"Is Shi Jiu also the nephew of City Lord Xiao?" Uncle Ma turned to Wang Lu who was working quietly and honestly, "Have you heard any news?"

Wang Lu shook his head in silence, obviously not knowing.

Seeing that several people didn't answer him, Uncle Ma had no choice but to turn his target to Feng Shu: "Old Feng..."

Feng Shu can be regarded as Bai Shuqiu's confidant, who was picked up by Bai Shuqiu first hand.If there was any news from above, Feng Shu would definitely be the first among them to know about it.

"Don't ask too much about this, that's what the higher-ups explained." Feng Shu also didn't answer directly, keeping secret, "And I heard that many martial arts practitioners saw Shi Jiu walking on the water with his own eyes that night. The fifth grade is split in half. Many of them are said by the priests of the big families in the city, do you think they can lie?"

"Tch, don't they tell a lot of lies?" Uncle Ma curled his lips in disdain, still unconvinced, "We all know how much Shi Jiu has cultivated, this is not proper..."

"Uncle Ma." Feng Shu's expression suddenly became gloomy, "You can inquire about things that should be inquired about, and don't inquire about things that should not be inquired about. This is the arrangement of the superiors. No matter whether the monster was killed by him or not, the orders from the superiors are When others asked about it, it was Shi Jiu who replied, do you understand?"

"How can this be the same!" Uncle Ma stared at him, "He's only first grade! Why do you say that he killed that demon? Who would believe it? Someone else must have killed him, and then put his name on him!"

Feng Shu took a deep breath, feeling a little headache: "I said... don't ask me if you have any questions, ask the higher ups."

But Uncle Ma obviously didn't intend to let this matter go like this: "Then who are the people of the Hehuan Sect? They are deceived, poisoned and tricked, they are all insidious! Now put Shi Jiu on the bright side, those people Don’t all those who want to take revenge have to go after him? He’s only a rank one! The person who comes to avenge a rank five must be a rank five, right? If you want to push a shield, you have to push a decent one! I think it’s those aristocratic families who are afraid To cause trouble, we collectively found a scapegoat..."

"Then who did you say killed it, you killed it?" Feng Shu has long been accustomed to Uncle Ma's tone and brain circuit, but at this time he was a little annoyed, "This is the arrangement from the superior, we will follow the order from the superior Why don't you understand such a simple truth?"

"I'm tired of your mother! You are a coward who does what the boss says!" Uncle Ma slammed the table, pointed at Feng Shu's nose, and cursed, "You guys are not from Jinxiang City, half way to others Cut it down to help, it’s fine if you don’t even give the medicine salary, and let him take the blame? Shi Jiu is our demon slayer! Why should we take the blame for those smooth-tongued things!"

"Then I didn't give it up!" Feng Shu slapped his pen on the table heavily, "Uncle Ma, you are a soldier of the Demon Slaying Division! You have to obey the orders of your superiors! I didn't decide this matter, you rush Why am I so angry! You are so arrogant, you go to Hall Master Bai and Vice Envoy Li to howl! You are so good at reasoning, you tell your boss!"

Ma Shucai's temper also became angry: "I'm tired of my mother, so why don't you not tell others about this? I saw you tell the Tianmen Mountain about this. Are you pushing Shi Jiu into the fire pit?"

Seeing that the two of them were about to roll up their sleeves and fight, Wang Lu hurried out to act as a peacemaker and stood in between them: "Hey, stop, stop, let's put out the fire, put out the fire. Brother Feng is the same as you, and he also treats this matter as well." I don’t know much about it, but I just follow the orders from above, that’s what everyone eats.”

The demon envoys from other halls also noticed that the Qingsong hall was arguing, some came to watch the excitement, some came to fight, and immediately this table became the focus of the drawing room.

Feng Shu and Uncle Ma just quarreled more and more fiercely, but this was not the first time the two had quarreled, and the people around could only isolate them as much as possible.

The person who has a good relationship with Ma Shucai forcibly put his arms around his shoulders and dragged him outside: "Shucai, don't worry, let's go out and talk, go out and talk."

As soon as he went out, Uncle Ma slowly calmed down.He and Feng Shu often quarreled, but they were comrades in arms who had fought together, so they didn't take any friction to heart.When I go to work the next day, sit down and have a meal together, and it will be fine if I say a word.

It's just that once the friction starts at this moment, no one is willing to bow their heads.Now that he left the scene of the quarrel, without the source of his temper, his anger gradually subsided.

"Okay, okay, you can go back." Uncle Ma waved his hand, "The task is urgent, I will hang here for a while."


Before Bai Shuqiu said that other demon hunters marked the map of monsters in the demon slaying department, Shi Jiu felt that he could just go there and take a look, and there might be some unexpected gains.

Although the main mission [-] has been completed, there is no trace of the main mission [-]. Shi Jiu feels that he must discover it as soon as possible.The second main task was triggered when Shi Jiu and Fangzheng went shopping in Flower Street, so the next task might also be triggered by shopping.

As soon as he walked into the backyard of Demon Slayer, and before he entered the drawing room, Shi Jiu saw Ma Shucai with a very grim expression.

Uncle Ma was still sullen at the moment, sitting in front of the steps and sulking, when he saw Shi Jiu coming, he was still angry: "Here?"

"I'm here." Shi Jiu arched his hands, not knowing why Uncle Ma was so angry, "I heard Hall Master Bai said that everyone is making a map of monster traces, and he asked me to learn from it."

Uncle Ma glanced at Shi Jiu with a strange look, cleared his throat, and looked around to see if there were other people around, then asked in a low voice: "I heard Hall Master Bai said that you killed a fifth-rank demon from the Hehuan Sect. real or fake?"

Shi Jiu had expected this kind of question to arise a long time ago, and he had already prepared how to answer it: "It is indeed true."

Uncle Ma snorted immediately: "You have a fifth rank? I don't believe it."

"I don't believe it either." Shi Jiu said swearingly, "I only have one rank, and you can see it."

Uncle Ma twisted his neck: "Then how do you kill a fifth-rank demon?"

Shi Jiu also knew that there was no way to hide this matter, so he simply didn't lie from the beginning.

How many big lies in the world start with a small lie, and each one needs a bigger lie to make up for it-unless the truth is told from the beginning.

For example, inborn supernatural power, this is a real thing.

"Because I did kill it." Shi Jiu said confidently, "Didn't I introduce myself when I joined the job? I have great strength."

Uncle Ma didn't believe it at all, but he was too embarrassed to say that Shi Jiuxiu was inferior to his face, so he had to remind him in a tactful way: "How big is it?"

Shi Jiu bit the bullet and continued to open his eyes to tell the truth: "It can cut the fifth grade into two halves."

Uncle Ma looked at Shi Jiu suspiciously, and pulled him aside: "Did Master Bai tell you to say that?"

Shi Jiu cleared his throat: "I... I am indeed born with supernatural power."

"You don't know how great the gap between the fifth and fourth ranks is by innate divine power!" Uncle Ma let out a piss, holding Shi Jiu's arm with his big hand like a cattail fan, trying to pull him into the inner hall. "Let me tell you, you can't take this job casually. In the future, if the Hehuan Sect comes to seek revenge, you will definitely be the first to target you. You are a first-rank martial artist, can you withstand other people's revenge? Why don't you take advantage of the rumors? Guang, hurry up and intercede with Hall Master Bai, and withdraw this job, there is no shame in it."

To be honest, Shi Jiu was still a little moved.But this matter... this matter was not arranged by Bai Shuqiu for him at all!

And he also figured it out, instead of pretending to be first-class all the time, it is better to take this opportunity to build a character with natural supernatural power, which can save a lot of trouble in the future.

After careful consideration, Shi Jiu pulled Ma Shucai's arm away: "That...how about you try it? I am really strong."

Uncle Ma looked at Shi Jiu with weird eyes: "What's the matter with being strong? It's not a matter of strength. It's not a problem at all to beat a fifth rank to a dozen or so fourth ranks, because the difference in realm is so big. The strength is irreparable..."

"It may be that the strength of the fourth grade is not strong enough." Shi Jiu raised his hand confidently, "Would you like to try it? I said it when I introduced myself, I am really strong."

Uncle Ma didn't want to bully Shi Jiu at first, but seeing his obsessive obsession, he felt that he still had to educate this brat.

Whatever job the leader arranges, you can't take it all!Shi Jiu had to realize how dangerous the job he was taking was that he would realize the cut-off in combat power brought about by the difference in rank.

Uncle Ma was thinking about how to persuade Shi Jiu to give up, but Shi Jiu stretched out his hand self-consciously: "Come and try it, you won't lose a piece of meat."

Uncle Ma was not polite, he was lucky in his feet, his muscles swelled up under the impetus of Qi and blood, he pushed forward tentatively, but found that Shi Jiu did not move at all.

Interesting, Shi Jiu said that his innate supernatural power might be true.

Uncle Ma only increased his strength bit by bit, but found that Shi Jiu was like a mountain, not moving at all.

It's a bit interesting, it seems that this natural power is enough to raise Shi Jiu's strength to the second or even third rank, this is already the person with the greatest natural strength that Uncle Ma has ever heard of.

"Can we start?" Shi Jiu asked politely.

Uncle Ma was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted: "Boy, don't talk big!"

Shi Jiu nodded: "Can we start then?"

"it is good……"


Uncle Ma slept peacefully.

Just kidding, Shi Jiu's fists are flimsy and limp, with no strength at all.Shi Jiu gently pushed, touching Ma Shucai so much that he fell asleep.


Hearing the sound from outside the drawing room, the expressions of the monster hunters in the drawing room changed, they picked up the guy at hand and rushed out.

What was the sound just now, Tiangongfang exploded?

But when everyone went out, they didn't see the fireballs all over the sky. Instead, their eyes were attracted by the two ditches on the ground.

The two ditches were thin and long, and they broke off suddenly after six or seven meters, turning into a thick and long ditch.

At the end of the ditch, Uncle Ma was sleeping peacefully under the smashed stone wall, and the smile on his face was still there.

Shi Jiu smiled embarrassingly: "Ahem... Uncle Ma just said to try my strength, but he couldn't stand still and was pushed out by me."

Then everyone's eyes shifted to Shi Jiu.

Martial arts are all rough-skinned and thick-skinned, especially after entering the second-rank Iron Bone Realm, their resilience will be greatly improved.Therefore, being brave and ruthless has become a collective characteristic of Wufu - because the recovery is fast, it is not a problem to get a little injury, and even the body will be tougher after recovery.

Occasionally, private comparisons of strength are very common among demon slaying divisions, but this is the first time Shi Jiu pushes Uncle Ma a dozen meters away, almost collapsing a wall.

"Are you guys really competing for strength?" Feng Shu's face darkened, his gaze constantly wandering between Shi Jiu and Ma Shucai.

"Yes, I told him that I was born with supernatural power, but he didn't believe it, so we compared each other." Shi Jiu looked at Feng Shu with innocent eyes, "I didn't control my strength well, and that's it."

Zhou Guotai looked at Shi Jiu suspiciously: "How strong are you?"

Shi Jiu nodded vigorously: "That's natural."

"Really? Let me try."


Zhou Guotai slept peacefully beside Ma Shucai like a baby.

"I'll try it too!"


The contestants who just signed up also lay peacefully beside the first two contestants.

"Is there another one?" Shi Jiu raised his hand and asked.

Everyone took a step back unanimously, for fear that they would be the one who stood out.

"What do you call natural power?" Someone looked blankly at the three ditch on the ground.

Shi Jiu nodded, showing a sunny boy's smile: "Really, I am born with supernatural powers, why don't you believe me?"

As a result, rumors of Shi Jiu's innate supernatural power spread among the demon slaying division.Although most people still don't believe that Shi Jiu can kill the fifth rank alone, but if it is a fifth rank who was injured in the previous battle and has a serious consumption of true energy, they think it is still possible.

However, what Shi Jiu cares about is somewhat different from others.

"System, where's my counting reward?"

[The forced number has arrived at 6 o'clock. 】

Shi Jiu was taken aback: "I didn't receive the notice, what time is it?"

[The host turned off the forced number message notification before, and now the host's forced number is 144 points. 】

Shi Jiu pondered for a moment: "Oh...the 30 points reward for the main task [-] is also in it, no wonder..."

"Sure enough, to get the number, people must know that that person is me. But this is contrary to my current identity. After all, everyone thinks that a demon-slayer craftsman who comes out of the demon-slaying lair can kill fifth-rank warriors, unless this People are spies inserted by other forces."

"So the strategy that needs to be adopted now is to gradually rationalize one's own strength through things beyond common sense, such as natural supernatural power. From this, the second method can be extended: creating adventures for oneself."

"I fell off a cliff and met an old man who taught me a sixty-year-old skill, so I broke through, it makes sense, right?"

Shi Jiu clenched his fist quietly.

Okay, the next step is to create an adventure for myself, but before that, I need to scout out where there are cliffs nearby...

I believe that "A Long Time's Bizarre Adventure" will start broadcasting soon.

Chapter 56 Chapter 54 I am the man behind the scenes? (4.5k)

Everyone looked at the three people lying neatly under the wall that was about to collapse, and they dragged the three of them into the house without saying a word in a tacit understanding.

As for the sparring, it is understandable that the subordinates are a little heavier.These three demon hunters are all at the second rank, but even at the third rank, it is impossible to throw them out like stones.

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