"That's it...that's a misunderstanding." Shi Jiu narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't stop talking, "But girls don't have to belittle themselves, most people will lose their souls at the time, and they will have to wait a few days afterwards And the girl not only quickly regained her composure, but also painted and sent the portraits of the two monsters, and this alone has already thrown many men away."

Shi Jiu deliberately revealed some doubts, just to see if Yue Nu suspects that he is questioning her.Because only when Yue Nu is really an ordinary person, she will not be able to hear what she said.

As long as she has a moment of doubt, or there is a slight change in her voice, the probability of her having a problem will be greatly increased.

But Yue Nu didn't seem to hear the meaning behind Shi Jiu's words: "Actually, at that time, my family was also terrified, and couldn't sleep all night. I'm afraid I was already hurt by that time. Afterwards, I sent the painting to the yamen. I feel a little more at peace.”

Speaking of this, Yue Nu sighed: "But last night, for some reason, it may be because of my uneasy mind. When I heard the sound of fighting outside, I was very scared, and I always felt that those two thieves came looking for me again. ..."

Shi Jiu thought for a while, and seeing that there was no progress in this direction, he asked from another direction: "I just saw that Dr. Kong went out. He is here to see a doctor for the girl?"

"Yes, Mr. Kong said that my family was afraid of seriously hurting the kidneys and worrying about hurting the lungs, so I wrote a prescription for my family, and told my family to decoct one dose in the morning and take it at night, and it will be cured in four days."

Shi Jiu felt very uncomfortable.

So far, Yue Nu's answer has no problem at all, but she is the key person who connects the Acacia Sect and the monster. If you want to say that she really has no problem, then your previous reasoning will lose its foothold.

Just as Shi Jiu was thinking about how to continue to use Yue Nu's mouth, Yue Nu's accompanying mother knocked on the door: "Yue Nu, the medicine left by Mr. Kong is ready, are you still seeing guests?"

Yue Nu paused for a while, seemingly at a loss.But Shi Jiu can see it openly, because he has already asked all the questions he wants to ask.

The melon has been eaten, and the rest is to taste.

Shi Jiu stood up: "I'm taking the liberty, Miss Yuenu is sick, I should not disturb Miss Yuenu's rest."

Hearing Shi Jiu's words, the nanny pushed open the door with a smile on her face, and walked in with a steaming soup: "Yue slave, drink the medicine quickly."

Shi Jiu withdrew to leave, already determined his next destination.

"Young Master..." Yue Nu grabbed the edge of the screen and poked her head out, as if a little ashamed, "I'm sorry, it's not that I don't know etiquette, it's just..."

Shi Jiu followed the voice and glanced back, although he was blocked by Mammy's back after only one glance, he could clearly see Yue Nu's lips were pale, but there was an abnormal flush on his cheeks, his eyes were dim, and his back was slightly stooped. It's the attitude of a sick child.

After denouncing the [Eagle Eye] skill last night, Shi Jiu added the deducted points to it.

"Yue Nu, don't walk around when you are sick, what if the condition gets worse." The mother pushed Yue Nu back, "Drink the medicine, and I will send you off for you."

Shi Jiu looked away knowingly, and walked out the door.But within two steps, Mammy's voice sounded.

"Huh? Mr. Shi, don't rush away."

The nanny walked quickly to Shi Jiu's side, held Shi Jiu's hand tightly, and cried, "Thanks to you, my girl was frightened last night and kept yelling that the demons were coming to arrest her. I cried all night, and before dawn I became dizzy and had a fever, only the breath was out but not in..."

Shi Jiu recognized this nanny, she was the one who grabbed Shi Jiu's hand and begged him to save Yue Nu that day.This kind of nanny is both the nanny and the watcher of the girls in the brothel.If something happened to Ye Yuenu, she might be in bad luck.

Because this kind of nanny who takes care of the girl is usually a girl from the previous generation of the brothel. In modern terms, she is now a monthly slave in business, which is closely related to her performance.

However, Shi Jiu still maintained three-point doubts about Nanny's words, and smiled professionally: "This is all my duty. I came here today to inform Miss Yuenu of this matter. Now that the monster has been caught, Yue The slave girl can recover from her illness with peace of mind."

Nanny's rough and wrinkled hands grabbed Shi Jiu's hand and refused to let go, which gave Shi Jiu the illusion that he was being taken advantage of by others.

"My lord, my girl hasn't left the cabinet yet, so she really doesn't have much money. Although she wants to repay her kindness, but..."

"I understand, I understand." Shi Jiu interrupted hastily. He had heard the same words from Yue Nu once before, "I am an official of the imperial court. This is all my duty. I dare not be greedy for anything in return. As long as the people of Jinxiang City Living and working in peace and contentment is the greatest reward for me."

After saying this, Shi Jiu was almost numb to himself, but the nanny was very helpful, and she smiled happily: "When we return to the capital, we must remember the kindness of the young master. If there are officials from the demon slayer coming to our Yuegui Pavilion, We will definitely talk about it for you.”

Shi Jiu's expression turned subtle—was the skill of cooperating with this empty glove White Wolf handed down from generation to generation?

"But now Miss Yuenu has not left the cabinet, it is time to accumulate reputation. If some bad rumors spread at this time, I am afraid that it will be bad for Miss Yuenu." The mother changed the subject and revealed the truth For the purpose, the voice was lowered, "Young master, I am not looking down on you. It's just that Yuenu girl is not a good family, and at some stages she pays more attention to reputation than ordinary good families. Moreover, many officials in the capital have already bid in secret. It's not a good thing for you if your name appears."

"We are only relying on Xiangyue Pavilion. There are so many eyes around here, so many mouths behind the scenes. If there is someone deliberately playing tricks behind the scenes, Miss Yuenu's future will be completely destroyed."

"My lord, I can tell you are a good person at a glance. Miss Yuenu doesn't want to be rude to your benefactor, but I'm getting old, so I'll just be this shameless villain. I hope you can be fulfilled. If there are still If there is anything that needs to be communicated, please let the old man come forward on behalf of Miss Yuenu."

Mammy's words were very suggestive, but her eyes were apologetic, which made it hard for Shi Jiu to say anything.

Indeed, no matter how famous the outside world is, and how many famous noblemen will spend a lot of money in the future, it will not change the fact.

In this day and age, moon slaves are a fine commodity.And before she sells, the owner must guarantee her integrity, whether it is virtual or real.

"Today I just told Miss Yuenu that the case is closed, so there is no need to worry anymore." Shi Jiu smiled, and took his hand away from the mother's hand, "The case is closed, and at most we will call Miss Yuenu to identify the culprit. , nothing happened after that.”

Mammy immediately breathed a sigh of relief, smiling all over her face: "I'm here to thank Young Master on behalf of Miss Yue Nu."

After finishing speaking, Nanny sent Shi Jiu out of Xiangyue Pavilion, turned around and went upstairs.When she came to Yue Nu's room, she happened to see Yue Nu sitting in front of the case in a daze.

"Oh, my auntie, you can give me a good rest." With a mournful face, the nanny picked up Yuenu's armpit and dragged her back to the bed, "Last night, she was so loud, let alone the girl from Xiangyue Pavilion That's right, even the girls in Lin's shop heard it."

"Don't you see how they are scrambling to find out what you are howling in the middle of the night today? On the surface, they are concerned, but behind the scenes, they are full of sarcasm. You are still young, and you have never seen the knife under the tongue, but the old man has seen a lot."

"There is also the demon hunter, do you have to see him? Can't you find a servant to pass on something? Do you know what situation you are in now? The title of the oiran is not assigned to you, and it will be sent to you at the flower selection meeting." There are so many girls! Last year, the emperor confiscated Wang Shilang's house, and it is said that Wang Shilang's girl was sent to the Jiaofang Division. That girl is a serious scholar, and her mother was a famous beauty in the capital. The girl said Maybe it will be sent to the flower selection show this year, you can have some fun..."

"Mommy... Mommy... Yuenu knew I was wrong..." Yuenu replied in a low voice, her voice was full of grievance and fear.

The nanny paused, and her harsh voice softened a bit: "It's good that you know. Although your talent is top-notch in the Laurel Pavilion, only those of us who have experienced it know how fierce the competition in the flower selection will be. In the future You will also meet a lot of men, whether it is talent or bravery, the men in the capital are the best choices..."

What followed was the chattering teaching of someone from the past. Yue Nu just listened quietly, humming from time to time.

On the eaves outside the window, Shi Jiu frowned and listened to the conversation between Yue Nu and Nanny.


Leaving Xiangyue Pavilion, Shi Jiu didn't rush back to Demon Slaying Division, nor did he inquire outside Xiangyue Pavilion for information, but went around a few times and came to Yuelai Inn.

Today he didn't come to find Xiao Yusheng, but to find Fang Zheng.

"The shopkeeper..." Shi Jiu leaned against the counter with a hippie smile, "Well... I still came to find Fangzheng. You saw it last time, we are indeed acquaintances..."

This time the shopkeeper's attitude towards Shi Jiu was completely opposite from last time, with a smile all over his face: "Oh, what's the matter, come here and I'll take you upstairs."

Shi Jiu looked at the shopkeeper in surprise, not knowing why he had such a big difference between the two times.

"Officials, Jinxiang City is not peaceful these days, but it's all thanks to you." The shopkeeper took Shi Jiu upstairs while complimenting him with a smile on his face, "There was a lot of trouble last night, and I don't know what happened again. What's up?"

"It's all about catching the thief." Shi Jiu didn't know if he could talk about the case related to the Hehuan Sect, so he could only find an excuse to evade it, "This... how do you know?"

"Hey, look at what you said, there was so much commotion last night, no one can hear it." The shopkeeper smiled hypocritically, trying to figure out Shi Jiu's meaning, "We are not inquiring about the government's secrets, we are ordinary people, just ask It's a peaceful day under the protection of the government. But it's not just me, all the shopkeepers on our street want to know... Was the thief caught last night? This is related to the lives of our common people, and they all want to know .”

"Don't worry about this." Shi Jiu's thoughts changed, his tone was still tight, "Everything is subject to the government's notification, but I guess the result will come out soon."

The shopkeeper narrowed his eyes, roughly guessed the result, and smiled brightly: "Mr. Fang told me yesterday that if you come to him again, I will take you upstairs. I didn't know that Mr. Fang was actually a student of Xiaoxiang Academy. , it really is not an ordinary person who can be friends with the demon hunter."

As expected of a businessman, in just a few words, he seamlessly connected inquiring news and flattery.If Shi Jiu hadn't received information security training in his previous life, maybe he would have followed his words and revealed what he knew.

When I came to the door of a guest room on the second floor, the shopkeeper knocked on the door: "Mr. Fang, Mr. Shi Jiu is here to see you."

As soon as the words were finished, there were footsteps in the room. Fangzheng held the book in one hand and opened the door with the other: "You are finally here. I just have something to ask you."

The shopkeeper left knowingly, while Shi Jiu followed Fang Zheng into the house.

"What happened last night?" Fangzheng asked impatiently as soon as the door was closed, "How did I hear that another monster entered the city?"

"It's not a monster, you two little thieves." Shi Jiu waved his hands, "Although there was a lot of noise, I still caught them."

Fangzheng had some doubts about Shi Jiu's words, but he also knew that there were some things he shouldn't ask: "Brother Shi, I just wanted to ask you... This Jinxiang City...is it safe now? Is it safe outside the city? Or is it safe in the city?"

Shi Jiu gave Fangzheng a sideways look: "Want to run away?"

"I stayed in Jinxiang City to see the beauty of Yuenu girl, but the situation has changed now..." Fangzheng sighed, pacing by the window, "If the city is not safe recently, I will It’s better to go back to Huainan City directly——I’m a weak scholar, and I haven’t passed the five-che book test yet, staying here will only increase the risk.”

Shi Jiu drank the water slowly, looked up at Fangzheng, and teased, "How did you sleep the night before yesterday?"

Fangzheng's expression changed with a slap, and he spread his fan to cover up his embarrassment: "Who can sleep..."

At that time, he was in the room next to the river, tasting wine with the beauty while watching the performance on the river.Then with a bang, the boat broke, and then there was a wild dance of demons and demons.He was sitting by the window, neither escaping nor not escaping.

Fortunately, City Lord Xiao was present that day, otherwise, depending on the ferociousness of those monsters, whether he can save his life is another matter, and there is no interest in talking about Fengyue.

"Not enjoyable, is it?" Shi Jiu smiled ambiguously.

Fangzheng blinked his eyes, not knowing what medicine was sold in Shi Jiu's gourd: "Brother Shi Jiu, you came to me... just to make fun of me?"

Shi Jiu nodded seriously.

"Go, go, go!" Fangzheng got up angrily and chased away people.

"Hey, don't worry." Shi Jiu dodged Fang Zheng, "How about giving you a chance to make up for your regrets?"

Fangzheng looked at Shi Jiu suspiciously.

Shi Jiu looked at Fangzheng seriously, and said earnestly, "I have a difficult task for you, I hope you can help me. And among the people I know, you are the only one who can do it!"

Fangzheng blinked his eyes, and suddenly sighed: "You don't need to be so formal, as long as you ask, I will definitely help - what's the matter?"

Shi Jiu got closer, tapped a 1000 tael silver note on the table, and pushed it over.

"I need you to go whoring for a few days, this is the activity fund."

Fangzheng: "?"

Chapter 41

It's on the shelf. It's on the shelf_(:3)∠)_

Because I did nucleic acid in the morning, I came back late.

After a glance, the free content has increased by 18 words. If it is a chapter of 2000 words, it will be 90 chapters.

Don't worry about reading this book. The old author has a 100% completion rate. Because the previous book was written too seriously, this book wants to relax and write something light and funny.Because of the background of the times, there will definitely be a profound plot, but it will definitely not abuse the master.

Thank you for your support. The main content of this book is Mountain and Sea Hunter + Human Internal Affairs.As for the candy delivery... I have seen it here, I believe everyone still has some recognition for my candy delivery ability, and there will be more candy in the future.


I haven't seriously asked for a wave of votes since I opened the book. I ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket today, and I will update 10 chapters later.

There is no plan to offer a reward for the time being. The reward offered for the last book disrupted the update rhythm, which will still affect the quality of the book after all, but I will still write as much as possible.If I save more than 5 words in the future, I will consider offering a reward.

Finally, ask for votes! !Ask for votes! !Ask for a monthly ticket! ! !

Chapter 42 Chapter 40 The host's force... The story is sung in Jingtian Prefecture

Fangzheng’s expression is hard to describe in a single sentence. If you can present the composition of the expression on his face in a pie chart, you can clearly see 40% doubts and 15% doubts, 10% surprises, and 5% surprises. Dazed and 30% reverent, every pore on the face participated in the composition of this expression.

"Brother Shi..." Fangzheng first looked at the bank note, then at Shi Jiu's face, hesitating for a moment, "Can you...can you talk about business?"

"This is the business." Shi Jiu pushed the money over, lest Fangzheng think he was playing tricks on him, "Of course I'm not asking you to go whoring for nothing, it's just a cover for your actions, I have another thing to ask you."

"You take Xiangyue Pavilion as the center of your circle, and focus on patronizing the brothels next to it—of course, Xiangyue Pavilion is also included. Then you ask the girls inside if anything happened in Xiangyue Pavilion last night, and whether there are any big ones. Shout out. If there is, be sure to ask when it started and when it ended. The more detailed the better, this is one of them."

"Secondly, it's best to find out from the people around Miss Yuenu, whether Miss Yuenu was really attacked by people from Jianghu before entering Jinxiang City, and how they escaped from trouble. If you can ask them With experience, we may be able to find flaws.”

It is the best choice to leave this matter to Fang, because Shi Jiu saw with his own eyes that Fang Zheng was able to solve a lantern riddle with a glance at Huajie that day, and his identity as a student of Xiaoxiang Academy was more attractive to the fireworks girl than he could have imagined. The size makes Fangzheng very easy to become the guest of honor.

Hearing this, no matter how crooked Fangzheng's thinking was, he understood that Shi Jiu had ulterior motives, and asked cautiously, "Brother Shi, is this related to the case in the city?"

Shi Jiu cleared his throat: "Don't think too much about it, but this news is very important. When you inquire about it, just ask it as an after-dinner conversation. Don't let people think that you are here specially for this matter."

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