Xiao Yusheng sadly picked up the roast chicken, gnawed on it, and didn't care until his face was covered with oil, and was almost weeping because of the sadness in his heart.

Anyway, there was no one here, so she could eat whatever she wanted, and it didn't matter if her face was covered in oil.You don't have to be afraid of being found out, and you don't have to worry about being criticized by the master for not looking like a girl. You are free.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yusheng's mood gradually improved.

But let's finish eating and go back quickly. Although the aura I left in Bi Luo Baoyu is enough, what if someone finds me at night?

Although there are still stalls in the three bridges that I haven't visited, I can come in a few days later.Eating one bridge a day is definitely enough for the time spent in Jinxiang City.

But today's moonlight is so beautiful, I have never seen the river reflecting the moon on Tianmen Mountain.

Xiao Yusheng gnawed on the roast chicken in his arms, thinking of the delicious food he ate during the time he went down the mountain, a look of happiness gradually appeared on his face.

Oh, by the way, there are also mutton skewers, which won't taste good when they get cold.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yusheng hurriedly turned his head to see if his mutton skewers were cold.

Then she saw Shi Jiu under the shade of willows.

With the mouth full, the cheeks puffed up to both sides, holding the roast chicken like a groundhog holding potatoes.

Chapter 20 Chapter 19 Miss Yusheng, this is just a misunderstanding (5.5k)

Xiao Yusheng blinked and Shi Jiu blinked too.

"It's been a long night of sleepless nights, I didn't expect Miss Yusheng, you can't fall asleep either..."

Miraculously, such a sentence floated in Shi Jiu's mind, and he said it subconsciously.

Xiao Yusheng maintained the posture of holding the roast chicken, staring blankly at Shi Jiu, motionless, as if trying to pretend to be a wax figure to get away with it.

Shi Jiu's eyes wandered, and he took a step back subconsciously.

He dared to swear to God, this step was definitely not intentional on his part, but his brain's crisis response processing automatically made him withdraw from this step.

This step awakened Xiao Yusheng instead, she flipped her wrist, and the aura immediately blasted the roast chicken into pieces, destroying the corpse and obliterating the traces.

After finishing all this, Xiao Yusheng breathed a sigh of relief, standing among a pile of roasted pig's trotters, Sophora japonica cakes, mutton skewers and other foods, staring stiffly at Shi Jiu opposite.

At the same time, the air was filled with the aroma of roast chicken.

The water in Jingwan was sparkling, and the moonlight shredded by the waves reflected on her side face, shining brightly on the oil rubbed on her face by the roast chicken just now.

Shi Jiu blinked his eyes, the sense of crisis in his heart was getting heavier and heavier, and he felt that he had to explain first.

Who is this person?First rule out Xiao Yusheng.

Although he is not familiar with Xiao Yusheng, but with limited communication, Shi Jiu has long decided that Xiao Yusheng is not the type he likes—it is too cold, and he has a sense of distance that is detached, like the snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain. No amount of dust in the world can touch her.

What I saw just now was either a hallucination, or it was Xiao Yusheng's twin sister... what a ghost!Isn't this Xiao Yusheng!

A flash of understanding suddenly flashed in Shi Jiu's mind inexplicably. When he was in Yuelai Inn, Xiao Yusheng sat opposite him for a long time, and his eyes basically fell on his mouth and chest.At that time, he thought that Xiao Yusheng's speech and not looking into people's eyes was purely the arrogance of the iceberg beauty, but he didn't expect...

It turned out that she was coveting her sauce elbow at that time?

【Miss Yusheng, this is just a misunderstanding, I can pretend I didn't see anything. 】

Shi Jiu wanted to say this, but before he could speak, Xiao Yusheng picked up the stick beside her, and Shi Jiu actually saw a flash of murderous intent in her eyes.

"What did you see?" Xiao Yusheng has recovered the calmness and coldness when we first met, and even made people wonder if the person who just squatted under the bridge eating roast chicken and almost cried was her.

In this situation, Shi Jiu could only justly argue: "I didn't see anything."

But Xiao Yusheng didn't like this at all, she gritted her silver teeth and took a step closer to Shi Jiu: "You saw everything, right?"

"No, I didn't see anything!" Shi Jiu took two steps back, "I didn't even see the Deshi roast chicken you were eating just now!"

Xiao Yusheng's hand holding the bamboo stick was tightened, obviously fighting fiercely in his heart.

No, I have to find a way to stop Shi Jiu's mouth.But in the current situation, no one can guarantee whether Shi Jiu will agree on the surface and then spread the news behind his back.

Thinking that people on the street will be discussing Tianmen Mountain Bai Yuxian squatting under the bridge to eat roast chicken tomorrow, Xiao Yusheng feels like a thunderbolt, and his mind is lost.

If the master found out, he would definitely be very disappointed with her, and his brothers, sisters, nephews, and nephews would also look down on her as a monk who has already bigu, but she is still obsessed with these five meats and three hates...

No, Shi Jiu's mouth must be sealed at all costs!

Xiao Yusheng's eyes gradually became sharper, and the uneasiness in Shi Jiu's heart became more and more restless.

Although what Xiao Yusheng was holding was not a sword but a bamboo stick at the moment, he saw with his own eyes that a single sword split into thousands when Xiao Yusheng rubbed his little hands together.If she also rubbed her small hands this time and split thousands of bamboo sticks, wouldn't she have to be skewered and roasted by this woman?

"I'm sorry." Xiao Yusheng said softly, "I can't let others know what happened today."

Shi Jiu made a decisive decision and ran away.

Are you kidding, that is a sword fairy, the meaning behind the words is clearly to silence!

Although the system's evaluation of his physical fitness is [amazing], but physical fitness alone is useless!People are flying in the sky, chasing and killing you with thousands of swords, no matter how hard your body is, you can't hold it!

Seeing Shi Jiu's running back, Xiao Yusheng was stunned for a moment, looked down at the unfinished food, hesitated for a moment, put them into the Sumeru ring, and then flew to chase Shi Jiu.

"Don't run!" Xiao Yusheng wanted to shout, but she was afraid that others would find her chasing Shi Jiu, so she could only lower her voice, "Stop!"

Shi Jiu naturally heard Xiao Yusheng's shout, but he didn't stop.

The idiot stopped at this moment!You are chasing after me with a bamboo stick, no matter how you look at it, you are trying to kill someone!

Shi Jiu's brain was running at high speed, thinking about how to solve this matter.

I broke through the unknown scene of Fairy Gao Leng's embarrassment. At this time, Xiao Yusheng must be full of embarrassment and anger, and wanted to put herself to death, killing her to silence her, so as to avoid future troubles.

And on the opposite side is another sword fairy, killing people in the world of mortals, and getting out of the sword.Even if he killed himself, he was still just a little Kalemie in the demon slaying division, and the demon slaying division couldn't do it for himself and Daozong. After all, Xiao Yusheng was very famous in the Taoist sect.At that time, big things will turn into small things, and Xiao Yusheng will be released after a few years of confinement at most... but he will die!

No, we must find a way to solve this matter.

Shi Jiu changed his mind and retreated towards the river.

After crossing the river is the outer city, so I went to the Monster Slayer to find Bai Shuqiu.As long as you go to the Demon Slayer Division, in front of a large audience, surrounded by comrades who have just fought side by side, Xiao Yusheng has to give face if he wants to, right?She can't go crazy and kill herself in the demon slayer!

No matter how I say it, I am still a small official of the court now, and the backing behind me is not small!

After making up his mind, Shi Jiu continued to retreat quickly, his toes tapped lightly on the river surface, like leaves falling in the wind, fluttering, walking on the water.

Fortunately, the new stage reward for the force index is water drifting, otherwise he would have to escape from the bridge and make a big circle.And Xiao Yusheng is also a sword fairy at any rate, and the high-altitude advantage of flying with a sword will make him nowhere to hide.Instead of letting the crowd become your hindrance, you might as well run to full speed and escape to Demon Slayer!

What's more, Shi Jiu also wanted to find a secluded place to try to resolve the misunderstanding between the two, for example, trying to make Xiao Yusheng believe that he didn't see anything like this nonsense...

Xiao Yusheng chased more and more anxiously, seeing Shi Jiufei stepping on the water, he had to tap his toes lightly, luck flew up: "Shi Jiu! Stop! I have something to say!"

The quiet bay under the moon flows slowly, and the fine ripples rise and fall like the scales of a giant dragon.The moonlight shattered in the sparkling waves, reflecting the figures of the two people.

The man is handsome and straight, and the woman is delicate and beautiful. On the ripples of the spring water, they are a pair of lovers.

[Elegant lightness performance, congratulations to the host for getting 3 points. 】

In fact, after rescuing Fang Zheng, Shi Jiu had been thinking for a long time about how to obtain the force index, so he specially trained many movements that can be used frequently, so that the overall movement looks more smooth and elegant, even at a speed of [-] mph If you run away, you can also run away gracefully.


"Don't make me useless at this time!" Shi Jiu complained, "Is there any way to help me!"


Good guy, play dead for me at this time, right?

Shi Jiu sighed, turned to face Xiao Yusheng, jumped back on the river, and said, "Miss Yusheng, I don't think we need to be so tense, we can have a good talk, why bother?"

"Then you stop first." Xiao Yusheng's face was cold, and his eyes were fixed on Shi Jiu.

Shi Jiu jumped high, and when he landed, his feet stepped on the river, as if walking on flat ground: "Then let's make a gentleman's agreement, I won't run away, and you won't chase, okay?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yusheng didn't stop. Instead, he circled in the air and got behind Shi Jiu, keeping a distance of about ten meters and stopping to prevent Shi Jiu from escaping.

The sleeves fluttered, and the white skirt was like a lotus in full bloom, blooming on the star-studded river.Jingwan, which reflects the stars in the sky, does not look messy under this white dress, as if the stars in the sky are willing to be her background.

If there is a scene where a fairy goes down to earth, then this scene would rank among the top three in Shi Jiu's mind.I have to say that this scene is extremely beautiful, even though the fairy is still holding sticks of mutton skewers and candied haws.

The wind in Jingwan was blowing gently, lifting Shi Jiu's hair, and falling on the river surface together with the petals blown by the wind.

There are two waves of spring wonders in Jinxiang City, one is the river full of petals when the cherry blossoms fall in the early days, and the other is the Liushuihuawan when the flowers fall in late spring.But this time, it was the flowers falling in late spring.

"The river is full of brocades, and the fairies are stepping on the flowers." Shi Jiu chanted softly, his eyes still looking at Xiao Yusheng on the opposite side, "Such a beautiful scenery, moving a sword will destroy the gift of heaven and earth, what does the fairy think?"

[Elegant scene lines, congratulations to the host for getting 3 points. 】

[Congratulations to the host for reaching 52 points, completing the phased reward node, and obtaining the special skill "On the Spot". 】

[After this special skill is activated, the host's on-the-spot ability will be enhanced to a certain extent.This special ability can be used multiple times to increase the level. 】

Xiao Yusheng's eyes drifted away for a few seconds, then he lowered his head uncomfortably and nodded.

The corners of Shi Jiu's mouth twitched, and he resisted the urge to talk to the system at this moment: "I just went out with friends today, and I met Miss Xiao by chance. Although I don't know why you are chasing after you so hard, can we talk to solve the problem? Misunderstand?"

Xiao Yusheng didn't believe Shi Jiu's words at all.

First of all, she didn't see Shi Jiu's so-called friend, and secondly...she didn't believe that Shi Jiu didn't know why she was chasing him!

"I don't mean to fight you," Xiao Yusheng gathered his thoughts, but he didn't know how to speak, and his eyes wandered again, "but I hope you don't tell what you just saw."

Shi Jiu's expression suddenly became subtle, and he nodded: "But, I, Shi Jiu, swear here that I will never reveal even a single word of what I just saw. I wonder what the girl will think?"

Xiao Yusheng shook his head: "My master once taught me a secret method, which can make people temporarily forget what happened in a short period of time."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yushen took a step closer to Shi Jiu: "If you promise to let me erase that part of the memory, I will believe you."

Although it sounds a bit obscene, Shi Jiu always dreamed of seeing a picture of a cute foodie girl eating a chicken leg with her mouth full and her face happy.Especially after the picture in his mind gradually overlapped with the picture of the fairy eating chicken he just saw... To be honest, Shi Jiu didn't want to forget it.

no!Can't think any more!

"This is a magic brick, just pat the back of your head, and you will forget what happened in the recent period." Xiao Yusheng took out a silver brick from the Sumeru Ring and explained seriously.

After finishing speaking, she was afraid that Shi Jiu would not believe her and added: "Don't worry, that's what my master taught me. Although I haven't used it on anyone before, I have fully mastered the technique!"

Shi Jiu hastily restrained his smile and restored his serious expression just now: "Don't worry, Miss Yusheng, this secret will definitely be kept secret from now on, but memory erasure is still unnecessary..."

After finishing speaking, Shi Jiu made a wrong step, put his hands behind his back, stepped out of water flowers on the surface of the river, and flew towards the distance.

Xiao Yusheng's complexion changed, and he immediately flew to catch up.But Shi Jiu's speed this time was too fast, and she couldn't catch up without using the sword.

She didn't want to chase after him with the sword, after all, if she sacrificed the flying sword, she would use force in the city, and the meaning would be completely different.

But if he didn't use the flying sword...how could Shi Jiu be so fast!

"Shi Jiu! Stop!"

A small sword flew out of Xiao Yusheng's palm, and he walked with the sword.The figure is like a white butterfly, covered in moonlight, splitting a ripple on the lake.

Xiao Yusheng blushed and gritted his teeth.With bright lights ahead, she would never let Shi Jiu go.If Shi Jiu was allowed to go to that place, it would be difficult for her to discuss with Shi Jiu.

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