Shi Jiu must be stopped before he runs to the bridge!

At this moment, Xiao Yusheng didn't care about the fact that he couldn't beat Shi Jiu, so he had no choice but to stop Shi Jiu.

The running water in Jingwan boiled, and water swords flew up one after another, covering Shi Jiu's body.There are pink petals mixed in the water sword, just like flower dragons surging on the river.

Shi Jiu was caught off guard by Xiao Yusheng's sudden attack, but fortunately Xiao Yusheng didn't aim at him, but just wanted him to stop.

Xiao Yusheng's figure was like a white finless porpoise jumping out of the water, flashing to Shi Jiu's side in an instant, reaching out to grab Shi Jiu's shoulder, and holding the silver brick with the other hand.

This silver brick is the material for the amnestic technique, as long as you touch it, you will have the opportunity to perform the short-term amnestic technique taught by the master!

But Shi Jiu's reaction was extremely sharp, [Battle Instinct] and [Mind-Eye Knife] gave him an almost predictable fighting premonition, and with just a shoulder tilt, he grabbed Xiao Yusheng's elbow with his backhand.

Xiao Yusheng's body smelled good, with some spiced spices and a little stew... oh, it seemed to be the smell of the oil she just rubbed on her face.

Shi Jiu sighed softly, then let go of his hand, and pushed her away: "Miss Yusheng, I didn't mean to, why do I have to force you so hard?"

Xiao Yusheng gritted his teeth, blushed, held bamboo sticks and silver bricks, and looked at Shi Jiuyao: "I guarantee in the name of Tianmen Mountain disciples that I will never erase your other memories."

Shi Jiu shook his head, full of regret: "You misunderstood, you can erase other memories, but I just want to keep the scene I saw just now."

Xiao Yusheng's face turned red with anger, and his hands were shaking: "Why! Is this so difficult?"

"Miss Yusheng, do you know... the sea was once too difficult to be water, except Wushan is not a cloud?"

Under the moonlight, Shi Jiu looked at Xiao Yusheng's face indifferently, sighed deeply, and then looked up at the stars in the sky.

"It's very cute. This is probably the cutest picture I've ever seen in my life. If I just forget it like this, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"What's more, I will definitely not share such a beautiful picture with others. I wish I was the only one in the world who saw it."

"Miss Yusheng, look at the spring scenery full of rivers, and the spring moon is like a mirror. On this beautiful spring day, when all things are sprouting, I would like to swear to all things that have been reborn, I will not take the picture I just saw... And I won't tell the third person what happened between you and me tonight, I don't know if this is satisfactory to you?"

Xiao Yusheng hesitated for a moment.

She didn't want to fight Shi Jiu at first, after all, when they first met, Shi Jiu brought the dead weasel that she might not be able to beat within ten breaths.

But she didn't want anyone to know what happened just now.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone about this." Xiao Yusheng turned his eyes away and said in a low voice.

The temperature from when Shi Jiu grabbed her joints still remained on her wrist, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

"I promise." Shi Jiu vowed.

"You make a statement."

"I will make written evidence." Shi Jiu swore.

Xiao Yusheng hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice embarrassedly: "Then you have to pay me for the roast chicken."

"I'll pay you for the roast chicken too." Shi Jiu continued to swear, patted his chest and promised, "Now, two."

Xiao Yusheng raised his head and glanced at Shi Jiu evasively, thinking that this person seemed to be not bad.

Seeing that Xiao Yusheng didn't agree, Shi Jiu immediately added: "There are also sauced elbows from Yuelai Inn."

Xiao Yusheng blushed a little, turned his eyes to the side again, and said with a guilty conscience: "Then it's settled."


People come and go on the stone bridge, and people are crowded on the river bank.It was nearly You time, and people were crowded along the southeast coast of the inner island, waiting for the boats to be lit.

Finally, while everyone was waiting eagerly, Huafang lit the first lamp, followed by the second lamp, and the third lamp.The painted boat seems to appear out of thin air, riding on the splendor of the Milky Way on the water of Jingwan.

The sound of plucking the strings of the pipa is like the first crisp sound of tearing the brocade, blasting the atmosphere of the quiet bay in spring.People standing on the stone bridge and on the river bank shouted excitedly, and the scene was comparable to a celebrity concert.

"Moon slave! Moon slave!"

For a while, there were whistles and boos, and under the eyes of everyone, a woman with a veil stepped out.

Aside from the slight regret of wearing a veil, the woman's figure is extremely graceful, and her voice is even more like the sound of nature.Under the magnification of the natural creation, her voice is like the water in a quiet bay, gentle and soothing.

"You officials have been waiting for a long time. Youshi is about to arrive. Miss Yuenu is dressing up and will come out to meet everyone soon."

Hearing this, the onlookers who were slightly disappointed because the woman wore a veil just now became excited again.

There is not only this painting boat on Jingwan, most of the famous people in Jinxiang City have rented cruise ships, so that they can watch Yuenu girl's performance in a closer place.

However, the layout of the ships is also very particular, each with a high or low status.Among them, the one with the highest status is none other than Jinxiang City Lord Xiao Zuqi's cruise ship, which is located in front of the painting boat, which is an excellent place to watch the performance.

Other cruise ships are centered on it and distributed in other locations.

As the future oiran of the Yuegui Pavilion in the capital, the main customers of Yue Slave are these big noble families. How to take care of the performance experience of these noble sons is the most important thing.As for the audience on the stone bridge in the distance... they just need to listen.

Not long after, the band before Yue Nu's appearance was ready.These girls are all young children newly cultivated by Xiangyue Pavilion. Although they are not as good as Yue Nu, they are all excellent in talent and appearance. They are the kings of the fiercely competitive places in the capital. Women's boutique.

This trip to the south is actually not only for the appearance of Yue Nu, but also to show the future pillars of the Xiangyue Pavilion.

Finally, after a long call, Miss Yuenu finally came out.But this time, no one cheered for her.

Because the group of people who made the loudest noises were all on the stone bridge, and the people on the stone bridge were attracted by what happened on the other side at the moment.

"Hey, do you think there are two people standing on the water? It's too dark to see clearly, who throws a lamp down to have a look?"

There are really people who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement and throw a lantern down.

The fire was shining brightly, illuminating Shi Jiu's back and Xiao Yusheng's face before it went out.

Chapter 21 Chapter 20 Food Fairy (4.5k)

The sudden change made both Shi Jiu and Xiao Yusheng a little confused, but Shi Jiu wisely didn't turn around to let people see his face, but just ran away. He didn't want the headlines of Jinxiang City to become "Bai Yuxian and the Mysterious God" The man had a private meeting in Jingwan in the middle of the night, and his identity was actually! " or something like that.

——When running, I didn’t forget to maintain an elegant posture, trying to make a wave of numbers.But unfortunately, this wave of forced numbers was not completed, and the system did not respond.

Xiao Yusheng's reaction was also quick, and he immediately turned around and walked on the water behind Shi Jiu.The speed of the two was extremely fast, and they disappeared on the water in the blink of an eye.

"Don't run!" Xiao Yusheng hurriedly chased Shi Jiu into the night, and barely caught up until he reached the center of the river, out of sight of the crowd, "What are you doing so fast!"

Shi Jiu complained while running: "Hurry up and run, tomorrow's headlines will be our mugshots!"

"What's a headshot?"

Shi Jiu couldn't explain this kind of thing to her: "In short, if we don't run away quickly, the news about Bai Yuxian's private meeting with a man on the river in the middle of the night will spread like crazy!"

Unexpectedly, hearing this, Xiao Yusheng's head seemed to explode, and he slowed down in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Shi Jiu felt the people behind him stop, and suddenly slammed on the brakes. Looking back, he saw Xiao Yusheng standing on the water and slowly squatting down.

"What's wrong?" Monk Shi Jiuzhang was puzzled.

Xiao Yusheng couldn't listen to Shi Jiu's words at this time, and her mind was full of how disappointed Master would be if the news of tonight got out.

As the No.90 seventh-generation disciple who was accepted by the next generation, I shouldered the expectations of my master and my master. I went out to buy roast chicken secretly at night, and talked with a woman on the river, and was finally seen.

It's over, if Master finds out, he will definitely be disappointed with himself, what to do, what to do, what to do...

Xiao Yusheng buried his face in the crook of his arms and squatted on the water without moving.

Shi Jiu hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively, "An extra serving of soy sauce?"

Xiao Yusheng remained motionless. At this time, she was completely immersed in the obsession with the paranoid big brother who was criticized by the master.

In terror.

"Zhang Ji's deep-fried pork ribs are a pound."

Xiao Yusheng made an obvious sound of inhaling.

Shi Jiu strikes while the iron is hot: "Jiang Haitang's squirrel fish?"

Xiao Yusheng raised his head and stared at Shi Jiu without blinking.

She was still hesitating just now, but Shi Jiu's sudden increase in price made her a little overwhelmed.

"Yang Lipu's stewed spine!"

These delicacies were all Shi Jiu found out from Si Yana of the demon slaying division. He was planning to find an opportunity to try it himself, but he didn't expect it to come in handy at this time.

Xiao Yusheng murmured in a low voice: "You said this, I didn't ask you to give me... Chill... to buy these..."

"I will handle it!"

Xiao Yusheng turned his eyes to the side: " have to pay me for the roast chicken first, and the things I just bought on the bridge are cold and not tasty..."

"Okay, I'll go buy it now."

Xiao Yusheng's eyes blinked: "I have to keep an eye on you, lest you run away."

Shi Jiu felt that his heart was about to be pierced: "Okay, let's go!"


On the South Bridge, four Tianmen Mountain disciples in plain clothes were peeping at each other with their own ghosts, and no one was willing to speak first.

"That..." A disciple of medium build hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously, "I didn't see clearly just now, is that Senior Sister Xiao?"

Chunky on one side insisted: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The chunky tone gave the tall and thin one courage: "Yes, it's impossible, absolutely impossible. Senior Sister Xiao is pure and pure, extraordinary and refined, how could she come to this place of fireworks, let alone be on the river with a wild man who doesn't know her origins?" Looking at each other affectionately! What's more, she is still filling Biluo Baoyu with spiritual energy in the inn, how could she appear here?"

On the contrary, Li Zhuoyun didn't speak all the time. He looked at the direction on the river where the two were fleeing, thinking about another thing in his heart.

Does that back look very similar to Brother Shijiu?

Especially the movement of turning around and leaving, equally chic.


Shi Jiu looked at Xiao Yusheng who was rushing back and forth on the western stone bridge, even wearing a veil could not hide her cheerful expression.

Shi Jiu felt a little disillusioned.

When I first met her, she was obviously a standard fairy image, pure and clean, not causing dust.Why did I meet you today... a foodie, with a soft voice, maybe even a little natural, isn't that...

Isn't this a perfect hit to my xp!

"how much is this?"

"I want this."

Since there is Yuenu girl's boat between the south bridge and the east bridge, the two bridges gather the most people.In order not to be recognized by others, Shi Jiu had no choice but to leave South Bridge with Xiao Yusheng, and find a similar stall in West Bridge to buy some food to compensate her.

Once on the bridge, Xiao Yusheng was a bit reserved at first, wearing a veil, and his voice was low.But when she bought some food, this reserve also disappeared.

She swept from the east end of the West Bridge to the west end like wind and clouds, and every stall was commented by this big customer.

Beside her, Shi Jiu, who was carrying several food boxes, had a complicated expression.

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