
It is impossible for rationality and sensibility to exist at the same time. As long as the two exist at the same time, there is a problem!This is beyond doubt!Under such circumstances, it is already self-evident what the result will be.


Slightly let out a breath of turbid air, and Hiyori looked at the still angry Yamato, and said helplessly: "Yamato! That's good, let's go and have a look, Sisters of Whitebee, today we have to pass the test of the second uncle. "


Hearing Hiyori's words, Yamato was immediately diverted!Well, sure enough, the small-headed melon still doesn't look very smart, Yamato asked curiously: "Sister Rihe, shouldn't the uncle be the one to conduct the test? How did you become the second uncle?"

Rihe shook his head and said: "Father has some things to deal with recently, so this test has become Second Uncle, let's go! Let's go and have a look."

"it is good!"

"GO, GO, GO!"

Yamato jumped up, and the whole person was very happy and joyful. Pulling Hiyori, he ran away all the way, I have to say!As expected of Kaido's daughter, she is only two years old at such a young age!But it's already like a monster!

Yamato pulled Hiyori, and ran all the way, straight to the distance, at an extremely fast speed. Under such circumstances, he soon came to the location of the Colosseum in the distance!


It is something built after everyone researches, um!Even if it is a family, sometimes there will be conflicts!So, how to deal with conflicts?It's easy!All you have to do is come to the Colosseum for a fight, after a fight you will know who wins and who loses!


Needless to say, of course, there are very few fights, and over time, it becomes a test. Do you want to build your own pirate group?no problem!Then as long as you have completed the test, you are fine, because of this!This is the situation of the Colosseum of the Whitebeard Pirates, and it is also the main use of the Colosseum now.

As a result, it became like this, there is no doubt about it!

after all!

To put it bluntly, we are all a family. Although some things will quarrel, but will everyone really fight?actually!This is purely a joke, we are all relatives, so naturally it is impossible to fight, to put it bluntly!After a quarrel, everyone will know that they are wrong, and after making a mistake, apologize and it's over.

Do family members still hold on to the word "face"?It's almost like a joke!That is absolutely impossible!

Over time!

It's time for this Colosseum to be completely reduced to a test, of course!Most of the time, if two people compete and learn from each other, they will come here, after all!The materials here have been specially modified, and Allen has arranged a lot of things here through magic energy, so there won't be too much damage.



"You are here!"


"Yamato, are you okay?"

"I heard you were beaten?"

Everyone sat down, and when they saw Hiyori bringing Yamato over, they all began to tease Yamato.


Yamato puffed up his face, feeling very upset, just kidding!Are you making fun of yourself one by one?Really make yourself uncomfortable!


Everyone sat down, and Yamato shouted loudly: "Come on! Come on!"


Everyone was laughing, and Newgate was standing in the center of the Colosseum, looking at the little guys in front of him, with Whitby as the center, Namuir, Eluwang, Karma, Aibo Ita, Andre, Doma, Scuad, Makugay, Atmos, Fossa.

The ten little ghosts stood opposite, everyone had sharp eyes, and they didn't dare to be careless at all, even though they said it!They were ten against one, but facing the old man, they really didn't dare to relax their vigilance, they knew it!How terrifying is the strength of the old man.


Each of them is very clear about how to fight next, roughly?Let your guard down?


That's probably going to be hammered to death by the old man!Because of this, they will not let down their vigilance. Everyone is very serious, and even staring at the old man in front of them, they are ready for everything.

"It's about to start!"


Everyone's eyes were sharp enough, but Newgate said proudly: "Boys! Take it seriously for me, show your strength, otherwise! But I won't be able to get my approval! "


The corner of his mouth was grinning, that ferocious smile was so terrifying, while Newgate clenched his fist with one hand.

"Empty shock!"

A terrifying shock wave swept across in an instant. The seventy-eighty old guy in Newgate's original book, who is in poor health and old, is a real Newgate at his peak, and because of the dog spell, Newgate Te will only get stronger and stronger, but not weaker and weaker.



The air exploded in an instant, and everyone looked at each other and shot at the same time when they saw the dense crowd like glass gaps sweeping in.


Five people, Namuir, Ai Luwang, Karma, Waitibei, and Doma, joined forces to show the entanglement of armed domineering at the same time, and the amazing armed domineering blocked the power of the spreading air shock.

"Goo la la la~"

Looking at this scene, Newgate laughed boldly and said: "Boys! It's really good! Not bad! Not bad! The armed domineering color is very good!"



And at the moment when the shot fell, two figures rushed out instantly.



Accompanied by two beast-like roars, the next moment, two huge spiders with a height of ten meters have emerged. One has the head of a cow, and one of them has the terror of a vast ancient beast. breath.

It was Scuyard and Atmos, as the animal-type devil fruit ability users, they turned into two afterimages and went straight to Newgate at this moment.



"Here we are!"


The huge impact fell in an instant, and the astonishing scene was that Newgate opened his hands and directly blocked the attack of the two people, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "Not bad! The two brats seem to be strong, but! If It’s just that, you can’t do anything to me!”


Grabbing the two little devils with both hands, exerting strength with both arms, he threw the two little devils out in an instant!The terrifying power instantly shattered the surroundings, and the two figures flew upside down, hit the barrier directly, and landed on the ground like this.

Moment!The faces of both of them became very ugly, and they directly returned to their human form. Feeling the severe pain in their chests, they really felt helpless, and the two slowly stood up.

Look at each other!


The two shot directly in the human-beast form again, and at this moment, Whitey Bay and other people also shot at the same time.

Namuir, Ai Luwang, Karma, and the three murlocs shot at the same time, murloc karate!Murloc Jiu-Jitsu!They are all vividly displayed, and these skills are divided into ordinary skills and profound meanings!Normally speaking, they are not qualified to learn the profound truth of the Dao!


Again, the current owner of Murloc Island is Alan, or rather!Allen is the person who protects Murloc Island behind the scenes. Don't you Murloc Island hand over these things?This is simply impossible!


Jinbe said seriously: "Namuer, Eluwang, and Karma are amazing at practicing murloc karate! And..."

"And what?"

Joz sat beside Shi 070 Ping and asked curiously.

Jinbe shook his head and said: "It's nothing, I always feel very strange! It seems to be preparing for something, everyone's strength is very strong, just! It seems that something is not right."

Jinbe finds it very strange. The three people seem to be timid when they join forces, which obviously shouldn't be the case, but the result is like this, very hesitant, obviously it shouldn't be like this?

"Maybe there are other preparations!"

"No way!"

Jinbe shook his head and said directly: "Jozi, this statement is wrong! This time the assessment is about the overall strength, if you are opportunistic! Then it will not work. After all, the strength displayed by opportunism is basically useless. Meaningful things!"


Joz was also taken aback by this, and then nodded seriously, don't say it!This is the truth!In other words, this is no joke!This assessment is not based on how strong your performance is, but on how much strength you can display. If you can't display stronger strength, then everything is meaningless!Because of this, the situation at this moment is completely different.



On the battlefield at this moment, the ten little guys are all fighting with their father quickly, and as the battle progresses, Newgate laughs interestingly: "Not bad! Not bad! Brats, Your strength is not bad!"

"Goo la la la~"

"Boys, your strength has grown to a level that I am very satisfied with!"

Newgate laughed boldly, looked at the ten little devils around with interest, and continued: "Come on! Little devils, let me continue to see your strength!"


The atmosphere of the battlefield has gradually become silent, everyone's eyes are sharp enough, quietly waiting for the next result.

"Second Uncle!"

"come on!"

"come on!"

Yamato stood on the chair and shouted loudly: "Shoot all those stinky brothers and sisters who arrested me! Just beat them to the ground!"

"Goo la la la~"

Seeing Yamato's appearance, Newgate couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay! Okay! Do Yamato want to see it? Then! Second Uncle let these little brats lie on the ground today."


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