"You guys should be a little more serious, okay? Otherwise! You guys are really too weak! Even if it makes me feel very boring!"

"Really are……"

Roger wiped out all the enemies casually, while Lei Li said indifferently: "Roger, calm down! There are not so many strong people on the sea. In other words, if it is true There are so many strong people, isn’t there a huge problem?”


Roger shrugged and smiled casually: "Rayleigh, wouldn't it be the most interesting thing if there were really so many strong people? At that time, this sea will become more and more interesting!"

"If you say that..."


Listening to Roger's words, Lei Li smiled and shook his head, but he also agreed: "That's true! If you really think about it like this, it seems to be true! However, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether it is Anyway, this sea will become stronger with time, and at that time, we will continue to see."

"That's right!"

Roger and Roger nodded with a smile. They also returned to the Oro Jackson. Yes, this kind of thing happened."


Both of them received the information, and after reviewing it carefully, Roger said in astonishment: "How is it possible! The entire flying pirate group was destroyed in the Kingdom of Adam? I really can't believe it! After all, Adam Although the kingdom's strength is good, it shouldn't be this strong, right?"

Lei Li shook his head and said: "That's not the problem. The overall strength of the Adam Kingdom, it's not that it has been greatly improved in a short period of time, it must be the original strength. As for why it was exposed, it's hard to say! But, the real The problem is that Adam, this man, has been greatly improved, which is the most strange thing."

"Really are!"

Roger scratched his head and said, "Rayleigh, can you guess what's going on?"


Lei Li also smiled and said: "Stop making trouble! How could you guess it! This is not an easy task, but! If you say, the only person who may know is Allen! His ability is very special , I may know all about this matter, and it is not in line with Allen's character to retreat at the beginning."



Roger shook his head, pointing to another news report: "Rayleigh! How about it, do you want to join in the fun and take a look?"

Rayleigh chuckled and said, "You are the captain!"


"Little ones! Set sail!"

"Oh hoo!"

Following Roger's order, the entire Roger pirate group has already started to move!


"That's the whole battle process."

Neil described all this quietly, but said seriously: "Look at it now! The overall situation is nothing to say. The strength of the Adam Kingdom will not be improved so much in a short period of time. Obviously! It is the strength that belongs to the Kingdom of Adam, but it just showed up suddenly, although I don't know why it showed up."


"Uncle Neil! What you want to say is that Adam's strength has improved too quickly. Compared with his previous fight with Uncle, the current Adam's strength can beat the golden lion Shiji so easily!"

Whitebee turned his head and spoke seriously.


Neil also nodded, and praised Whitey Bay very much!I have to say that as a girl, she is indeed thoughtful, and Whitey is very concerned about information!Battle situation!As well as a lot of analysis, they are very clear, and they deal with all these things very seriously. This can be regarded as Whitey Bay's character, so it is so outstanding!

"Big brother!"

Newgate rubbed his chin and said, "What do you think, this matter is indeed very strange! If there is no accident, Adam's strength should have surpassed yours, right?"

Allen shrugged and said: "Of course I saw it with my eyes! As for the strength? It is indeed! Adam's current strength is stronger than mine. After all, 4.3, I can't beat that guy Shi Ke so easily. It's nothing. Strange thing! And! The other point is that Adam is no longer him."


Allen thought for a while, and said: "Actually, you can't say that. Adam, that kid, is not him from the beginning to the end, he is just a puppet controlled by the old guy! Obviously, the old guy now thinks it is not an option to continue, so he Occupying this body directly, the strength of an old guy was probably that of Captain Lockes, but now? That is almost the strength of Admiral Simon."


Listening to the elder brother and uncle's explanation, everyone couldn't help blinking their eyes, but they didn't expect that the final result would be like this. This is indeed something that makes people feel very different.


Everyone couldn't help shaking their heads. For a moment, they didn't know what to say. You looked at me and I looked at you. This situation is indeed quite different.


Allen continued: "It seems very troublesome to say! In fact, it is very simple. In other words, Adam is an ability user who ate the soul fruit. His soul is very strong and keeps him alive. Now it is changed A body, because the original devil fruit has lost its effect, so it has Adam's phantom beast devil fruit, and because of the strength of the soul, the strength improves very quickly!"

"It's probably like this. You can understand it casually. Anyway, there is nothing special about it."


Neil nodded and continued: "Brother! Besides, besides the defeat of the Flying Pirates, there is another thing, the Rocks Pirates, the treasure of Rocks D. Gebeck There is news!"

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Chapter 177: Two Phantom Beasts, Bull Demon and Yamata no Orochi?


Everyone fell into silence, and everyone's eyes widened in astonishment.

Rocks Pirates.

Rocks D. Gibek!

The identity of this man!status!All in all, actually!It has been proved how terrifying his status is. As the strongest man in the last era, the captain of the strongest pirate group, and everything he has is that the apex of this world is generally not an exaggeration .

And for such a pirate!If you feel intimidated, it is not a strange thing!But the strength of this monster has always been very terrifying, but!Just how frightening is his power?

This is the most terrifying thing!


Allen smiled casually and said, "Captain Lockes' treasure! Hmm! Not to mention, the possibility of this is still very high! This is indeed an undeniable thing."


Breathing out a mouthful of thick smoke, Allen said casually: "After all! Back then, [-]% of all the treasures of the Pirates belonged to Captain Lockes, but! With the death of Captain Lockes, a full ten percent has passed. It took a month for this news to break out, obviously! Someone wanted to take it for themselves, but! It was discovered by someone!"


Neil nodded and said: "Brother, that is indeed the case. The news is that it is in Hutchinos, and Haginos has the treasure of Lockes, and this treasure! Where is it? No one knows Yes! One thing is certain is that the pirate carrying this news was hanged up in Hachinos."




In an instant!

Following Neil's words, the breaths of Allen, Newgate, and Kaido became different, including Bagley and Tiger's breaths became extremely terrifying.

Tiger said with sharp eyes: "Uncle! Are we going to make a move?"


Allen said casually: "Notice! Go to Hutchinos, I want to see it! How dare you come to me to make trouble? Very good! Very good! I want to see the next result. how."


A cruel and ferocious smile emerged, and Alan's terrifying killing intent looked very terrifying.

For the Edward brothers, Bagley, Tiger and other youngsters, they don't care if someone dies, the Rocks Pirates have been destroyed, and death is death!However, this is the treasure of Captain Rocks, no matter who it falls into, it will definitely fall into the hands of the Rocks Pirates.

If they fell into the hands of outsiders, they would be too shameful, it would be a real shame to throw them home!For such a situation, that is absolutely!fundamental!It is impossible to accept things under such circumstances.

Now the Rocks Pirates were hanged up?what does it mean?Are you courting death?Or!Just want to fight?OK!I want to see if you guys have any ideas, are you going to die?

How dare you attack the Lockes Pirates?OK!Then give it a try!

A terrifying killing intent has emerged, and Allen's killing intent is extremely terrifying.



The Moby Dick went straight to Harchinos, and this attitude is beyond doubt, not just the Moby Dick, not just the Whitebeard Pirates, at this moment!All the people who split from the Rocks Pirates headed for Hachinos.

They are also full of greed for this treasure!But will this treasure fall into his hands?This is very important!It is not important, but it must not fall into the hands of outsiders. This is the most important thing.




The Moby Dick galloped straight to Harchinos at an extremely fast speed, and at this moment on board, the scientific research personnel had already completed the control of the gravity training room, after all!They only need to be responsible for setting it up, and the ability of gravity has been injected into it by Allen.

In a short period of time, a total of 100 gravity training rooms have been completed. As for the meditation room?This thing is rebuilt 100 times and it's over, small problem!small issue!This is not a big problem at all, just a small problem.


These are not big things. Allen lit a cigarette at this moment, and he was sitting in the meditation room, sitting cross-legged quietly, closing his eyes slowly, and he was a quiet meditator.

After building the gravity training room, Allen has this habit. Every day, he will close his eyes and meditate for an hour or two hours to relax his mind and calm his mind. Come down, this is not a bad thing, but a very good thing!

after all!

After such meditation, my mind calmed down, and the speed of cultivation also improved a lot.


Slightly exhaling a puff of thick smoke, Allen slowly opened his eyes, feeling very weird. For two hours, this cigarette was clearly lit, but it didn't burn at all.

That's right!

Of course, Allen is not simply meditating, but controls the burning of cigarettes through the magic energy of fire, so as to control his own magic energy, and even improve his control power, because he discovered the matter of the gravity training room. I am too weak in terms of control, if this is the case, it is not a good thing, it is a very troublesome thing, even to say the least!Something very difficult to deal with.

Because of this, Allen now has a very solid improvement in control, and wants to become the strongest!Then, no matter it is absolutely impossible to fall behind in all aspects, any weak point will become a fatal flaw, then!The result will be very terrifying. Because of this, Allen is very serious about making up for his weak control.

Judging from this period of time, it has gradually achieved results, which is not bad.


With a long breath, Allen calmed down his mind, murmured a little thought: "I feel that the effect is not bad, it seems not bad, it seems! For the improvement of control, this matter is still very important."

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