Newgate also grinned at the corner of his mouth, with a very strong smile, he threw a devil fruit to Andre who was beside him and said, "Andre, this devil fruit is yours!"


Andre took the devil fruit and raised his head, while Newgate explained: "This devil fruit is called a bloodthirsty fruit! A devil fruit belonging to the superhuman family, in terms of ability? It's actually very simple, the more injured it is Seriously, but the fighting spirit will explode more and more, and the strength will increase even more."

"no problem!"


Hearing this effect, Andre grinned at the corners of his mouth, revealing the serrated teeth that looked like evil spirits!He is very excited. For this devil fruit, it is indeed very suitable for him. The improvement that this devil fruit can bring to him is absolutely beyond doubt.

To know!

Andre's character is like this, he is a bloodthirsty and violent guy, but this scene is only in the battlefield, and in normal times!Andre is more of an ordinary person, he doesn't care about everything else, which is a very important thing.

Of course!

No matter what it is, Andre is definitely the most suitable for the bloodthirsty fruit.


Newgate turned his head and asked, "Vista, Doma, do you want to eat the devil fruit?"



Both Vista and Doma shook their heads. Both of them are capable of dual swords, and they are both good at using swordsmanship, because of this!For them, if they eat the devil fruit, it is not easy to go further.

Newgate also nodded and said, "Tiger, Namuir, Jinbe, Eluwang, Karma, where are you five little guys?"


All five shook their heads, and Tiger said: "Father, as the murlocs, if we eat the devil fruit, although we dare not say that our strength will go backwards, but! The fighting power of our murlocs in the sea is indeed true. It's not a good thing to take a huge step back from the road."


Newgate waved his hand and said, "This is your business, you just have to make your own choices."

At last!

Newgate looked at Epoita and said: "Epoita, this devil fruit is quite suitable for you! Chongchong fruit, ancient species, devil worm form, this devil fruit is more suitable for you. "

"Okay, Dad!"

Epoita didn't hesitate at all, and directly ate the devil fruit in big mouthfuls, very seriously without any hesitation!For Epoita, he is very clear that the ones that his father chooses for him are definitely the most suitable for him, and it is impossible for his father to harm him!This is absolutely impossible!

PS: 5000 word chapter!Daily six changes!Fourth update!Please subscribe!Please customize!Ask for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward!Ask for an evaluation! ! ! .

Chapter 185: The Shaking World!Stormy madness!

There is no way to hide the matter of Hutchinos, or in other words, no one is going to hide it at all. The situation of the entire Hutchinos seems to have become completely different, spreading to the whole world in a short time.



The navy soldier ran past quickly, then pushed open the door of the office and said, "General of the Warring States Period!"


Worth to talk about.

Inside the navy, basically all the work is now handed over to Sengoku, but what about Sora?I don't know!My ability in this area is not outstanding. If this is the case, it is better to leave all this to the Warring States to deal with.


The navy really trains Sengoku as a naval admiral, even to say the least!Wulaoxing has even greater expectations for Warring States. In Wulaoxing's view, in addition to being the admiral of the navy, the future of Warring States will be the commander-in-chief of the three armies.

In the original!

After the Dingshang War ended, according to the reputation of the Warring States Period, no matter how you say it, the Dingshang War was won, even though it is said!Anyone with a discerning eye in Sakaski can see that the credit is indeed the greatest, but can you deny the fact that Sengoku is the leader?

This is impossible. Because of this, it is not difficult for Warring States to become the commander-in-chief of the three armies with such a status. After all, Sora is already old, and it is time for him to retire.


There are still some problems. The Warring States completely lost confidence in the world government because of the promotion of the city. Under such circumstances, they still chose to retire. Even so, the Warring States still has no real power. But it is a nominally extremely high Omepay.

The position of Ometsu is very special, basically only after the admiral of the navy retires, he will be able to take this position!But there is a problem, if he inherits this position after the admiral of the navy retires!But as long as you are not an idiot, you know it, and basically you will be promoted.

There are only two results for the retirement of the admiral of the Navy, either death in battle or promotion, so the position of Omezu has always been vacant, until the emergence of the Warring States Period, he inherited this position. Equivalent position of Marshal.


Right now!

Zhan Guo, who was in the office, raised his head and said calmly, "Tell me slowly."


"The remnants of the Rocks Pirates gathered in Hatkinos to seize the treasure left by Lockes D. Gibeck, which triggered a huge war. The entire Hatkinos was destroyed, and the entire Hatchinos None of the millions of pirates were spared and all were slaughtered."

"The Navy has confirmed the intelligence. There are no casualties among the nine remaining members of the Lockes Pirates, and all of them have returned and left."


Hearing this news, Zhan Guo thought for a while, and then said: "I know, go and call General Bai He over."


As the soldiers left, Sengoku thought for a while and said, "The great pirate war in Hachinos! The outbreak was indeed too fast, but millions of ordinary pirates wanted to face the Nine monsters? It’s almost like a joke, from the very beginning, they were not at the same level, this is beyond doubt.”

Warring States is very calm about this, after all!I am not an idiot, but also a discerning person. I can tell at a glance that there is no comparison between the two. Under such a battle situation, let alone millions of people, even tens of millions, in fact!For these monsters, it was just delaying time, other than that, it was useless at all.

creak! ! !

The door was pushed open again, and He walked in, saying, "Warring States, has the news been confirmed?"


Zhan Guo nodded and said: "The news has been confirmed, the other party's intelligence has been confirmed, the entire Hachinos has been destroyed, and these pirates are nothing to worry about, but! After such a thing, I don't know if the pirates can be restrained." increase."


Now the number of pirates is too large, and it has reached the level of headache, there is no way!In this short period of one year, from the destruction of the Rocks Pirates to the present, the speed of pirate growth is really too fast, and it has reached a level that people cannot even notice.

Under such circumstances, as long as you are not an idiot, you can see that the strength of the pirates and the pirates have definitely grown extremely terrifying in all aspects.

The quantity is too large.

"I'm afraid it's not enough!"

Crane shook his head and said: "This kind of destruction, next, for the pirates, it will be even more crazy. They are a group of crazy existences, and for these crazy guys, they don't care about death and destruction. It's just going to continue to attack like crazy over time, that's their heart and their madness."


Regarding what He said, Zhan Guo also nodded in agreement, to be honest!Since the destruction of the Rocks Pirates, the pirates have fallen into a crazy era, and it has been completely unstoppable.

The destruction of the Rocks Pirates ushered in an era of utter madness for pirates.

Roger's surrender opened the era of great pirates.

On the top of the war, the destruction of the Whitebeard Pirates ushered in an era of extreme evil.


It is the trend of pirates in the future, and!It's just going to intensify, and there won't be any restraint because of Alan's appearance!On the contrary, it will be even more terrifying, this is absolutely beyond doubt, after all!Anyone with a discerning eye, as long as they are not an idiot, can see how terrifying the power contained in it is, and how amazing the pressure it will endure from the outside is.

No need to think about it!

What a terrifying force this is, or even what will happen next?actually!This is self-evident.

This power!But anyone who is not an idiot knows that the next pirates will become terrifying and crazy forces, and they will completely shake the whole world.


Sighing slightly, Zhan Guo also rubbed the center of his brows a little, and said helplessly: "It is undeniable that it really gives people a feeling of despair. This world is really getting more and more chaotic now! The overall The situation, people feel only endless headache."


Listening to the words of the Warring States Period, He also nodded, crossed his legs, but said calmly: "Yes! No matter what time it is, our navy is gathering outstanding children one by one! These children naturally know how to grow up, and aren't they the right thing to do?"



Hearing what He said, Zhan Guo also nodded with a smile, and said: "It is undeniable! Above this sea, there are always a lot of people yearning for justice no matter at any time! And precisely because In this way, there will always be those suitable people who continue to appear, and because of this, no matter what time it is, it is enough for us to persevere."


Crane nodded and said, "We will change all of this. We can definitely change it. This is our belief!"


Zhan Guo nodded seriously, what He said was right!This is their belief, this is their heart, if you can't even strengthen your belief, it will be the most shameful thing!

Sengoku, Garp, Zefa, Crane!

They are the new generation of navy that grew up in this chaotic era, and each of them is very serious, and each of them is growing up extremely firmly. Because of this, what is their future?


It's hard to say, they have undergone Allen's changes, but in fact, they have really changed a lot of everything, their hearts!Everything about them!Their roots!These are all undergoing earth-shaking changes, and because of this, everything is changing, and the entire sea is changing.

Under such circumstances, everything in the future will be completely different.


Breathing out a foul breath, Zhan Guo stood up, stood by the window, looked at everything, and smiled calmly but said seriously: "No matter what it is! This is enough, for us, for us In terms of everything, everything that comes next! It's already in front of you!"


Crane also stood up, walked to the window, and said naturally, "No matter what the sea is! In fact! We have already chosen this path, so we will not change this path, but will go to the end!"



The two looked at each other, and both of them smiled at the same time.

In a moment!


The door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and Zefa walked in carelessly, and said unhappily: "Are you two bastards? You are also an admiral of the navy! As a result, you two bastards didn't tell me anything. ? Really! It makes me unhappy!"

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