"After all, I'm just like Boss Lin. I've been busy recently and didn't sit down and have a drink. Of course, I can't refuse Boss Lin's invitation now."

Dixie smiled happily.

Supporting his small face with his hands, the long smooth black leather legs under the table also turned up.

Dishiya does look like a handsome sister, but in Lin Xiao's eyes, this guy is really charming! !

It's just that few men would dare to approach Dixia directly on weekdays. After all, the fame and aura are all there.

that's it.

Everyone inexplicably formed a drinking party, and even Dinazide, who was a little weak, also participated.

"Everyone is so excited, I also want to be absent. I will replace wine with tea later?"

"Hmm!! Of course it is possible!!"


The wine bureau was formed.

At this time, Lin Xiao also started to prepare the appetizers.

The best and most delicious appetizers in all of Tivat are in his own restaurant, but he really didn't take the time to take a few sips of fine wine.

Naturally, I want to enjoy it tonight. It just so happens that Dishiya also likes to drink, so I just set up this game! !

Lin Xiao got busy in the restaurant.

Lift off a piece of red cloth beside the stove.

I see.

A Longquan water flow device built by bamboo tubes and bamboo flats appeared in front of everyone.

Dishiya and Dina Zedai were both a little puzzled.

I don't know what these bamboo tubes and bamboo flats are built in the restaurant for.

But Yingmei and Paimon have already gotten used to it~

After all, every night in the Linji Huaxia Cuisine restaurant, there is a scent of bamboo, which is the charm of Longquan migratory locusts! !

A dish that made everyone afraid at first and dare not eat it! !

Now it has become an inseparable appetizer for customers. Even if every household wants to hold a banquet or have a gathering with relatives and friends, they will come to Boss Lin's restaurant and buy a lot of Longquan migratory locusts! !

"What are these bamboos... used for?"

"Hey, don't you guys know later?"

at this time.

Lin Xiao poured mountain spring water on many bamboo flats.

Under each bamboo flat, there is a flame~

At the same time as the bamboo flat was heating up, there was a sizzling sound from the bamboo~~

At this time, puffs of water vapor began to emerge.

The smell of water vapor filled the entire restaurant in a short while.

At this moment, you feel like you are in the bamboo forest, and you can even hear the birdsong~

And right now.

As the water in the bamboo is squeezed out at the same time, the water on many bamboo flats gathers into a clear stream in the drainage bamboo tube~~

In the end, it all dripped into the bamboo pots one by one.

At this moment, you seem to have heard the sound of the stream.


While several people were still intoxicated.

Ling Xiao took out a small sack from nowhere, and just as the sack was being taken out.


The sound of the insect's wings flapping, matched with the sound of the insect's chirping.

The dense voices spread to everyone's ears in an instant.

Pimeng and Yingmei pursed their lips habitually, a little greedy~

Dina Zedai looked at Lin Xiao suspiciously. She didn't feel any discomfort, but she was just curious. What was in Boss Lin's sack? ?


Some people are different~

Dishiya shuddered inexplicably. Hearing such a dense buzzing of insects, he only felt his scalp go numb, and a little cold sweat broke out on his back! !

A very ominous premonition rose in my heart.

Boss Lin's bag must contain bugs! !

Only then did she remember it! !

Before sending it to the restaurant, Paimon and Yingmei seem to have talked about a very fragrant insect ingredient.

Let Dishiya, who was already a little afraid of this kind of thing, realize the serious danger at this moment! !


Our wild animal ear girl has a little secret~ I have an inexplicable fear of insects.

On weekdays, when she went to the jungle to perform tasks, she would carry spices to repel mosquitoes on her body. After all, she was really afraid of these things.

How much is a little contrast cute~

But now! !

What Dixia was about to face was that fleshy locust. Although she was aware of the seriousness of the problem, she didn't expect it to be so serious! !

"Hey... Is Dixia feeling a little uncomfortable?"

Paimon looked at Dixia curiously.

Several people all looked at this black-skinned beauty.

"Cough cough."

"No, it's just your illusion. I'm still waiting for the banquet later."


Paimon is really like a little villain.

He clearly understood everything and wanted to witness it with his own eyes.

Yingmei is a suggestion at this time.

"The water in this bamboo tube is Longquan water, which is steamed from the water vapor in the pure natural bamboo. Just taking a sip will make you feel refreshed."

0 · · Flowers · · ·

"On weekdays, Boss Lin would not directly give Longquan water to others, but today I can let everyone taste it~"

Yingmei smiled and greeted Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao naturally agreed with the restaurant's "mascot No. [-]" with a little doting


Four glasses of Longquan water were placed on the dining table.

Yingmei even added ice cubes to everyone very considerately! !

The water quality is dark brown, but it is very clear when you look closely, and it emits a fragrant bamboo smell at any time, and you will feel refreshed just by smelling it.

A few of you picked it up and started to taste it~

At the moment when the Longquan water enters, the pupils tremble~ the chest lights up, and the mind even feels enlightened~~

"Yeah~~ It's delicious!!"

Dina Zedai also praised again and again.

It's just that the black-skinned beast-ear girl next to her is indeed a bit casual in her drinking posture, and she gulps it down like drinking wine after feeling delicious~

The Longquan water began to drip down his chin and landed on his chest.

Then burst out a very carefree breathing sound.

Not only does it feel refreshed in the heart.

It also feels refreshing for a while! !

Even the waist dripped quite a bit. I have to say that this handsome sister drank the bamboo water like fine wine.



Yingmei: "Yes, yes~~"

...... 0

Paimon: "Boss Lin's restaurant is full of treasures, and Boss Lin is even more precious!! Cherish it."

Although Dixia drank very happily.

But as everyone knows, because of her informality, she will regret it later! !

at this time.....


Lin Xiao directly untied the small sack in his hand.

"Today we must have a good meal."

Just this moment.

The dense, scalp-numbing sound of flapping wings resounded throughout the restaurant.

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