, and the one that finally descended from the sky was Yuntian's real body.

It is also the final lore of the six clean cuts!

Of course, the blade was approaching, and when Andaris realized something was wrong and raised his head, it was too late.

The Black Furnace Demon Sword and Star Perishing Sword turned into two beams of sword light, and fell on Andaris' huge body like falling meteors.


Purple blood gushed out like a spring, Yun Tian avoided the magic stone and poured down from head to toe.


The blade slammed into the ground, and the violent vibration caused by the residual power told the people watching the battle the terrifying power of this blow.

But what really shocked them was the body of Andaris who was split into three by two sword lights.

The extraordinary realm, against the world!

Yuntian has proved with his actions that he already has the ability to leapfrog challenges!

The defense-breaking effects of the Black Furnace Demon Sword and the Star Death Sword are the core reason for this result. Without them, Yuntian would not be able to penetrate Andaris' defense at all.

Of course, his own world-class speed is also one of the key factors, as well as his pinnacle of swordsmanship.

The body is divided into three, and it is dead to be replaced by ordinary humans or monsters, and the same is true for world-class ones.

However, Andaris is no ordinary monster!

call out--!

The sound of piercing the air suddenly sounded, causing Alize and the others who were watching the battle from a distance to cry out in distress.


"Be careful behind you!!!"

"Be careful, that guy is not dead!"

Of course the voice was conveyed, but Yun Tian still stood there without moving.

It's not that he didn't feel the attacking scorpion-legged spear, but that he couldn't move his body.

Forcibly breaking out at a world-class speed with an extraordinary realm, the burden is far more serious than imagined.

In the blow just now, Yun Tian almost pushed his strength to the extreme, otherwise it would be impossible to cause such destructive damage to Andaris.

He really broke out with a sword skill that could threaten the world class.

As a price, Yuntian really couldn't get rid of the stiffness caused by the load on his body at this moment.

He just barely twisted his body, avoiding fatal injuries as much as possible.



A scorpion leg directly pierced through the abdomen, nailing Yun Tian to the ground!

At the same time, Andaris, who had recovered completely, turned around, with a tyrannical emotion in his one-eyed eyes.

The magic power gathered, and a purple light appeared above the magic stone. The target was Yuntian, who was nailed to the ground by it and could not dodge again.


He chopped off the scorpion's leg with a wave of his hand, and a large amount of blood gushed out from the pierced abdomen.

He didn't care about the injuries he received, and he didn't even have time for self-healing. The action of regaining freedom has already wasted Yuntian's remaining time.

The purple light beam burst out suddenly, and this blow was unavoidable!

However, there was no despair on Yuntian's face, but a frenzied smile on the contrary.

Undoubtedly hopeless!

It is very likely that you will die in the next moment!


"That's what I want!"

The hidden effect of Meditation scabbard, the second stage of frenzy, after falling into a state of frenzy, it is easier to adjust emotions, and increase combat power with emotional fluctuations.

The skill 'passes the end of the sword, crosses the peak of the world, and rebels against the Millennium Immortal'

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