Dishiya: "What is this sauerkraut pig yin soup..."

Our animal ear girl was a little dazed when she heard it, but Lin Xiao didn't explain it, but let her use her imagination.

Paimon seemed to think of something instantly! !

The little guy leaned against Dishiya's ear and whispered.

Dixia was startled in shock.

But looking at the smile on Boss Lin's face, it was obvious that Paimon was right.




"Outrageous!! Anyway, I don't know how to eat it!!"

But in front of Huaxia cuisine, you really don’t want to be sure~~

Some things may sound outrageous, but when you smell the taste or take a bite, you might fall in love with this strange taste.

Lin Xiao simply said some names, and let a few people see how exaggerated the Chinese cuisine is! !

Yingmei: "Boss Lin, what else can people in your hometown not eat..."

"Hahaha, in the country I live in, the first thing everyone considers when encountering a new species is not whether it is harmful, but whether it can be eaten."

"If the taste of the meat is not good? Stew soup! If the meat is delicious, you can definitely consider boiling it! If it is poisonous, you can choose the non-toxic part! If the whole body is poisonous? Then you can try soaking wine~"

good guy.....

Are people in China so obsessed with food? ?This is the real food for the people, right? It's outrageous! !

Lin Xiao sat casually at a table next to him, and gestured please to the others.

"Let's try our new dishes."

"Nine turns of intestines!"

Everyone looked at the steaming, savory sauce-colored fat sausage in front of them.

Everyone picked up their bowls and chopsticks.

Facing the plate, pick up the fatty sausage~

At the moment when the very thing was clipped, everyone was stunned.

Even the crisp sound can be heard.

Everyone was shocked...

Yingmei and Paimeng took the first bite! !

As soon as the teeth came into contact, the crispy skin cracked instantly.

At the moment when the skin exploded, I immediately felt the firm but soft meat of the fat intestine~

The sauce will wrap your mouth without the slightest fishy smell.

What was replaced turned out to be an extremely exaggerated, extremely peculiar meaty smell. Although it was indeed a bit stinky, this feeling was perfectly integrated, and it could even be said to be a little addictive! !

Just go down with this half mouthful.

It is to experience the three tastes of "crisp", "soft" and "strength".

It can be described as an unprecedented experience! !

To know.

In the ordinary Jiuzhuan large intestine, there will be no crispy taste, after all, the chefs will not specially process the outer skin.

but! !

This advanced cuisine naturally enhances the details of the taste.

The temperature of the syrup is just enough to make the outer skin very crispy, which is also a great test of Lin Xiao's ability to control the heat.

This is only the first half! !

The real essence comes in the second half! !

You know, the strongest and most powerful small intestine is still wrapped in the very inside, and there are five layers! !



In the second half of the mouth, Yingmei and Paimeng both groaned softly.

The moment you eat the small intestine.

Five layers of small intestine, each layer of skin is broken in the mouth as it is bitten off.

Every time it is disconnected, the smell of meat overflows in the mouth, and when it feels some peculiar smell, the sauce instantly combines it.

On the contrary, it makes the umami taste even better.

This is very paired with the sweet sauce, and it doesn't feel greasy at all, but it makes people more and more addicted.

Paimon covered his little face, and flew into the air unconsciously, that intoxicated little expression was full of enjoyment~~

The same is true of Yingmei on the side! !

Fairy taste! !

Pair it with fairy flavor! !

This dish has given surprises in two aspects, and it is hard to describe it in words at this time~~

Dina Zedai, and Dishia.

Watching this zero-distance eating and broadcasting, I kept swallowing my saliva.

And seeing the surprised expressions on the faces of the two of them, I was also very curious.

They all imitated Yingmei's way of eating, and directly bit towards half of them.


Soft waxy~


The strength of the mouth~~


Feeling the astonishing taste, Dishiya trembled delicately.

Coupled with this incomparably fresh and fragrant taste, it seems that Dishiya has experienced a special trip.

The rich meat flavor keeps bursting in the mouth.

Not only is the taste very refreshing, but the taste is also intoxicating.



Dishiya is completely lost...

In the end, he directly put the whole thing into his mouth.

Even so boring! !There is still no trace of fishy smell, one can imagine how exaggerated Lin Xiao removed the fishy smell.

It can make people unscrupulously experience the taste of this very small intestine! !And enjoy it.

At the next table, it was very "quiet", only the sound of the bowls and chopsticks colliding.

All of them ate with gusto, and couldn't care less about chatting.

A mouthful of sausage and sauce! !

And then another mouthful of rice! !

It can be said that I can't stop at all~~

How would you describe this sauce? ?

I'm afraid even if you put the insole in to thicken it, it may be very delicious! ! !

Paimon: "Dishiya, you, you, eat too fast. You can eat five or six with the time I eat one fat intestine."

Dishiya smiled wildly.

"You little mouth, do you still want to snatch prey from me?"


Say it.

In an instant, Dixia picked up three more and put them into her bowl, chewing Paimeng desperately.

The one who eats in the bowl and looks at the pot is vividly displayed.

Less than 10 minutes.


After everyone's turmoil, two such weighty Jiuzhuan small intestines have been eaten up! !

Even with the sauce, everyone ate an extra bowl or two of rice.

Even Dina Zedai, who was a little weak, ate two bowls of rice with a big appetite! !

The animal ear girl who had a stern expression before.

At this moment, she was already slumped on the stool, clutching her navel, and pursing her lips in an unsatisfactory way.

The expression is full of that sense of enjoyment, like a little wild cat that has had enough to eat, resting lazily.

Yingmei: "Hehehe, it seems that Dishiya and Dina Zedai are very satisfied~"

Dina Zedai: "Hmm!! I have never tasted such a dish that I can't stop eating before. Even if it is cooked by a stunt chef at home, it doesn't have such an addictive taste at all."

Dixie: "Well, it's really delicious. How happy I would be if I could eat this kind of taste every day."

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