"I'm going to eat some fresh northwest wind." Shi Jiu replied with a deep expression.


After Shi Jiu left the Demon Slayer, he didn't go directly to the Yuelai Inn, but walked to the north of the city to taste the thatched cottage.

"Shopkeeper, I'll grab the side medicine." As soon as he entered the door, Shi Jiu yelled at the shopkeeper.

There were few people in the morning, and the shopkeeper was reading the account book: "Take out the prescription."

Shi Jiu was taken aback for a moment, then realized that he had neglected an important matter, and said with a smile: "Well... I don't have a prescription... I came to get the medicine for a friend of mine."

"There must be a prescription." The shopkeeper glanced at Shi Jiu, saw his demon slaying uniform and waist badge, and his attitude changed 180 degrees, "This official, why don't we call a Do you want to show your friend, doctor?"

After finishing speaking, the shopkeeper howled in the back hall: "Old Kong—come out to see a doctor!"

"Here we come!" Kong Lingkong's angry voice sounded, and he lifted the curtain and walked out, "What are the symptoms, guest officer?"

Shi Jiu cleared his throat: "Ahem... I have a friend who has been visiting Huajie recently, and I plan to grab some medicine for nourishing the kidney and strengthening essence to tease him."

Kong Lingkong: ???

Shi Jiu: "?"

Kong Lingkong waved: "Come in with me."

Shi Jiu obediently followed Kong Langzhong into the back hall, and as soon as he entered, Kong Langzhong stroked his beard: "The friend you mentioned...is it yourself?"

Shi Jiu smiled awkwardly: "I do have a friend..."

"This..." Kong Lingkong's eyes seemed to have seen through everything, but his expression was incredulous, "Officer, let's not talk in secret, this prescription is not made randomly. We taste the century-old Caotang brand, and we will treat the guests with respect. They are all one-on-one. People have different physiques. If we want to nourish the kidney and strengthen the essence, we have to prescribe the right medicine. After all, the deficiency of yin and the excess of yang are completely different from the excess of yin. It’s a bit of a mistake, didn’t it smash the signboard of our thatched cottage?”

"So... your friend, is it really you?"

Good guy, if you don't admit that you didn't prescribe the medicine?

This old man's thinking is quite dynamic!

Shi Jiu gritted his teeth and replied: "No!"

"Then the old man can't help it." Kong Lingkong spread his hands, "The rule of Changcaotang is that you must see the patient on the spot before you can prescribe the prescription. I can't break the rules. How about I go with you to see your friend That's fine too."

Shi Jiu tried to argue with Kong Lingkong, but after arguing for a long time, Kong Lingkong insisted that the medicine should not be mixed without seeing the patient, and Shi Jiu had no choice.

Just as Shi Jiu opened the curtain and returned to the lobby, ready to say goodbye, a familiar but not very familiar person entered the Changcaotang.

"Shopkeeper, do you have a prescription for strengthening the kidney and strengthening the essence? I'll get one for my friend."

The shopkeeper laughed: "What's the matter today, all of them are getting medicines for friends-you, wait a minute, we only have one doctor in the morning, and he is still seeing patients. You sit here for a while, I'll pour you a cup of tea."

Shi Jiu stood at the door curtain on the side of Datang, watching the person who looked a lot like Fang Zheng but didn't look a lot like Fang Zheng.

These two look so much alike!

It's just that this person's eyes are darker, his legs are weaker, his back is bent, and his face is paler...

Impossible, absolutely impossible!How could Fangzheng become like this in just one night - how many girls did he call?The shopkeeper didn't see Shi Jiu either, and just howled loudly as usual: "Old Kong! There is still a customer waiting!"

"Here we come!" Kong Lingkong squeezed out from behind Shi Jiu, looked at the young man a few times, "Is this the young master? Come, come, come to the back hall, and I'll feel your pulse."

As he said that, Kong Lingkong raised his hand and put it on the opponent's veins.

The slightly darkened young man in Leitang cleared his throat, but he didn't withdraw his hand: "I see what's wrong, I'm grabbing the medicine for my friend."

Kong Langzhong frowned, feeling that this sentence sounded familiar: "My lord, is your friend... is it you?"

"Ahem, of course it's not me." Fangzheng's eyes wandered, "I'm physically strong, so I don't need this thing at all..."

Kong Langzhong looked at Fangzheng's gray ears and black tears, and then at his slightly trembling hands, feeling his pulse...

"Young master, this medicine cannot be prescribed indiscriminately. If you want to use it yourself, then I will give you a pulse right now. If you want to prescribe it to a friend, you can bring your friend here, or I can come with you . ” There was kindness in Kong Langzhong’s stern voice, “Young people still need to know how to control themselves…”

"No, no, nothing!" Fangzheng waved his hands and puffed out his chest, "My friend..."

"He's a scholar from Xiaoxiang Academy, he's known as Jinxiang City Flower Street, right?" Shi Jiu asked with a smile.

Fangzheng was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head abruptly, tilted his body to the side, and walked around Kong Lingkong to see Shi Jiu standing by the door of the inner hall.

Even though it was several meters away, Shi Jiu could hear Fang Zheng swallowing.

Fangzheng sat up straight with a slamming sound: "Ah yes...ah no, it doesn't matter what his name is! What's important is that he...he's in good health and doesn't need to prescribe medicine."

The shopkeeper who listened for a while interrupted: "Then why are you here?"

"I'm here to tell everyone that I have a friend who is in very good health." Fangzheng stood up and cupped his hands, "Farewell!"

Shi Jiu followed Fangzheng out of the door: "Oh, this is not my brother Fangzheng, what a coincidence today, you also came to prescribe a prescription for nourishing kidney and strengthening essence for a friend?"

Fangzheng's dark circles tended to spread to his entire face: "You waited for me here on purpose, didn't you?"

Shi Jiu plausibly said: "Brother, are you afraid that you will be overworked, and come here to give you a prescription to make up for it? What are you doing here?"

Fang Zheng gritted his teeth and walked on the street: "I'm here to show off!"

"Show off what?"

"Show off my good health!"


Five minutes later, at the refreshment stand in the morning, Shi Jiu poured Fang Zheng a cup of herbal tea: "Come and quench the fire... Oh, by the way, you have no fire to quench now."

After finishing speaking, Shi Jiu scooped up a spoonful of chili and poured it into Fangzheng's tofu brain: "Come and get angry."

In front of everyone, Fangzheng was embarrassed to splash the tofu brain on Shi Jiu's face, so he could only drink it spoonful by spoonful with a dark face.

"I don't care about you..." Shi Jiu also knew where Fangzheng was embarrassed, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty, "You just came back?"

Just imagine, after a night of fun with the girls, I feel overdrawn, and I want to buy some Liuwei Dihuang Pills to replenish my body when there are few people in the morning, but I bump into an acquaintance.

That scene, how embarrassing how embarrassing it was.

"You slept comfortably..." Fangzheng's voice was full of resentment.

Shi Jiu savored it for a while, the resentment was so strong that if Fangzheng died on the spot, he would directly turn into a ghost: "You didn't sleep well?"

Fangzheng glared at Shi Jiu: "I didn't sleep!"

Shi Jiu hesitated for a moment, thinking that there might be some things he didn't explain clearly: "That...the money doesn't have to be spent all at once..."

"I want to spend it all!" Fang Zheng shivered as if thinking of something terrifying, "What the hell are you planning?"

"That's the literal meaning, please inquire about things." Shi Jiu was righteous and sincere, "But I don't expect you to inquire about the news in a day, you should pay attention to your health..."

"Hey!" Fangzheng stared, "Who do you look down on?"

Shi Jiu was full of surprise: "What? Gained? So fast?"

"Why do you think I didn't sleep well last night?" Fangzheng rubbed his waist, "Let's talk about it when we go back... This bench hurts my back..."

"Is there a possibility that your back pain is not due to the bench."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."


After breakfast, the two returned to Yuelai Inn. During the period, Fangzheng groaned from time to time, and those who didn't know thought he had hemorrhoids.

"I was in Xiangyue Pavilion last night, and I made a major breakthrough in one night." Fangzheng stood by the window, not daring to sit down, "I asked seven girls..."

Shi Jiu held up the deduction card: "I don't think you need to add the word [body], I suspect you are suspected of showing off."

After all, Shi Jiu is an investor, and Fang Zheng endured it: "...the answers they gave are highly similar, and after refining, they can be condensed into one sentence: Yue Nu was scared to death after the thief shouted [What Tang Baicao] that night." Gall, cried most of the night, making them so noisy that they couldn't sleep."

Shi Jiu frowned, nodded thoughtfully, and tapped his index finger on the table lightly.

These answers were in line with his expectations, and they all pointed to the fact that Yue Nu had no problem.

If the mysterious third person was Luo Liuli, then Yue Nu's yelling undoubtedly created a sufficient alibi for her.

From start to finish, Moon Slave's alibi and lack of motivation were so perfect that there wasn't even a single bit of a problem.If it wasn't for the system's mission that forcibly linked Yue Nu and Luo Liuli together, I would never doubt Yue Nu in this direction.

Was it because I made a mistake and misunderstood the meaning of the system?

Shi Jiu fell into deep thought.

Fangzheng stopped posing by the window. He came to the table, looked at the thoughtful Shi Jiu, and suddenly sighed: "Is there not enough information? I can still investigate if it is not enough."

Shi Jiu was very moved, and immediately said that he would cut Fangzheng's activity funds: "No need, it's important to pay attention to your health, this hard work has tortured you...I can't bear it for my brother!"

"No, no, I can still do it! I can still contribute to Jinxiang City!" Fangzheng slapped the table and stood up, impassioned, "For the sake of the peace and tranquility of Jinxiang City, my little pain is nothing! Brother Jiu, you Don't stop me, let me go!"

"Really? Brother Fang!"

"Really, brother Jiu!"

Shi Jiu patted Fangzheng's shoulder vigorously in distress: "Then you go! I will cheer you up silently!"

"I..." Fangzheng rolled his eyes, coughed twice, and quietly covered his waist, "It's not open yet...at night, at night..."

"Actually... I still have another idea." Shi Jiu said, his brain was running fast, "Maybe my reasoning is not wrong, but some preconceived things are wrong."

Fangzheng looked at Shi Jiu blankly, unable to understand what his inconsistent words meant.

"My direction is correct, and there is still the possibility that Yue Nu is tricky, but my way of paying attention is wrong." Shi Jiu stood up, and slowly paced in the room, "I have been paying attention to Yue Nu's... ..."

Realizing that the following words should not be said by Fang Zheng, Shi Jiu could only smile: "Brother, the news you inquired about today is very important, thank you very much."

"You should take a good rest today. After working hard, you have to make up for it."

After speaking, Shi Jiu walked out of Fangzheng's room and closed the door.

As soon as he walked out the door, Shi Jiu lowered his head and ran towards the demon slayer.

Yue Nu's performance was too perfect, whether it was the question and answer or the alibi, it was perfect and impeccable, but this was her biggest doubt.

Every time an accident happened, something impressive happened to her as her alibi.While the chances of this happening aren't zero, it's debatable if it happens every so often.

"If it's not Yue Nu, then it's because she is hiding beside Yue Nu, or she has some kind of connection with Luo Liuli..."

"There are no less than a dozen people in Yue Nu's team. If Luo Liuli hid in there, would the others not find it? These people all came from the same place, and they are very familiar with each other. Just separate them to create a prisoner's dilemma, and then If you ask other people one by one if there is anything strange recently, it is possible to force out clues."

Shi Jiu felt that his train of thought was at odds with Yue Nu.

Chapter 55 Chapter 53 I am really born with supernatural powers (4k)

In the drawing room, Uncle Ma asked Zhou Guotai beside him while comparing the map: "Hey, you said... Is Shi Jiu's incident true or false?"

"I don't know, but I think he only has one grade." Zhou Guotai compared the two maps with his hand, "I suggest you don't ask too much about this matter, it's best not to ask."

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