After regaining his peace of mind, Allen then stood up and walked out of the meditation room.




"No, I'm going to die!"


One by one, the little guys were lying on the ground exhausted at this moment, and they all began to gradually try to practice in the gravity training room!Needless to say, the result is that everyone is exhausted and exhausted.

This is no joke!

Some people think that the load, sea pressure and gravity seem to be exactly the same, in fact!This is not the case at all, there is a gap between the three of them, even to say the least!It's not a matter of one level at all, and the three are completely incomparable.

What the load brings is only the improvement of the physical body, and what the sea pressure brings to one's internal organs is not an improvement, but a huge pressure. This is beyond doubt, and finally!Then there is another point, that is, gravity, which brings a full square meter of improvement, so that not only the internal organs, but also the blood, brain, etc. will be improved.

It can be said!

Through this method, the next strength will be greatly improved. Originally possessing the power of the horse charm, the potential of these little guys can be said to be developed!Then through the gravity training room, it is different now. Their potential and strength can almost be developed beyond the limit. What does this mean? In fact, after a little thought, you already know it. strength.



"I'm really tired!"


"It's really comfortable!"

The three little guys are lying on the ground, Atmos, Fossa and Quinn, the three little guys are lying on the ground, each of them is very tired, for them!Indeed, it has almost reached the limit, but!That's enough, no problem at all.

"Goo la la la~"

Newgate looked at the three little guys, and then walked over in stride, and said with a smile, "You three little guys are already dead?"


"Second Uncle!"

Seeing Newgate walking over, the three little guys also struggled to get up one by one, although they were very weak, but!Still got up.



Just getting up and sitting on the ground, I was panting heavily, after all!Except for Quinn, the other two are little ghosts, and although Quinn said that he is not young, but!He has been deceived and deceived since he was a child, and his strength is very rare. This is the most troublesome thing!


"You three little guys just sit down! I came this time to prepare devil fruits for you three little guys, and they are more suitable for you."

Newgate took out a treasure chest, took out three devil fruits from it, and threw them directly into the hands of the three little ghosts.


"Second, what devil fruit?"

Seeing this scene, Allen walked over and asked strangely, "What are these two devil fruits? Where did you find them?"

Newgate turned his head and said: "Brother! These two devil fruits I found on this trip are good phantom beast devil fruits, although they are not as good as the third child's green dragon fruit and Marko's phoenix fruit. , and the Dakou True God Fruit we collected, but! It’s not bad.”


Allen came over, looked at the three devil fruits, and nodded knowingly, that's true!It goes without saying that what was thrown to Fossa was the hot fruit, that is, the devil fruit of Charlotte Owen in the original book, the power is still very good, it can be said!It cannot be called a top-level devil fruit, but it is definitely a high-level devil fruit. If it is well developed, it can even be called the natural nemesis of magma fruit.


Your magma fruit relies on your own terrifying temperature, after all!If you rely solely on the impact force formed by the magma, just kidding, you can condense a little armed domineering casually, it will not be broken, this is the fundamental power of the magma fruit.


Now it is different, what Fossa ate was the hot fruit, and the magma fruit was eaten by Abel, so to speak!The two brothers can be considered very good, there is no doubt about this.

"It is indeed a good devil fruit!"

"Fossa, what you eat is the superhuman hot fruit."

"As for Atmos..."

Allen explained: "The devil fruit you ate is called spider fruit, phantom beast, bull ghost form! It is also a phantom beast devil fruit. As for the power? I can only say! This one The effect of the devil fruit is not particularly powerful, it belongs to that kind of thing! But as a phantom beast, it is not bad!"


Hearing this, Scuyad complained twitchingly at the corner of his mouth: "Uncle! The phantom beasts that Atmos ate are all the same thing! Then the ancient spider fruit I ate is not very embarrassing." ?!"

"To shut up!"

Allen looked at Skuyard and glared at him, and looked at Scuyard's appearance, and said casually; "Generally speaking! You two devil fruits are really similar, bull ghost fruit The ability of it is actually not that much, except for the ability of the owner spider to spin silk, the others are really similar to your devil fruit."

Spider fruit, phantom beast species, and bull ghost form!


Apart from the spider's silk-spinning ability and even more terrifying power and resilience, this devil fruit seems to be similar to the ancient species!If the only better thing is that the ability of the cow ghost fruit is quite special, if it is in the sea water, it will be beheaded!Then there is the saying of rebirth with a docked tail.



This is a very special ability of Niu Guiguo, you think it is useful!It is indeed useful, you said that it is useless to ask for 040, right? !This thing is really useless!How to say this statement.

On land, the ghost fruit has the body of a spider and the head of a cow, while in the sea it has the body of an octopus and the head of a cow, in other words!It has a double type, but do you think it is not afraid of sea water?


Not!In fact, it really doesn't matter a dime, the bull ghost fruit is like a normal devil fruit, and it will lose its power if it falls into the sea water!And the very embarrassing problem is here, although it is said that you will lose your strength, because as an octopus you can breathe, the same!You also have the ability to regenerate a broken limb. Eight octopus tentacles can be reborn once if one is broken.

A total of eight opportunities, but!When you fall into the sea, you lose all your strength. This fucking is a weak ability, you can't say it's useless!But if you say it is particularly useful, it is actually nonsense.


Listening to Allen's explanation, Atmos scratched his head and said, "No matter what you say, uncle! This is also a phantom beast species and a high-level devil fruit. I think it's pretty good! Besides, brothers and sisters Now, I won't die!"


Allen grinned and said: "Not bad kid! Scuyard, I saw it, so I say that the two of you have similar abilities."



Skuyard also nodded, he is jealous, just!It's purely for fun, so I complained about it, actually!To put it bluntly, the essence of Skuad and Atmos is almost the same, and the devil fruit is basically the same.

"Uncle! What about my devil fruit?"

Quinn also asked curiously, while Allen continued to explain; "Snake Fruit, Phantom Beast, Yamata no Orochi is essentially the same as Uglow Fruit! Except that there is basically no difference, other ?”


"Your devil fruit is almost the same as the bull ghost fruit. They both have eight chances of death and resurrection. Other than that! There are no other abilities!"


Quinn's eyes widened, it was full of disbelief!It's really very ignorant. I never expected that it would be like this. All of a sudden, these little guys were very ignorant.

Only Fossa was very calm with a cigar in his mouth. Compared with these two devil fruits, it seemed that his hot fruit was even better.


Allen couldn't help complaining: "Second brother, you brought back these two devil fruits, although they are said to be phantom beasts! But in terms of the future, they are really not good, they are not as good as the fruits of great enlightenment, at least ! While maintaining the ability of the animal system, the fruit of my great enlightenment also has the ability to use any weapon proficiently."

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Chapter 178: Captain Allen!I didn't embarrass the Rocks Pirates!


Both Atmos and Quinn fell into silence, what should they say?what!The two of them didn't know what to say, and they always felt very embarrassed. It seemed that their devil fruit seemed to be very strong, but it seemed that it was really not very strong.

Snake Fruit · Phantom Beast · Yamata no Orochi Form!

Spider fruit, phantom beast species, and bull ghost form!

even though!

They are all devil fruits of phantom beast species, but to be honest!Compared with the high-level Phantom Beast Devil Fruit, this is really not comparable!There is no comparison at all. From the beginning to the end, the two are not at the same level.

Take a look at the green dragon fruit, dragon breath, bad wind, thunder and flame cloud, that's a set of abilities, but what about these two phantom beasts?but!In general, no matter what it is...

"In general, no matter what it is, it is a devil fruit of phantom beast species, and the strength improvement it can bring is good, so you don't need to pay too much attention to it."


Listening to what my uncle said, the two became even more silent, of course!The personalities of the two are still very calm. After all, no matter how you say it, this is also a devil fruit of the phantom beast species. It would be too much to pick and choose here. The improvement brought by the phantom beast devil fruit Still very huge!


"You guys continue to study!"

Allen waved his hand calmly, then turned around and left directly.



And the three little guys also ate their own devil fruits in big mouthfuls, each of them was very serious, no matter what they said!These are indeed top-level devil fruits, no matter if it is a phantom beast or a hot fruit, although it is said!It may seem that there are many problems, but!If anyone dares to say that this is a weak devil fruit, the dog's head will be hammered off for you, it's just like a joke!



Breathing lazily, Allen jumped up, and in an instant his figure appeared at the bow of the Moby Dick, standing on top of the whale's head, quietly looking at the endless Dahai murmured, "Hachinos!"


"I'm looking forward to it now!"

"What was the result?"

A cruel smile emerged, Allen's killing intent can be said to be very terrifying, or extremely terrifying!

This is the treasure belonging to the Rocks Children's Hungry Group. No matter what the result is, one thing is certain. If the treasure of the Rocks Pirates falls into the hands of other people, it will be a shame for him I lost it at home.

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