


Abel couldn't help sighing, and complained: "Talk about it? What do these things have to do with me? It's really a headache! Obviously, these things have nothing to do with me No, it turned out! In the end, I was the one to take the blame for all of this!"


Abel really wants to cry, what is this all about?It's just too embarrassing!

Because of this, Abel's expression was really ugly, and he didn't know what to say!Do these things have anything to do with me?In the end, I let myself take the blame!



Marco patted Abel's shoulder calmly and said: "Calm down! There's nothing we can do about it. Isn't this what our family is like? A group of problem children are like this one by one. The ghost knows what they think of."

Marco is really quite calm, all pictures are casual, to be honest!Marko, as the third person who joined the Whitebeard Pirates after Bagley and Tiger, is really calm!

The eldest brother and the second brother are no longer, and I am almost the third brother!

I can only say!

got used to!

I'm really used to it. For Marco, you little guys!All of them are insignificant things, I'm used to it, what a nonsense!What nonsense every day!What's the mess?


It doesn't matter!I don't care, and I don't care about things!


Abel looked at Marco's appearance, and said helplessly: "It really makes people feel a headache! I can only say that these guys are like this one by one, it is really very helpless..."


"It's still the same sentence! Abel, you have to get used to it a little bit, after all! All the little guys in the family are like this. After so many years, are you still not used to it?"


Abel couldn't help complaining: "You're making it easy! Second uncle doesn't hit people when he has nothing to do, but my father is real. It doesn't matter how serious you are!"


"My father doesn't beat people?! Don't you know..."

Both Marco and Abel are complaining here, just!Following the complaints, the two brothers suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a shadow behind them.


The faces of the two of them became ugly, they turned their heads stiffly, what should I say!There is a very weird feeling.


When the domineering aura is strong enough to a certain level, it can directly invalidate the domineering aura. This kind of power is called the killer of domineering aura, and there are absolutely very few people in this sea who can do this And less.

"Goo la la la~"


Newgate was holding Cong Yunqie, and Kaido was holding a mace. The faces of the two became more and more ferocious, while Marco and Abel both wailed in pain!





With these mournful roars, what a pity!The result is already doomed.


Today's Moby Dick is still a mess.






With roars, each and every little guy is training very hard. They are honing their strength very seriously to become stronger. There is absolutely no doubt about the daily training!

Joz, Jinbe, Quinn, Sage, Vista, Bramank, Namur, Eruwan, Karma, Tezolo, Whitebee, Epoita, Andre, Doma , Scuyad, Makuguy, Atmos, Fossa.

There are a total of [-] little guys, everyone is meditating quietly in the meditation room. Their improvement in strength has reached a short-term limit, and next!They need to break their limits through fighting, or persisting day after day, naturally!This kind of meditation is very important.


Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, Kawamatsu, Kuli Aido, Lakoyo, Blenheim, Jingudo, Harta, Kiel, Jinge, A·O, Dika, Urban, Langba, Ai Ermi, Dalaxi.


There are a total of sixteen little guys, and they are insisting on solid training day after day. Every day of training has never let down any vigilance, and every day is hard training in the gravity training room. Let your own strength be improved again and again.

It can be said!

Although they are said to be young, their strength and potential are quickly displayed, not only that!And it didn't affect the foundation. After all, it was treated with the divine power of the horse talisman. It was absolutely impossible to leave any hidden wounds and affect the foundation. This was absolutely impossible.


He exhaled deeply, and Lakeyo wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking very weak, and said secretly: "No! No! This kind of strength is simply not enough! We must become stronger, Must become stronger!"


Taking a deep breath, Lakyo continued his training. Every child is like this. They are full of energy, just kidding!They will not retire here, and they will definitely not retreat here!

This is their road to becoming stronger, they must stick to their own path step by step, and become stronger step by step, this is absolutely beyond doubt, because of this!They have to work harder, and they have to work harder. Under such circumstances, they can work harder to become stronger, go on step by step, and become stronger step by step.

This little guy is full of hard work, just like this on this flying Moby Dick!But it is also full of determination on the Moby Dick, everyone is working hard, and time is passing by quickly, and the next Whitebeard Pirates also have more work.

PS: 5000 word chapter!Daily six changes!Fourth update!Please subscribe!Please customize!Ask for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward!Ask for an evaluation! ! ! .

Chapter 197: Newgate: Brats!It's growing well!


Dahe cutely put on the X-shaped bandage, sat on the ground very unhappy, and said: "Sister Rihe, look at my mother and this irritable? Didn't I just eat a little bit? As for? As for ?"


Yamato snorted cutely, that was annoyed, what?Isn't it just something to eat? !In the end, this gave me a fat beating, but even though it was a fat beating!In fact, according to how much Miko doted on Yamato, it was actually just a slight slap or two.


Hiyori smiled and brought Yamato a cup of hot milk.



He didn't care about picking up the hot milk, gulping down the milk, while Hiyori looked at Yamato with a smile, although what Yamato said was quite miserable!But ah!As long as you take a closer look, you will find that, in fact, there is no wound on Yamato's forehead.

This is just the appearance that Yamato showed in order to pretend to be miserable. From childhood to adulthood, Hiyori has experienced such scenes countless times.

after all!

Yamato is always mischievous, and every time he will be cleaned up by the third aunt, every time he is cleaned up, Yamato just likes to find Hiyori!After all, Hiyori was the only older sister who was slightly older than her, so naturally, she came to find Hiyori.

"Is it better?"

Rihe looked at Yamato gently, and Yamato parted the corner of his mouth cutely and said, "Sister Rihe! Is there anything wrong?"

"Hee hee hee~~~"

He smiled cutely, but Dahe still puffed up his face and said: "Mom is still too ruthless! Every time I beat me like this, it's because of my mother's beating! Otherwise, can I be a little bean? I'm sure It's grown up!"

The face was puffed up cutely, and seeing Yamato's appearance, Hiyori couldn't help but chuckled again.


It's just too cute!This child is too cute, he really deserves to be his sister, it is too cute.


Everyone in the entire Whitebeard Pirates dotes on Hiyori and Yamato the most. After all, one of these two children is well-behaved and the other is mischievous, but!But everyone's sister!As the youngest sister, she is the most favored, especially these two sisters, whether it is the gentle and very sensible Hiyori, or the mischievous Yamato, the two little guys are very cute!

Because of this, everyone naturally likes these cute little guys!

"All right!"

"All right!"

"I don't laugh anymore, I don't laugh anymore."

Rihe looked at Yamato, who was once again cutely puffed up, staring at him with a pair of dead fish eyes, but restrained his smile, and said gently: "Yamato, the third aunt is mainly afraid that you will have problems! You are the only one At the age of two, if you eat too much of a lot of things, it will be bad for your health."


Yamato jumped up directly, bluffing and saying, "Isn't this just a joke? Uncle obviously has the supernatural power of that horse spell. As long as uncle's supernatural power can be used for healing, there will be no physical problems. Mom just doesn’t want me to eat delicious food!”


Yamato almost cried to himself.


Hiyori also shook his head helplessly, what should I say!What if you say Yamato is wrong?actually!What Yamato said is true, there is no problem at all, this is really not a joke, it can be said!That's what Yamato really is.

But the problem is!Although Yamato said so, there is also one biggest problem, poor parents all over the world!Not to mention a real mother like Miko, even Ellen, Newgate, and Kaido treat their adopted sons.


It seems that they are very serious about training them, but that doesn't care?impossible!Every child is very seriously concerned, and they are regarded as their own real children. Because of this, everyone is like this!People's hearts are compared with people's hearts, and only under the condition of truly comparing hearts with each other, can children grow up one by one!

They are also the ones who will regard you as their real father, not just a so-called joke, that is simply impossible!Because of this, this is why they took daddy as daddy.

And these kids are very serious.

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