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"Furthermore, last night after Shi Jiu took down the Hehuan Sect demon, he applied to his subordinates to interrogate the captured demon, so he came down to ask you about this matter... What do you think we should do?"

Li Fuchuan sized up Bai Shuqiu with playful eyes, kept silent, lowered his head and continued to read the file.

Seeing Li Fuchuan's reaction, Bai Shuqiu suddenly understood, got up and said goodbye and left Li Fuchuan's study.

After Bai Shuqiu left, Li Fuchuan put down the case file: "Tch... old slippery man—come here!"

"Here!" The handyman in the Demon Killing Department immediately came to Li Fuchuan's study, "What are your orders?"

"Prepare the carriage, I'll go to the City Lord's Mansion."


The matter of Shi Jiu went round and round, and finally Li Fuchuan personally passed it to City Lord Xiao.

"My lord, what do you think?" Li Fuchuan hinted.

Although the Monster Slayer is directly under the royal family, in this city, the city lord is still the number one in name.For any major event, take the initiative to report to the city lord, and then the responsibility will not fall entirely on yourself.

"Understood, even though Deputy Envoy Li is injured, he still cares about the common people, which is a blessing in Jinxiang City." Xiao Zuqi nodded with a smile, without mentioning a word about Shi Jiu, "I have already sent someone to ask Tian In the workshop, the antidote will be produced in a short time. It won’t be too late until you recover.”

Li Fuchuan nodded in agreement, and exited the study.

As soon as Li Fuchuan left, Xiao Zuqi smiled awkwardly, and cupped his hands in the dark: "This is a misunderstanding."

After a few seconds, a calm voice came from the study: "It's not a misunderstanding."


Back in his room where he was killing demons, Shi Jiu threw himself on the bed, cosplaying and rolling over.

Although what happened last night was semi-perfectly resolved, Shi Jiu still had a knot in his heart. He always felt that something was wrong, and he felt that everything was logical.

All the doubts started when Shi Jiu heard two almost identical voices at Xiqiao.

Shi Jiu closed his eyes, covered the quilt, and began to recall what happened last night.

"System, how many of my side missions have you completed?"

[Sub-quest in Jingtian Prefecture: "Acacia Sect in Jinxiang City", 2/3 of the clues have been obtained. 】

Shi Jiu's spirit lifted, he just asked a casual question, but he didn't expect it to be fruitful.

"Which two clues did I get?"

[Clue [-]: Chu Wanwan, a demon from the Hehuan Sect, appeared in Jinxiang City, gender: male...]

[Clue [-]: Tang Baicao, a demon from the Hehuan Sect, appeared in Jinxiang City, gender: male...]

The information contained in the two clues can be collected from last night's battle, such as the moves used by the two, the forces they belong to, and so on.

Looking at the blank third clue, Shi Jiu frowned slightly.

As an excellent question maker who has received 20 years of problem-solving education, Shi Jiu has excellent ability to analyze the examiner's intention.The two clues given by the system in front of me... are not clues at all!

"Generally speaking, a clue should be the clue or development of something. You put two character cards for me... It means that these two people appearing in Jinxiang City are themselves clues or clues to something. Bar?"

"The third clue, is it also a person..."

"Luo Liuli?"

Shi Jiu closed his eyes, and all the events that happened since the beginning of the main task of the region flashed before his eyes one by one in order.

He remembered that when the monsters attacked the city, only one monster had traces of being raised.

He thought of Xiao Yusheng's inexplicable familiarity with Yue Nu.

He remembered Xiao Yusheng's description when he met Luo Liuli.

He remembered what Yue Nu said about encountering the Hehuan Sect demon...

Shi Jiu turned over and sat up suddenly, and rushed out the door.

"System, you listed the Acacia Sect as a regional branch task, presumably because the Acacia Sect and the monster riots are indeed related, but they are not exactly the same thing, right?"

The system fell silent.

Shi Jiu smiled slightly, this melon is so interesting.

Yue Nu said that she encountered a demon from the Hehuan Sect on the road, and her fourth-rank guards protected her—but those two demons were fifth-rank, so how can a fourth-rank guard protect her?

Shi Jiu quickly walked through the streets and alleys, heading towards Huajie.

If Yue Nu lied, what would be the consequences of this lie?

It was Jinxiang City who increased vigilance against the Hehuan Sect, and even got hold of the appearances of two Hehuan Sect monsters.Although the main reason for the exposure of the demons of the Hehuan sect was that there were people from the rivers and lakes fighting at night, it was too coincidental.

It just so happened that Shi Jiu got information on the appearance of the Hehuan Sect monster that day, and the fight between the martial arts practitioners at night involved those two people, and there was a sense of careful arrangement in it.

Shi Jiu soon came to Huajie, handed over his waist card and explained his intention, but was rejected by Mr. Gui.

"Last night, there was too much commotion from the martial arts people outside. Miss Yuenu might be a demon who is going to catch her. She was so frightened that she was sick and refused to see any guests. You should come back, my lord."

Shi Jiu smiled slightly, and was sick, wouldn't that be just right?

"Then please inform Miss Yuenu that one of the two Hehuan Sect monsters has been executed, and the other has been imprisoned. Please rest assured."

Mr. Gui promised, turned around and went upstairs to report.

Just at this time, an old man came down from upstairs, and Yingying and Yanyan saw him off behind him.

"This is..." Shi Jiu looked at the old doctor, and then at the sky.

Isn't it daytime?Flower Street is not open yet.

"This is Doctor Kong, who came to treat Miss Yuenu." Mr. Gui replied in a low voice.

Shi Jiu understood, and didn't continue to beg to see Yue Nu, but followed the doctor surnamed Kong.

"Sir, please stop." Seeing that there was no one around, Shi Jiu rushed to Kong Langzhong's side, "I'm going to kill the monster, Shi Jiu, can I take a step to ask something?"

The old doctor looked at Shi Jiu for a few times, and laughed: "The official's spirit is full of health, his seal is bright, his eyes are bright, what's wrong with him?"

Shi Jiu laughed: "Sir, you have good eyesight, I don't know which medical clinic it is?"

The old man stroked his beard triumphantly: "Try the thatched cottage in the north of the city, Kong Lingkong. If the family members of the officials are unwell, it happens that the old man is free now, so I can go with you."

"I'm not sick to seek medical treatment, but I have other things to ask." Shi Jiu took out his waist card and showed it to the doctor, "Mr., was you seeing a doctor for Miss Yuenu just now?"

Unexpectedly, when Kong Lingkong heard this, he vented his breath and left without looking back.

Shi Jiu was stunned for a moment, and hurried forward to explain: "Miss Yuenu is related to the previous case of monster attacking the city. Today I want to visit and ask for more details, but the tortoise said that Miss Yuenu was seriously ill and was bedridden. , dare I ask if there is such a thing?"

Kong Lingkong still didn't say a word, as if he didn't bother to answer Shi Jiu's question.

"May I ask Miss Yuenu, did she hurt her mind, or did she have other internal injuries?"

Finally, Kong Lingkong turned his head with a frosty face, glanced at Shi Jiu with disdain, and threw the medicine box in his hand towards his head.

"I'll beat you to death, you son of a bitch!"

Shi Jiu parried inexplicably, but Kong Lingkong kept hitting him angrily, obviously treating him as a street walker who is not doing his job properly but only knows how to ask questions.

Just as Shi Jiu was thinking about how to explain it, Mr. Gui from Xiangyue Pavilion chased after him panting.

"Mr. Shi Jiu, please stop! My girl has something to ask, can I ask you to go upstairs and talk about it?"

Shi Jiu blinked, and grabbed Kong Lingkong's medicine box: "Old man, misunderstood, misunderstood, I really need to ask something to handle the case - look, the people from Xiangyue Pavilion are looking for me?"

Kong Lingkong saw Guigong and yanked the medicine box back.

"But—Old Mister, I only have one question, and it's related to the case at this time." Shi Jiu didn't let go of the medicine box, his eyes fixed on Lang Kong Lingkong's expression.

"May I ask that Yue Nu girl, what disease is she suffering from?"

Kong Lingkong frowned, sighed, and replied reluctantly.

"Fear of excessive kidney failure, excessive worry hurts the lungs. It is internal fear and external worry, which hurts the internal organs and requires rest."

This answer can be said to be completely opposite to Shi Jiu's guess, he frowned: "Is there... internal injury or external injury, or poisoning?"

Kong Lingkong shook his head: "Not yet."

Chapter 40 Chapter 39 Fangzheng, I have a difficult task for you (5k)

Inside Xiangyue Pavilion, Shi Jiu stared at the black shadow behind the screen with a slight frown across a screen.

Yue Nu's voice was obviously weak: "My family... cough cough... I don't know that the young master is visiting, and I am far away from welcoming you. Please also invite the young master Haihan."

Shi Jiu was unmoved: "It's okay, the girl sent the portrait of the thief last time, the portrait was so lifelike, it really helped us a lot. Now the case is going smoothly, thanks to the girl's painting."

Hearing Shi Jiu's praise, Yue Nu seemed a little happier, but her voice was also full of eagerness and fear: "Is there any progress in the case? Have you found any traces of the thief?"

Shi Jiu didn't answer directly, but asked back: "Young lady, don't you know?"

Yue Nu seemed a little disappointed, and even lowered her voice: "My family lives deep in the boudoir, so how can I know what's going on outside. It's just that I heard shouting and killing outside last night, and the sound of waves bursting. My family is really frightened and wants to ask Ask the thief if he has caught it."

"The thief in the painting has been caught, please don't worry, girl." Seeing that Yue Nu hadn't leaked anything, Shi Jiu deliberately released a message to see her reaction.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, the shadow behind the screen suddenly stood up.The sound of bare feet stepping on the floor was heard, twice lightly and loudly.

Ordinary people will not have such heavy footsteps when walking, because the human body will automatically adjust the pace and force to avoid heavy impact on the feet.However, people who are sick or dizzy will have light and heavy steps due to impaired balance or lack of physical strength.

Even though she didn't even reveal her footsteps, Shi Jiu didn't immediately deny her guess.

Bold assumptions, careful verification, now is the stage of careful verification in many ways.

Yue Nu walked behind the screen, panting heavily and suppressing a coughing voice came through the thin screen: "Really? Those two thieves were caught? When? The voice outside last night was the arrest of the two thieves. A thief?"

"I came here to tell the girl about this." Shi Jiu replied unhurriedly, "I also hope that the girl can rest assured and recover from her illness as soon as possible."

Yue Nu behind the screen seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, but it was precisely this relief that made him cough violently again.

"Miss Yuenu has contracted a cold?" Shi Jiu pretended not to know the doctor's diagnosis, "In that case, it would be rude for me to visit you today."

Yue Nu's voice was apologetic: "Master,'s because my family is weak, so why should you feel guilty?"

"It's very rare to see such a brave girl like Miss Yuenu." Shi Jiu pretended not to know the illness the doctor said, "That day, the girl was captured by a monster, and she could still maintain her health even hundreds of feet into the air. Calm down, you are truly a hero among women."

This is another suspicious point that Shi Jiu noticed.

That night, Moon Slave was obviously captured by the Gu Eagle, but he flew up to a hundred meters high without making any noise, extremely calm, and even performed the tea technique after being rescued.But it was a bit suspicious that such a bold and calm woman was frightened sick by the sound outside last night.

"Young master...don't make fun of me, young master." Yue Nu's voice was a little flustered and shy, "That day, my family was petrified, and was caught by the eagle again. I was afraid that I would fall if I moved. If it wasn't for the later son Save me, I am afraid that the souls of the servants will not come back."

Shi Jiu thought for a moment, and felt that Yue Nu's explanation seemed very reasonable.As a weak woman with no cultivation base, it is perfectly reasonable for her to be scared stupid in that situation.

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