——It's so embarrassing, I just ran halfway, and they have already cleared the Qi Beast...

But the Qi Beast was not the attack of the monster in the distance, it was just the aftermath of the collision with the army formation.Obviously, if there is a first time, there must be a second time.

The aftermath that was more violent than before hit again and again, colliding with the disciples of Tianmen Mountain who formed the formation. Although the impact this time was stronger than the previous one, the sword formation with Xiao Yusheng sitting in it was indestructible.

Shi Jiu stared into the distance and frowned.

The battle in the distance has been going on for some time, and the collisions are getting stronger every time.He didn't know what kind of monster he was facing, but at this moment he could clearly see that the army was in an advantage.

It seems that there is no need to come forward this time - there is no task reward to get anyway...

Just as Shi Jiu was thinking this way, the battle situation in the distance changed.

A gigantic beast that could be seen thousands of meters away appeared on the ground, with a blue sky above its head and long hair on its body.Cyan clouds wrapped around its limbs like ribbons.

Now Shi Jiu could see clearly that the giant beast in the distance was the so unpalatable Dulong Valley that he could never forget.

At the same time, a huge phantom of a soldier appeared in the army formation facing Dulong Valley, and the spear in his hand pointed directly at the giant beast.But its light and shadow effects are far worse than those of Dulong Valley. If this is a game cg, then this soldier with no obvious features has already lost.

Shi Jiu has always heard how big the gap between fifth and sixth ranks is, and today he finally has a clear understanding.

There is a clear gap in strength between the fifth rank, and the strength of that shemale and Tang Baicao are obviously not in the same rank.Tang Baicao can easily manipulate the entire river, which weighs a thousand tons of water, while the monster can only slap a dozen or so Sipins lying down on the riverside to watch a show with a simple and unpretentious palm.

The battle of the sixth rank is enough to change the color of the world.


The tiger's roar resounded through the earth, and even Shi Jiu couldn't help but change his face.The Tianmen Mountain disciples beside him suffered even more, their faces were all pale, and they almost lost their positions.

The low roar of a predator has a deterrent effect on the prey, and the low roar of the tiger can even make the prey's brain go blank, and the limbs stand stiff and motionless.

And the roar of the sixth-rank monster beast not only has the unique deterrence of predators, but also has the blessing of supernatural powers, directly attacking the enemy's mind.

Sure enough, the soldier seemed to have stagnated for a moment, and his body suddenly became more transparent.

What Xiao Yusheng said to him at the beginning of the war emerged in Shi Jiu's mind.

"In the battle of supernatural powers, the winner wins."

Chapter 65 Chapter 63 Duangu ran away!

The upper limit of military power is rank six. After all, it is not a real supernatural power, but a kind of spiritual power similar to supernatural power.

If it is used against the enemy, this shortcoming is not considered a shortcoming.But when facing a real strong person, this shortcoming will be infinitely magnified.

Li Fuchuan glared angrily, the gun in his hand was like a dragon, and the gun was wrapped in flames. In the flames, phantoms of soldiers held knives and guns in their hands, and stabbed fiercely at Dulong Valley regardless of their own safety.The clouds surrounding Du Langu's body suddenly changed color, and it was as dark as a dark cloud, with lightning flashing indistinctly.It opened its mouth and spewed out a thunderbolt, which collided with the long spear.

The loud noise produced by the violent collision between the two sides made people blind, and the dazzling light took away their vision.But the military power that has reached the realm of supernatural powers has exceeded the original perception range of human beings. Even if he loses his eyesight and hearing, Li Fuchuan can still firmly lock the aura of Dulong Valley.

But even under the protection of the army, the soul-suppressing roar still caused some soldiers to become distracted or even seriously injured, weakening the strength of the army.The weakened army was even more unable to stop the supernatural powers of Dulong Valley, and more sergeants were seriously injured or even died, falling into a vicious circle.

The original advantage was disappearing bit by bit, and he only had one chance left.

The land where the two sides fought has already been overturned, and the originally fairly flat forest has turned into a rocky mountain full of strange rocks and spikes.Within a radius of several miles, not a single blade of grass grew, leaving only soil and rock dug out from a depth of several meters underground.

The mountain crossbow that could pose a fatal threat to the fourth-rank monsters has been shattered, and the Fuzi compass that weakened the monster spirit has also been shattered by the monster power; the army is weakening, and the leader has also been seriously injured.

Dulong Valley also paid the price. Most of its mane protecting its vitals was burned off, exposing the fatal vitals on its neck; its body was dripping with blood, and its wounds were so deep that internal organs could be seen, and the blood rich in demonic power dripped into the soil It can burn the land with a radius of several meters into charred black.

Both parties have reached the stage of desperately trying, but Du Yangu has other ideas.

Unlike other bastards, its bloodline supernatural power is extremely rare, and it is the supernatural power of an authentic ancient beast.At this time, if you stay here and try your best, the possibility of surviving is only [-] to [-].If he fled to another state and asked the monsters there to take him in, the probability of survival would be greatly increased.

After getting along with each other these days, it has also realized that Yu Jingzi and Mr. Jiurui are both vicious people with honey and swords. If they continue to stay here, they may not be able to live a good life after being squeezed out of their value.

Do you want to run?

Now that the army is broken, although the opponent will inevitably become weaker and weaker as the fight continues, the opponent will definitely not give him a chance to fight.The next attack is a life-and-death blow.

But after all, I am a chess piece that may be abandoned at any time in Jingtian Prefecture. On the contrary, the imperial court of the worm will definitely send reinforcements...

run!What kind of shit Yu Jingzi, let it go!If you don't run away with your own life, you may be gone!


Du Langu's body suddenly shrunk, and the dark clouds wrapped around his body also dissipated invisible.In an instant, its figure ran a hundred meters away.

Li Fuchuan hadn't recovered yet, and the army was also fading.He originally thought that the Dulong Valley would fight him desperately, but he didn't expect it... to run away?

Military power is more like momentum, and momentum is extremely susceptible to external influences.Especially when the enemy disappears, the feeling of punching cotton will greatly frustrate the momentum.

Reluctantly bringing up the army, Li Fuchuan tried to make up for the final blow to Dulong Valley.However, once the military power began to leak, the speed of the loss far exceeded his expectations, and he could only command the military power to deliver the final blow.

The giant's spear stirred the wind and thunder, and it fell from the sky like thunder.And Duangu let out a terrified roar, and his body suddenly dissipated into a cloud of dust, most of them fled to the distance, only a small part remained to face the long spear head-on.

This dust double needs to consume a lot of blood, but it is worth the money.If it just took that blow, I'm afraid it can be cleaned up with just a fifth rank.

After making up his mind to escape, Li Fuchuan could only watch helplessly as Dulong Valley fled into the distance.He couldn't suppress his injury for a while, and spat out a mouthful of blood.


These [-] city guards are the elite of the city. Today they can be said to be the best of the best, but they still failed to keep the monster.At this moment, nearly half of the sergeants were killed or injured, and the rest were exhausted.Not to mention re-gathering the army, even regrouping and returning to the city will take a period of rest.

Like a person who breathed a sigh of relief after a long marathon run, Li Fuchuan only felt dizzy and his true energy collapsed.

"Bai Shuqiu..." Li Fuchuan's voice was weak, barely holding on to the edge of the chariot, "You..."

But when he looked back, he saw Bai Shuqiu sitting on the ground in the same listless state, his clothes were soaked in sweat, his eyes were dull, his mouth was vomiting blood, and his chest cavity collapsed. Obviously, he was injured in the fierce collision just now. injury.

Martial arts before the fifth rank have nothing to do with this kind of attack on the spirit or soul. Even though Li Fuchuan suffered the most damage in the whole battle before, the comrades around him were also injured a lot because of the difference in realm.

Now it seems that Li Fuchuan, who suffered the most spiritual impact, was actually the least injured.At this time, he looked around, but he couldn't find anyone who could go back and report the news.

They failed to hunt Dulong Valley successfully, but let it escape.Moreover, the supernatural power of this Dulong Valley actually belongs to Kun Gen, as long as he steps on the ground, his recovery speed will be extremely fast.If it escapes and attacks civilians, devouring flesh and blood to restore its wounds, it won't be long before it makes a comeback.

At that time, I'm afraid I'm still lying on the bed.

Li Fuchuan clenched his fists, there was a sixth-rank monster hidden in Jingtian Prefecture, and no one in Earthquake Altar even noticed it?And such a big matter, unexpectedly only let Jin Xiangcheng handle it by himself.Obviously there are real sixth grades in Huainan City...

Suddenly, Li Fuchuan's expression changed, he seemed to understand what was going on, but he couldn't believe it was true.

Since the establishment of the Monster Killing Division, the monsters in Dagan territory have been killed to the point of blood flow.Not to mention the sixth grade, even the fourth grade is a rare thing.Although Jingtian Prefecture is close to the southern border, it is still a state away from the jungle of the southern border where the monsters are densely populated. Ordinary monsters will never step into Dagan, which is a forbidden land for them.

Moreover, he had never heard that Dulong Valley has the ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil, but the city lord's kit said that the monsters they were going to hunt had this ability, and the kit also specially added magic tricks to conceal the secret ,unless……

Unless these monsters are deliberately put in, and there are more than six ranks, more than one.And the one that didn't appear is the real monster with the ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

The reason why the people from Huainan City didn't show up was probably because they went to deal with that monster.

Being able to transfer all the sixth ranks, and even having to let myself, the fifth rank, lead the army to deal with the unequal situation of the sixth rank monsters, could the hidden monster be a seventh rank?

Chapter 66 Chapter 64 Sand Dog

Taking a deep breath, Li Fuchuan felt that he couldn't think about it anymore.The most urgent task now is to inform Jinxiang City of the news of Dulong Valley's escape, and to issue an early warning to other guards in the distance.He managed to reach the back of the chariot, took out the signal flare hidden in the hidden compartment, and pointed obliquely in the direction of Dulong Valley's escape.

That direction is the direction that Li He led the demon slayer to guard. Even if the Dulong Valley is seriously injured, Li He is absolutely impossible to be its opponent. They must retreat immediately, otherwise they will die in vain.

Li Fuchuan knew that he couldn't fall now, he endured the pain of broken bones, and sounded the signal flare.After doing all this, Li Fuchuan turned over and lay on the chariot, panting violently.

Looking around, most of the soldiers were listless.The military force just now drained their true energy, and their energy and spirit were exhausted, so they had to wait here for reinforcements.But in Jinxiang City, who is capable of fighting a sixth-rank monster with ancient blood?

Li Fuchuan looked at the soldiers who died in battle beside him, feeling mixed emotions in his heart.

The human race has a monitoring platform, and the monsters also have many races that are born with the ability to spy on the secrets of the sky.But precisely because of the existence of the ability to predict secrets, many things cannot be easily said.

Because of the leakage of the heavenly secrets, many campaigns against high-grade monsters in history fell short or even lost their money. This is all recorded in the file of the demon slaying division, and the experience recorded with the blood of countless ancestors.Concealing the secrets for others is dozens of times more difficult than concealing the secrets for oneself. Every time one more person needs to be concealed, the more mental effort the plan executor needs to expend.Therefore, it is sometimes a better choice for the higher-ups to hide the truth from the lower-level when doing things.

It's just that he has never seen such a large-scale action in his life.Nearly half of the eight hundred elites were lost, and many of them would be crippled even if they returned alive.After paying such a high price, he still hasn't left the Dulong Valley. He doesn't know how to explain to his superiors when he goes back, let alone how to explain to the families of the soldiers.

"Yes...the subordinates are incompetent..." Li Fuchuan lowered his head and murmured.

Humans and monsters are the players sitting at the card table, the demon slaying master of Jinxiang City is a card, and Dulong Valley is also a card.

Two players are playing for one purpose. You play one card, and I play one card until the winner is determined.

And his card obviously failed to play the expected role.


"Do you feel that there is a very dangerous feeling?" Shi Jiu narrowed his eyes, and his eyes became more and more serious.

"Some." Xiao Yusheng hesitated, "You can speak directly if you have something to say."

"Let all the disciples of Tianmen Mountain retreat." Shi Jiu stroked the knife at his waist, his eyes fixed on the sandstorm coming from a distance, "This is not an opponent they can deal with."

Shi Jiu's eagle eyes had already seen the end of the battle, the human army seemed to have gained the upper hand in the end, and Du Yugu fled in a panic.But unfortunately, the direction of escape from Dulong Valley is here.

If they get out of the way, there is a vast human settlement behind them.Dulong Valley can break into a village at will, devour flesh and blood to restore qi and blood, and then use his supernatural powers to quickly absorb the earth's qi to recover, and within a few days it will be a fierce dog again.

Now most of the hall masters of the demon slaying division are at the forefront, and only the disciples of Tianmen Mountain and some bronze demon hunters are left behind.If Duangu escapes like this, Shi Jiu can't imagine how hard he will live in the next period of time.

Including but not limited to the heavy workload squeezed by too many absentees, the furious search warrant of the city lord, and the busy life that is too busy to enjoy delicious food and melons.

In such a future, Shi Jiu must be strangled to death in the cradle.

"You understand what I mean?" Shi Jiu gave a hint with his eyes.

"I see." With a wave of Xiao Yusheng's plain hand, the white jade sword turned into thousands of sword shadows again, and brought the Tianmen Mountain disciples and demon hunters up into the sky, "I will go back as soon as possible."

Shi Jiu nodded his head first, and didn't realize something was wrong until he found that his angle of view was constantly rising.

"Wait, I don't need it!" Shi Jiu hurriedly jumped off the flying sword, "You take them with you, and I'll solve it!"

But just as he jumped off the sword that carried him away, another flying sword caught him firmly and accelerated instantly, flying towards the distance.The other Tianmen Mountain disciples and the demon hunters of the demon slaying division are also on this list. Everyone is stepping on a flying sword and is leading them towards Jinxiang City at high speed.

"Senior Sister Xiao!" The disciple of Tianmen Mountain became anxious immediately, "Senior Sister Xiao wants to end her queen by herself!"

The corners of Shi Jiu's mouth twitched, even if you don't tell me, anyone with a discerning eye can see it!

But the problem is not this, how come the flying swords are endless one after another!

Seeing that Shi Jiu jumped off a flying sword and was about to go back, the other flying sword was connected as if it had eyes, and flew back with Shi Jiu at a faster speed.

"I have the magic weapon given to me by the sect, which can resist the sixth rank for a while." Xiao Yusheng's message appeared from the jade talisman she gave Shi Jiu, "Please protect them well, I will go back soon."

Regardless of the fourth rank or the fifth rank, the gap between them and the sixth rank is actually not much different, and they are all killed by a single palm.

But Xiao Yusheng still has the Wuchen Sword on his body.

Before going down the mountain, the master was worried that she would encounter an enemy that could not be dealt with at the foot of the mountain, so he specially gave her the sword of Taoist Wuchen.This Wuchen Daoist is the predecessor who created the Wugou Heart Sword Sword Code, and there is still a trace of the Wugou Heart Sword's sword intent in the Wuchen Sword.

She usually uses the Wuchen Sword to comprehend the meaning of the sword, and she uses it to fight against the enemy in times of crisis.But she can't guarantee that she can completely control Wuchenjian's sword intent, so she can only send others including Shi Jiu away before she dares to do it with all her strength.

The Wuchen sword fluttered lightly beside her, and the transcendent sword intent was like a living thing, connecting with Xiao Yusheng's mind.

Xiao Yusheng pinched the sword formula and bit the tip of his tongue.Immediately, Wugou Jianxin and Wuchenjian resonated, and the sword intent became more active, as if it wanted to push away everything around it.

A piercing sword glow emerged from the side of Wuchenjian, as if it wanted to spread the pure sword energy in this area uncontrollably in a spiral shape.

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