Xiao Yusheng's eyes shot out with brilliance, and her Wugou sword heart soared crazily with this ray of sword intent, her aura jumped up from the fourth rank, broke through the fifth rank in an instant, and pointed directly at the sixth rank magical power.

"The light of the sky washes the soil, and the sword of the heart cuts the soul."

"No dust and no dirt, the heart springs from a spiritual spring!"

A lotus imprint emerged from the center of Xiao Yusheng's eyebrows, thousands of sword qi seemed to have found their home, rushing towards her eyebrows crazily.For a moment, Xiao Yusheng seemed to be the eye of the tornado, and the sword energy was like a tide, spinning crazily around her.One after another sword marks appeared on the ground silently, as if engraved here by nature.

Xiao Yusheng gradually felt strenuous, she could no longer control the movement of Wugou's sword energy.He was able to gather the sword energy containing the sword intent in one place, and suddenly shot towards the rushing Dulong Valley.


The speed of Dulong Valley is extremely fast, and anything in front of it is directly destroyed.Now that he has made up his mind to escape, nothing can stop him halfway.

Although there was a fourth-rank breath coming from the front, it didn't panic at all.Although I am seriously injured now, I can kill a fifth-rank general with a single palm, let alone a fourth-rank?However, if he killed this fourth rank, the flesh and blood should help him recover faster.

The worms behind him should have no strength to chase after him, even if he procrastinated a little here, the blood recovered after devouring that fourth-rank man would allow him to escape faster, which is a sure-fire deal.

Having figured this out, the figure of Dulong Valley loomed from the yellow sand.The earth energy absorbed from the earth's veins surged and turned into wild sand, overwhelming the human monks blocking the way.

Suddenly, a sword energy wrapped in sword intent hit it.The sense of threat that came to his face made him shiver subconsciously, the body that had just appeared turned into yellow sand and dispersed again, and at the same time activated his supernatural power of Wen Qianli to collide with the sword energy.

With this touch, Du Yangu immediately sensed that something was wrong.Although that sword qi contained extremely high rank sword intent, it was not very strong in itself.If it weren't for the fact that the sword intent was so high that his attack was resolved by the opponent at a very small cost, those collisions just now would definitely have destroyed the opponent in an instant.

Du Yangu's thoughts turned, and he immediately understood what was going on.The opponent obviously activated the sword intent in the equipment with some kind of secret method, and his own strength cannot exceed the fourth rank.

It's not difficult to deal with this kind of opponent, at most two or three times, her energy will be exhausted.

And this kind of character with treasures must have a lot of things to replenish his blood.As long as she was killed, the medicine she carried with her was definitely enough to recover half of herself.

Du Yangu was overjoyed, the transformed yellow sand condensed the appearance of a dog's head, and rushed towards Xiao Yusheng suddenly.

Although the sword intent was a huge threat to it, the opponent was obviously powerless.The most commendable thing about this method of transforming yellow sand into form is that it is not afraid of blows.

Sure enough, after several times of mutual attacks, Xiao Yusheng was obviously powerless.

Xiao Yusheng estimated the time. At this time, the disciples of Tianmen Mountain and the demon hunters should have been sent back to the vicinity of Jinxiang City, and he could retreat at any time.

With the two fingers of his left hand clamping the Heaven and Earth Realm Opening Talisman, Xiao Yusheng urged the Talisman to leave the battlefield.But Dulong Valley suddenly let out a tragic wail, and the yellow sand that made up its body twisted crazily like clothes thrown into a five-stage washing machine.

At the same time, a huge crack cut the yellow sand in half diagonally from top to bottom.

Xiao Yusheng was taken aback for a moment, only to see Shi Jiu's figure smashing heavily into the ground in front of Xiao Yusheng, the Miao Dao [screaming] in his hand was entwined with thunder like silk.

Staring at the looming dog's head in the yellow sand, Shi Jiu felt a little familiar.

"What kind of rustling fruit ability user is this?"

"No, Ning is Shagou Iqi?"

But Xiao Yusheng couldn't hear what he was talking about anymore, because the opening talisman of the heaven and earth realm had been activated, and her figure was being sent away from this place by the unstoppable law of time and space.

Chapter 67 Chapter 65 Advanced Mental Resistance!sand dog!

Shi Jiu turned his head, looked at Xiao Yusheng who was gradually dissipating in the air, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Obviously, this wave of cooperation is not very good, and their tacit understanding still needs a period of running-in.

In the next second, Shi Jiu's jade talisman lit up, even if it was just words, Shi Jiu could feel Xiao Yusheng's anxiety.

"Run quickly! What are you doing back!"

Shi Jiu smiled slightly, held the jade talisman in his palm, thought for a while, and replied to Xiao Yusheng: "I'll go back after killing the dog."

Indeed, the last time Xiao Yusheng asked himself what level of cultivation he was, he lied vaguely and acquiesced that he was level five.In Xiao Yusheng's eyes, the fifth grade is probably the type that is rubbed casually by the sixth grade—this is also true.

But it's really not her fault, because Shi Jiu had indeed lied before.

At that time, he felt that since Daqian had been standing for so many years, it proved that there must be a way to deal with high-grade monsters.I don't need to expose my abnormality at this time, just watch them handle it carefully.

I am helpless in this world, the only reliance is the seemingly unreliable system, which makes him tread on thin ice, so he carefully hides it before, not giving others a chance to think he is weird.As a result, he got a psychological comfort that can bring him a sense of security.

It is the usual routine of traversers to first develop obscenely and then become a blockbuster, but today's incident made Shi Jiu immediately realize that his previous thinking was totally wrong.

Because in this world, the weaker a person is, the easier it is for trouble to find him.

If Jinxiang City had an eighth rank sitting in town, how dare this Dulong Valley come?


On the other side, the shape of the yellow sand in Dulong Valley has been restored.The saber just now had a completely different feeling from Xiao Yusheng's sword intent. The saber actually hit its body, almost returning it to its original shape.

The alarm bells in Dulong Valley's heart were loud, it knew that the reinforcements it guessed were coming, and they came with the purpose of beheading it here.

But when he looked at the worm standing in front, he clearly only had the first rank of cultivation, and there was no sign of supernatural powers on his body. It couldn't figure out how the other party hurt it.

But the knife that almost caused him a serious injury was real, no matter whether it was the attack from the worm in front of him or not, it must escape now!

The slash just now made Dulong Valley no longer have the slightest chance to be lucky. With a twist of his body, the gust of wind wrapped his body and fled into the distance.

But before it could run far, its body suddenly stopped.

There is no other reason, the first-grade worm who blocked his way just now, unexpectedly stopped in front of him without a sound.

"You can talk, right?" Shi Jiu stretched his neck, "Hello? Can you understand me?"

Du Langu couldn't control these things, the fear in his heart urged it to run away quickly.But that worm's speed was unbelievably fast, and it actually stopped in front of him again.

"I didn't let you go."

A simple sentence, a simple knife.

Miao Dao [screaming roar] resides in the soul of the dragon, which can cut supernatural powers.

There were no earth-shattering vibrations, let alone majestic visions.Dulong Valley is like a piece of tofu, easily split by Shi Jiu.

The yellow sand all over the sky is a part of Duyangu's body, the knife seems to have really cut on its body, and a large amount of blood suddenly gushed out of the yellow sand.

Dulong Valley felt a kind of purity, a purity that only exists in legends.

Supernatural powers are a kind of [rules], no matter how strong a person is, they can't break the rules. This is an obvious truth—unless this person's strength is not purely physical strength, but also a kind of [rules].

But the worm in front of him obviously didn't show any supernatural powers, and he didn't even show martial arts. How did he cut himself?

Is that the knife?

The figure of Duyangu emerged from the yellow sand and fell heavily to the ground.The ground beneath it withered like flowers and plants that had been sucked out of nutrients, and the moist soil quietly turned into yellow sand.

At this time, it was already injured, and suddenly there appeared a metamorphosis stronger than the military giant formed by hundreds of soldiers just now, and it could only forcibly absorb the earth energy in the earth veins to heal itself.

The essence of the earth was drank by Dulong Valley in one gulp, and the injuries on his body also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.Kun Gen's supernatural power once again showed its might, and the deserted earth boiled and turned into quicksand, as if there were countless pillars of air galloping under the sand.

"Be nice."

Shi Jiu's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and the earth's air that was trying to catch his figure was swept away like a breeze.The passive skill stacking system on his body must add an [Expand] button, which naturally also includes the skill [Advanced Soil Resistance].

A violent rage suddenly arose in Dulong Valley's heart. The situation was obviously not at the moment of life and death, but it had the illusion that it was going to die in the next second.

Its left claw was raised high, and the Yangkun Earth Qi attached to it like armor, making its left claw suddenly inflated dozens of times.The huge claws are like a hill, in the shadow under the claws, the yangkun earth energy builds up a gravity area hundreds of times, and presses down on Shi Jiu with a bang.

But in the next second, it felt a pain in the heart of its claws, and its yangkun air was deflated like a pig's leg with a hole in it.

Its paw's valve, the tiny bit of skin, had been pierced.The supernatural power was broken for a while, and it could no longer use the power of Earth Wen Qianli for a short period of time, and the Yang Kun Earth Qi dissipated immediately and returned to the earth.

"You dogs, why don't you practice meat balls every single one of you." Shi Jiu sighed, holding up his seedling knife, "You dare to use it on the enemy where the air leaks after one stab."

Seeing that his magical powers were broken, Du Yangu subconsciously retracted his left paw while terrified in his heart, and his right paw swept towards Shi Jiu from the side like a wall.

But its claws ran straight towards Shi Jiu's knife as if it was deliberately placed on Shi Jiu's knife, and cut off its own claws with its own strength.

Shi Jiu's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, Shi Jiu was already on the shoulder of Dulong Valley, and the [Screaming] in his hand was like a wandering light, unhindered along the gap between the bones of Dulong Valley. Its left front leg.

When he came back to his senses, Du Langu had already seen his left front leg flying in the air.

Shi Jiu's speed was unbelievably fast, as if he knew Du Yangu's body structure like the back of his hand.Although Du Langu's huge size is full of oppression, it also makes his bone joints bigger than those of small monsters.Even though the knife in Shi Jiu's hand was nearly two meters long, he could still pry open the bone seam as deftly as a small skinning knife, and cut along its weakest defense.

Dulong Valley let out a deafening roar, and the breathtaking roar even suppressed the yellow sand on the ground.But Shi Jiu didn't seem to be affected at all, his figure jumped from Duyangu's shoulders to his back, the knife in his hand flashed, peeling off the skin of Duyangu.

"Advanced mental resistance, sand dog!"

Dulong Valley seems to have been greatly stimulated, and it keeps trying to turn into Kuangsha again.But Shi Jiu's long knife had already pierced into its demon bone, cutting off the circulation of the demon energy.

Immediately, the demon power of Dulong Valley turned into a pool of stagnant water, and became a fish to be slaughtered.

The knife in Shi Jiu's hand didn't stop, the knife was shining again and again, like a skilled chef carves out the bones, cutting the Dulong Valley under his body to pieces without hurting the internal organs.Not long after, he picked out a perfectly round demon pill.

"It feels much weaker than the one in the system space..." Shi Jiu muttered in a low voice.

Chapter 68 Chapter 66

Feeling the threat of death, and thinking of the unheard-of purity in Shi Jiu, Du Yangu finally confirmed his guess just now, and shouted out words that Shi Jiu couldn't understand: "You are human!"

Shi Jiu's face darkened. Originally, he planned to practice according to the teaching in "Quotations from the Fashionable King of Heaven", but what Du Langu said suddenly made his emotions incoherent.

What do you mean I am human?Did you think that I was not human?

"Don't you know that I'm human?" Shi Jiu smiled slightly, and asked kindly, holding the knife upside down in one hand, and slowly gestured at Du Langu, "Don't you know?"

But Dulong Valley has been petrified, its supernatural powers have been broken, its demon core has been picked out, even its bones have been cut off, and the earth energy it just absorbed can't be used at all.

The majestic sixth-grade monster became a pool of rotten meat on the chopping board, and could only lie on the ground and linger on.


Shi Jiu jumped off Duangu, came to the huge head, touched its nose: "You can speak human language, then it will be easy."

Dulong Valley panted heavily, at this moment it fully understood its situation.The person in front of him showed no mercy at all, and was even crueler than other human monks.

——At least it has never heard of a human monk who likes to dismember monsters in battle!

"I ask, you answer. If you answer well, maybe I will spare your life." Shi Jiu saw that Dulong Valley became quiet, and sat in front of it with satisfaction, "The purpose of your coming to Mirror Tianzhou is what."

As soon as these words came out, Du Langu didn't even dare to breathe.The [person] in front of him was obviously sent by the Dagan court to deal with them, just to investigate the layout of the ancient spirit pagoda in Dagan territory.

Although my own life has fallen into the other party's hands at this moment, if I tell the secret of Gringotts, I'm afraid I will die even worse!

For a while, Dulong Valley was caught in a dilemma.

"Don't you want to say it?" Shi Jiu sighed, and took out his skinning knife and a bottle of medicine, "Well, I'll give you two choices."

The skinning knife was spinning in Shi Jiu's hand, flashing bursts of biting coldness.Although it is said to be a skinning knife, it is compared to Shi Jiu's Miao knife.This small skinning knife is one foot long and made of fine steel, it is more than enough to be used as a bone chopping knife at a meat stall.

"With this knife of mine, I have dissected seventh-rank demon kings, dissected dragons, beheaded vermilion beasts, and even dissected kui oxen and soil mole. Don't worry, my technique is good. You should be able to see clearly before you die completely. How did each of my internal organs be taken out intact."

Du Langu shuddered all over, it had already experienced this feeling just now.As the hardest bone in the body, my own demon bone is naturally the most difficult to cut off, but this person in front of me chopped it like a stick of wood; my own demon core is also hidden in the middle of various organs, but this person is like a see-through eye. It also dug out its demon pill from its internal organs, and it didn't even hurt its own internal organs.

It is more and more sure of its guess just now, the person in front of it is definitely a one-in-a-million pervert!

"And another option, you obediently tell me what I want to ask, don't miss half a word, and don't tell half a lie. In this case, I can give you a bottle of healing medicine, and you will leave Daqian immediately after taking it Otherwise, if I hear the news that there is Dulong Valley in the territory of Dagan again, I will definitely rush over and kill you—including you.”

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