After all, Dixia's unsatisfactory expression was really interesting, and the contrast made several of them purse their lips and smile.

Paimon: "Hehehe, I never thought that Dixia, who usually looks fierce, can show such an expression."

Only then did Dixie realize that her actions seemed to be a little out of control.

"Cough cough..."

Only then did I sit upright and share the taste and feelings of this dish with everyone, Boss Lin.

along with...

The more Dixiya got to know Boss Lin, the more she became attracted to the man in front of her like a wild cat.

Not only the exaggerated cooking technique, but also the oppressive feeling on his body, which inexplicably made him unable to do without his eyes.

My own sixth sense, even if I use it all on Boss Lin, I can't find out why.

The next Dishya, with her beautiful eyes, never left this man who smiled gently and spoke eloquently in front of her.


Paimon looked at Dixia's pretendingly calm expression.

As if suddenly thought of something.

When Dixiya heard the bugs again before, her expression seemed to change, which was precisely captured by herself and Yingmei.

" you want to take Miss Dixia and Miss Dina Zedai to taste the flying dish??"

The two looked at each other.

Yingmei also smiled with great interest, and looked at Dixia inexplicably.

"That's exactly what I mean!!"

Flying dishes? ?

Could it be birds? ?

Without even thinking about it, the two immediately nodded and agreed.

Dina Zedai: "Okay, I finally got a big appetite, and I also feel a little hungry at this time."

Dixia: "Yes! Agreed!! After all, my appetite is hard to feed me."

move your ears~~

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiao was very curious! !

Not right! !

There is definitely something wrong! !

What is the composition of Dishiya's hair bag and ears? Is it really that hair? ?

Why does Keqing's ears not move, but Dixia's looks so lifelike.

It really is a model of the animal ear mother, this skin, this character, and the ears that make Lin Xiao curious at any time.

At this time, I can't wait to try it directly.

But well...

Now the time is not yet ripe, you must hold your breath, and get started to feel what constitutes it! !

After all, among the original gods, the description of this Dishiya is still somewhat unclear, so I have to study it by myself.

Dishiya at this time.

It can be said that she was targeted by Yingmei, Paimeng, and Lin Xiao! !

The two of them wanted to test whether Dixia was really a fear bug like they had guessed? ?

And the other wants to get started! !

Dishiya shuddered instinctively...

Reason trembled.


"It's strange, I feel a little cold today for no reason.".

Chapter 140 The seventh locust falls on the Dashiya principle!She is really afraid of bugs!Is it possible to see her jump into the laser rain?

"So what kind of ingredients are these flying ingredients?"

Lin Xiao was about to say something.

On the other hand, Paimeng hurriedly interrupted Boss Lin's speech, as if trying to cover up something.

"In short... In short, it is very delicious! Can't Dixia take a look at it later and know~?"

"And doesn't Dixia also like to drink, this dish is already recognized as the best appetizer in Liyue and Mond, and it can even make the taste of wine even more delicious!!"

Lin Xiao frowned.

Looking at the expressions of Yingmei and Paimeng with great interest, I always feel that there is something weird.

These two definitely have something in mind.

When Dishiya heard the word fine wine, she became interested in it instantly.

"Is that so, then I must buy a few jugs of fine wine in the restaurant!"

at this time.

Lin Xiao put the wine jug in the restaurant on the dining table.

Very casually said:

"All drinks in this restaurant are provided for free. How much you can drink depends entirely on how much you drink."

Dixia also got to know Lin Xiao a lot at this time, and now she dared to joke about Boss Lin.

"Hahaha, Boss Lin is really generous. He even provides drinks for free."

"There is no restaurant in Sumeru that dares to be so grand, after all, everyone in the Gilded Brigade is that wine jar."

"My drinking capacity is not a joke. I can even get my money back. Boss Lin won't charge me for the drinks~"

A pair of beautiful blue eyes looked at Lin Xiao, full of wild taste.

That expression seemed to want to teach himself a good lesson.

But as soon as the words came out.

Lin Xiao, Yingmei, Paimeng.

They all shook their heads and smiled.

Paimon's expression was even more exaggerated, as if Dixia was saying something out of the Arabian Nights.

"If Dixia can hold on to the next pot of wine, Paimon's name will be written upside down!!"

Yingmei nodded again and again, indicating that she was following one too!

After all, the wine in Boss Lin's restaurant is quite unusual.

Everyone, no matter whether you are a drunkard or a drunkard, you can't hold on to a pot of wine! !

To know! !

Zhonglihe and the big drunkard who sang, the two gods can drink quite well.

But even so, he still couldn't hold on to a pot of wine.

Every day there are people who are overwhelmed, drunk in the store, and are taken home by their families.

Therefore, the good wine in Boss Lin's restaurant is for regular customers! !

all know! !

Don't be greedy for drinking, once you are greedy, your eyes will inevitably go black, and you don't know how long it will be when you wake up next time.



Dixia hugged her hands, and Xiong Daxiong trembled.

The sassy young lady is back~

"In this way, it seems that this wine really has some skills."

"I'm bound to give it a good challenge later, so don't underestimate my drinking capacity!"

Dishiya's mouth twitched.

It seems that when it comes to drinking capacity, she is very confident in herself.

But as everyone knows, in Lin Xiao's shop, drinking capacity is not a problem at all! !

After all, even the so-called massive Wendy has been carried out by Zhongli countless times in restaurants! !

Paimeng and Yingmei both smiled helplessly.

Basically, every Jiumengzi who came to Boss Lin's restaurant said this.

"Since she is so confident about her drinking capacity, I hope this confidence can be maintained today!"

"Speaking of drinking, I haven't had a few sips after being busy for a while, why don't we have a few sips at a table later?"

As soon as this word comes out!

Dixia's beautiful eyes immediately cast a curious look. After all, this is also the best chance to understand the man in front of him, so he must unravel his curiosity.

Is my sixth sense accurate? !

Is Boss Lin's strength as terrifying as he expected...

Paimon: "Hey~ It turns out that Dixia would laugh like this, isn't it just drinking with Boss Lin? Can you be so happy?"

Yingmei and Dina Zedai also looked at Dishiya's expression and sniggered.

"Ahem, just the thought of being able to have a drink with everyone, so I feel very happy."

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