Seeing Muxi's smile, Su Heping patted her on the head and asked her to do her homework, and Su Heping started cooking.

When Su Heping and Mu Xi were talking just now, Fat Di and Xiao Zha were both at the side.

did not speak.


They just entered the house.

It feels like I'm in the center of ~a storm.

The surrounding air froze.

This time they felt the aura emanating from Su Heping.

It wasn't until seeing Su Heping started cooking that the aura slowly dissipated, and Fat Di and Xiao Zha breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fat Di and Xiao Zha glanced at each other and went to help.

Fatty asked worriedly:

"Honey, are you okay!"

At this time, Su Heping came out of a strange feeling just now.

Foreman said in one breath:


When I saw the palm print on Mu Xi's face just now.

There was a suffocation in his heart.

This is his only blood relative in this world, unexpectedly...

Su Heping murmured:

"This is a bloody plot!"

"As a traverser, I thought I could predict things and kill the threat from the beginning."

"Don't give the bad guys a chance to do bad things. I didn't expect it. Some things are unpredictable."

Fatty blinked his eyes.

Can't understand.

She didn't know what Su Heping meant, but she knew that Su Heping was angry.

she knows.

Someone is going to be unlucky.

Because, after being with Su Heping for so many years, I have never seen him look like this.

Someone who can make Su Heping so angry.

Is it okay?

But she also felt that the brother's family named Wang Meng was going too far.

It was originally your fault.


After being beaten, adults are so shameless to bully children.

But Fatty was still a little worried.

When you arrive at school tomorrow, Su Heping shouldn't be too obvious, after all, he is at school!

Thinking of this, Fatty felt that it was better to find someone to talk to.

Seeing Fatty's anxious look.

Su Heping smiled and said:

"lets change a topic."

"Mu Xi also said just now, today is thanks to Ran Qiuye."

"Let's go to Teacher Ran's house with some gifts later on. After all, he is kind and has helped so much. We should thank him very much."

Fatty nodded:

"Well, it's really thanks to Teacher Ran."


the next morning.

Su Heping's family was having breakfast, and Su Muxi was also very happy in the morning. She knew her father was amazing since she was a child.

And there are some things that Dad didn't tell others.

But told her.

She felt miraculous and never mentioned it to outsiders.

Keep those your own secrets.

Also since then.

She believed it.

My dad is invincible.

How powerful is the person who can control the leopard to help him hunt in the mountains and forests!

Dad said, that is to say, there are no tigers in the mountains, otherwise he can control them. At that time, Mu Xi, who was still young, could ride a leopard through the mountains.

and so.

She knew that Dad was going to school today.

Get justice for yourself.

She was very happy.

At this time, Yan Bugui who had finished his breakfast also came over.

Thinking of what he said to be grateful to Ran Qiuye yesterday, Su Heping asked Yan Bugui about Ran Qiuye's situation.

After talking for a few words, I found out.


Ran Qiuye is now back as a teacher.

But her family's situation is not very good.

Her father was denounced because of his Kochi status, and was sent to a labor camp in the northwest, and he has not returned yet.

Fatty said in surprise:

"Didn't it mean that they are being rehabilitated one after another now!"

"If her father is Gaozhi, as long as the materials are handed in, it should be easy to rehabilitate him!"

After listening to Fatty's words.

Even Su Heping couldn't help shaking his head.

This girl still thinks things too simply.

This was indeed the case in the past two years, and the tone of the country at that time was to rehabilitate. If it didn't catch up, if you want it later, you will need to spend more energy.

It's not easy.

Yan Bugui sighed:

"Oh, Teacher Ran's family is really pitiful!"

"His father is actually a very powerful scholar, but because of this incident, Teacher Ran was delayed all his life."

"Originally, Mr. Ran's conditions are very good at school."

"There are too many people who want to talk to Teacher Ran."

"Because of this incident, most people are afraid to avoid Teacher Ran when they see Teacher Ran. Teacher Ran has been receiving reeducation through labor in school these years."

"And her mother, because of this incident, is also in poor health."

"The family has no source of income, and it was her father's old connections who took care of their family and gave them some help."

"Teacher Ran taught accounting by herself, and helps people do the calculations at night."

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"Otherwise, it will be very difficult to get through."

"I wasted my great youth!"

Yan Bugui sighed.

This is also true.

But in this day and age, there are many such tragedies.

can only say.

Unlucky for Ran Qiuye's family!

Knowing the basic situation of Ran Qiuye, Su Heping knew it well.

After Mu Xi also finished eating, he took Mu Xi with him, rode his own motorcycle and headed straight to school.

After Su Heping left.

Fatty also left in a hurry.

Mu Xi's school is not far from home.

Muxi usually goes to and from school by herself, which is very normal in this age. It is really rare for parents to pick up and drop off, unless the family is very far away.

Su Heping took Mu Xi to the school gate.

Park your car not far behind the gate.

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