At this time, I saw Yan Bugui.

In surprise.

Also felt a little awkward.

Not because of Yan Bugui, but because of Su Muxi.

At this time, the corners of Su Heping's eyes twitched slightly, and his eyes narrowed.

Although it was getting late now, he could still see an obvious slap mark on Mu Xi's face.

"Teacher Ran, sit inside!"

Su Heping didn't immediately ask about Mu Xi.

Since Ran Qiuye also came, she must have known about the matter, so she brought him into the house, and Yan Bugui hadn't seen her old colleague for a long time.

And he has a good relationship with Su Heping.

Come in here too.

at this time.

Fat Di and Xiao Zha also came back.

There weren't many people in the yard just now, and the meeting suddenly became lively.

Knowing that the person in the room was Mu Xi's class teacher, the two quickly poured tea for Ran Qiuye. Su Heping sat on the sofa in the room, and Mu Xi stood beside him.

Ran Qiuye saw Fatty pour water for himself.

Embarrassment grew on his face.

Su Heping, she has seen it before the tide.

At that time, she was still Banggen's teacher, because Jia Dongxu was injured at work, and Banggen delayed the tuition, so she went to Jia's house to ask for the tuition.

Later, Sha Zhu fell in love with Ran Qiuye and wanted Yan Bugui to introduce him.

But that's the blind date.

Let Qin Huairu destroy it, it didn't work.

When he was in the courtyard, Ran Qiuye had met Su Heping once.

At this time, I knew that Mu Xi's father was Su Heping.

There are also some surprises.

At this moment.

Fat Di also noticed that something was wrong with Mu Xi, and also saw the palm prints on her face, and immediately came over with distress and put his arms around Mu Xi, asking what was going on.

Ran Qiuye said awkwardly:

"Su Muxi's mother, it's like this."

"This is also the negligence of the school. Someone had a conflict with Su Muxi at school, and there was a conflict."

"The other party's family is a little unreasonable."

"The school will resolve this matter as soon as possible. I just thought..."

"Well, can Muxi stay at home for two days first, and then go to the morning after the matter is dealt with, please rest assured, I will come and help her make up for the lessons that Muxi has missed."


Fatty doesn't understand.

After hearing what Ran Qiuye said, he was a little dumbfounded.

Ran Qiuye saw this ridiculously beautiful and young ugly Fatty.

Knowing that she didn't understand what she meant.

I can only say bluntly:

"The student's house..."

Su Heping waved his hand and said:

"Teacher Ran, I understand what you mean."

"This matter (*) I will go back and confirm with Mu Xi, and I will go to school tomorrow to have a look."

Su Heping interrupted Ran Qiuye.

Ran Qiuye was stunned.

She said that because the student's family also had some forces, and even the school had to go through some means to deal with it.

She just wanted to make Mu Xi's parents not to be impulsive.

On the one hand, it caused the expansion of the situation.

But it seems that Mu Xi's father didn't listen to it. He said that he would go and see it tomorrow. He wanted to be positive!

Thinking of this, Ran Qiuye could only sigh secretly.

A reminder to:

"Then... try not to be impulsive. The student who had a conflict with Su Muxi is called Wang Meng. His father is a businessman. He seems to be in charge of projects and has many workers with him."

"It seems that the business is quite big, and there are some connections at home..."

Ran Qiuye could remind her.

That's all.

Yan Bugui on the side, since seeing the slap on Mu Xi's face just now.

He didn't speak anymore, and he felt distressed when he looked at it.

not to mention.

That slap print obviously didn't belong to a child.

If that adult makes a move, it will prove to be too wicked, after all, Mu Xi can be regarded as someone in the courtyard who grew up watching him.

This little girl has been lovable since she was a child.

suffer such a crime.

Yan Bugui also felt quite uncomfortable.

He naturally knew Su Heping's strength, and he was also thinking in his heart that he should teach that person a good lesson.

As for doing business.

That was a joke.

Whose business can be bigger than Su Heping's!

Ran Qiuye talked for a while, seeing that he could not shake Su Heping's determination, sighed, got up and left.

Seeing this, Yan Bugui said to go out to see off the teacher, and Xiao Di and Xiao Zha also went out.

Su Heping was still sitting on the sofa.

When Xiao Di and Xiao Zha came back, it happened that Mu Xi was explaining what happened to Su Heping.

It turned out that the one named Wang Meng was Mu Xi's classmate.

He has always been the bully in the class.

prior to.

There was no conflict with Mu Xi either.

It was also in the past few days that he started to provoke Mu Xi.

Su Heping's education to Mu Xi since she was a child is that she doesn't expect anything from her, as long as she can be happy.

Don't rely on your family to bully people, but if someone wants to bully.

Then call back.

It doesn't matter who you hit!

Yesterday she had a direct conflict with that Wang Meng, and when she started, Su Muxi beat up that kid.

After all, since childhood, Su Muxi has kept up with all kinds of nutrition.

And there is Su Heping gene.

Physical fitness is fine.

It's just that he didn't expect that the boy went home and told his family that Wang Meng's father went there after school at night, and he would do it when he saw Mu Xi.

If Ran Qiuye hadn't stopped him then.

It is estimated that it will suffer.

Su Ping smiled lightly:

"So arrogant!"

"It's okay, what Mu Xi did is right, anyone who wants to bully you will beat you back!"

"He was beaten up and called his parents, so I will help tomorrow."

"My daughter can't be bullied for nothing."


At this moment, Mu Xi smiled happily.

She didn't seem to care about being slapped on the face at all. What she worried most about was that she would be blamed when she came back.

It seems that my father still supports me.

She just feels safe.

Chapter 289 Ran Qiuye's Worries

"Let me cook!"

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