Everyone watched their uncle leave like this, and they didn't know what to say for a while!How should I put it, how is this going on?no!In other words, is that it?no kidding!Isn't this the same as a joke?

Everyone was stunned, it was like a joke!There are so many treasures here, and in the end, uncle, you went back to sleep?


Gion smiled lightly and shook his head, "It's really my father's character. My father has never been particularly interested in these things!"

"Goo la la la~"

Newgate said casually: "Boys, take all these treasures to the treasury. I also want to see what these treasures are!"


Marco scratched his head and said, "Father, can we really not wait for uncle?"


Newgate waved his hand and said: "No problem! Big brother doesn't care about these things, anyway, it's just a matter of indifference, that's all right! All right! Boys, let me go faster, don't waste time here Already!"



Everyone started to get busy immediately, and everyone's efficiency was still very high, but Newgate was very calm, and of course he didn't care about these at all.


Everyone moved all the gold and silver treasures to the treasure house. At this moment, everyone was very curious.


This is the treasure of the Rocks Pirates, Rocks D. Gibbek!In the past, the amount of gold and silver treasures obtained by the Rocks Pirates every year was extremely terrifying. This is really not a joke of 043, but a fact!This number is really extremely terrifying, even reaching an unbelievable level.

You know it just by thinking about it, and the treasure obtained by Lockes is [-]% of the entire Lockes pirate group!How terrifying is this?presumably!You don't need to doubt it, you know it?

This is an absolutely indisputable thing, it can be said!It's not a joke at all, how much wealth did Captain Lockes get back then?


If you say it is really clear, you really don’t know, the quantity is too huge, just like the treasures of more than 120 boxes, which were divided up by the nine members of the Rocks Pirates, are still left. After so much, this is really too scary.

"bring it on!"

"bring it on!"

Newgate waved his hand, and said interestingly: "I'll open it up for me, let me see how much gold and silver treasures are inside!"

"no problem!"


Everyone also opened all the gold and silver treasures. As the treasure chests were opened one by one, everyone was stunned. Seriously!It's not that they haven't seen money, the Whitebeard Pirates are rich, even say!Very rich!


One thing you have to admit is that no matter how rich the Whitebeard Pirates are, they will never reach this level!This is simply unimaginable, no!It should be said that this level is too scary, it is simply shocking!

But because of this, this is the most terrifying thing!The total wealth of the entire Whitebeard Pirates was probably not as much as the gold and silver treasures here!However, one thing you must remember is that the gold and silver treasures here are only half of the whole!


It is indeed too terrifying!


Karma swallowed deeply, and said in shock: "Isn't it too terrifying? How many gold and silver treasures are here! It's really shocking!"


Listening to Karma's words, the others nodded in shock. When this large amount of gold and silver treasures are imprinted in front of their eyes, if someone is really indifferent, then I can only say that you are too Strong!The people present are a group of ordinary people, it is really impossible to do this!


Kaido couldn't help but swear: "Second brother! This number is too much. After a rough count, (.) there must be a terrifying number close to 500 billion Baileys, and! This is only 40 of them. about one box, if the rest are still like this, then..."


But if you just think about it, you will know what it means. If the rest of the boxes are still like this, wouldn't it mean that there are nearly 800 billion Baileys?This number is too amazing!

With such a frightening number of affiliated countries from the World Government, it is estimated that the gold from the sky will not reach such a level in a year, and this is only half of the number. If you count the other half...



After a little calculation, all the little guys are gasping for air-conditioning, which is really too shocking, okay?This kind of gold and silver treasure, such a terrifying wealth, is when it is displayed in front of your eyes, to be honest!It is the most shocking thing that everyone present can insist on not having any other ideas.

Wealth is moving!


No matter at any time, you must admit it, for gold and silver treasures!This is definitely the most touching thing!Whether you are willing to admit it or not, but!This is something that must be admitted.

In the face of gold, silver and treasure, if you can resist the temptation, then that is the most important thing, just like this group of little devils at this moment!Although each of them said they felt shocked, but!They really don't care about gold and silver treasures, this is family affection and loyalty!

They have not only affection for the three Edward brothers of the Whitebeard Pirates, but also loyalty, and the combination of the two!What it brings is the greatest improvement!This is also the most important thing for the Whitebeard Pirates.




These three combined, like this!The entire Whitebeard Pirates are the ones who really come together to form a whole, of course!For them, in fact, they really don't have any other ideas. This can be regarded as the change brought about by Allen over the years.


Newgate was also very satisfied when he saw that the youngsters in his family looked like this. This is a very good thing!


Newgate turned his head and said directly: "What's in the other treasure chests?"

"Daddy! Devil Fruit!"


"A lot of devil fruits!"

"These devil fruits..."

Bagley, Tiger, and the other brats who continued to open the treasure chest all widened their eyes in shock, and their eyes were filled with unbelievable expressions!Just kidding, isn't this really too scary?This amount of gold and silver treasure!It is too shocking!


It's simply unimaginable!I can only say!It was too terrifying, and it really reached an unimaginable level.


Be quiet!

If we say that so many gold and silver treasures make everyone just feel shocked!So at this moment, this amount of Devil Fruits, then!It's really not just as simple as money touching people's hearts.


For this sea, what is the real hard currency?Bailey? !gold? !No!No!No!All of these are not, for this sea, there is only one kind of treasure that is really important, and that is the devil fruit!

This is the real hard currency on the sea, no matter for anyone or any force, this is something that must be admitted absolutely!because!The improvement brought by the devil fruit is really too great.

all the time!

The Whitebeard Pirates are all collecting Devil Fruits, not just for the little devils in their own family!It's also to bring my elder brother one step closer, just!It can only be said that these things are not that simple.


It is really an undoubted thing, whether everyone admits it or not, but it is absolutely necessary to admit it, there is no way!This is something you have to admit, it's really embarrassing, and it's really a headache!


Almost all forces are guarding against the Whitebeard Pirates, no!To be precise, they were guarding against the three Edward brothers, and they could see it! TM's!These guys are more terrifying than the other. What if the three brothers with terrifying strength form a terrifying pirate group again? !


If that time really comes, will other people still play?It's almost like a joke!If it really reaches that level, we basically just wait for death, okay?


Because of this, the three Edward brothers, really!For a long time, in order to be able to buy more devil fruits, or to find more devil fruits, it can be said that a lot of thought has been spent!

The results of it?

Not too good at all!

There is really no way to do this, no matter how hard I try, the problem is!When people really don't sell it to you, no matter how hard you try, it's meaningless.

Because of this, under such circumstances, the three brothers also directly gave up the purchase. Although they were still purchasing, most of the time, they remembered his method.


Now he got so many devil fruits in one go?

"how many?!"

Newgate was very excited. As a younger brother, he certainly knew how much his elder brother needed Devil Fruits. If there were enough devil fruits, how would his elder brother's strength be improved? !That's too terrifying a promotion, even to say the least!It is not an exaggeration to call it a monster!

The improvement that my elder brother can get is really unimaginable, even something that makes people feel endlessly shocked!This is something that absolutely does not need to be doubted, and this!It is the most important fundamental core, okay?

at this point!

You definitely don't need to be skeptical, not even joking!If so many devil fruits can be obtained, the strength of the eldest brother may usher in a rapid improvement, even in one breath, not to mention the level of Captain Lockes, but it is definitely not a problem to be promoted to the level of Simon of.

"Second brother!!!"

"A total of 130 devil fruits!"


Kaido directly picked up a Devil Fruit and said: "Human Fruit · Phantom Beast · Great Entrance Form! One of the Phantom Beast Devil Fruits, and this natural gas fruit!"


Kaido picked them up one by one, whether it is natural, phantom beast, superhuman, it can be said that there are all kinds of precious devil fruits, so to speak!There are really a lot of high-level devil fruits collected here, and this is really not a joke.

"Second brother!"

Kaido thought about it and said, "There are 10 very good devil fruits in total. As for the others? Most of them are rubbish devil fruits. You don't need to pay too much attention to them. Just hand them over to the big brother."

"very good!"

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