[Punishment for failure: Obtain the title "Let's Go to Death" and wear it for ten days. Human beings within a radius of three miles will reduce the host's favorability by 50 points, which can be negative. 】

Shi Jiu: "...Actually, you don't need to add the latter sentence."

"Help me—"

Shi Jiu rubbed his chin: "But what is fashion value? How many functional modules have you hidden?"

[System prompt: If the host does not act again, the mission will fail. 】

Shi Jiu sighed, jumped lightly, picked up the knife and sheath on the horse's back with his right hand, and rushed into the woods like a swallow.

In the woods, a young man dressed as a scholar was running profusely in sweat when he tripped and fell to the ground.The suitcase behind him was open, and the books inside fell to the ground, almost covering his head.

The roar of the monster behind him was approaching, and when the scholar got up in a hurry, the shadow behind him had already enveloped him.

A chill rushed up from his tailbone, the stench and breath from the wolf's mouth seemed to have touched his neck, and the goosebumps all over his body were desperately raised.

"The sword will end with the shadow, and the sun and the moon will level off."

A faint voice sounded, and the scholar suddenly raised his head, only to see a young man appearing in front of him at some point, kneeling on one knee, and slowly withdrawing his knife.

Although his skin is as fair as that of a young man who has never been out, his sharp-edged face reveals determination under the shadow of leaves, and his indifferent eyes without a trace of emotion are like ghosts who come to summon the soul.

Could it be that he is already dead, and this person in front of him is a ghost?

The murderous aura rushing towards his face made the scholar almost suffocate, but after a moment, the murderous aura subsided, as if it was just his illusion.

When did this person come?

Did he draw his knife?no.

But why is he closing the knife?

The clean blade was more than one meter long, and it turned into dazzling shadows under the light spots of the forest, and slowly sheathed it.

Accompanied by the crisp collision between Dao Tan and the scabbard, a sizzling sound came from behind the scholar.He just woke up like a dream, and crawled forward with hands and feet.

"Don't be nervous, it's Huainan City's demon slaying officer, the demon emissary, Shi Jiu." Shi Jiu put his hand on the scholar's shoulder, stopping his forward momentum, "The wolf demon has been killed, you are safe now!" gone."

There are also ordinary beasts in this world who cultivated to become demons, but Shi Jiu rarely saw them in the Demon Slaying Cave.Either it is rare for such beasts to become monsters, or only those strange beasts are eligible to enter the demon-slaying lair.

Only then did the scholar turn his head around, looking at the fallen wolf demon, panting heavily in shock.

This wolf monster was three meters long, even bigger than a normal tiger.Although I don't know what grade it is, but it should be a small overlord in this mountain forest, and he was beheaded so easily?Even for a split second, he didn't see any sign of Shi Jiu's sword being drawn.

The blood of the wolf demon was bleeding out desperately, and its four paws were scratching and pulling on the ground, digging out ditches.

The scholar straightened his clothes and made a deep bow to Shi Jiu: "Fang Zheng, a student of Xia Xiaoxiang College, accidentally encountered this wolf demon during his study tour. Thank you benefactor for saving his life!"

"You don't need to be too polite, it's your duty." Shi Jiu didn't stop, turned and left.

"Engong, please stop!" The scholar turned his head and glanced at the wolf demon, and hurriedly chased after him, "Dare to ask where Engong's family lives. If there is a chance, Xiaosheng will come to the door to thank you with a gift."

In this regard, Shi Jiu just shook his head, got on his horse and left.

Although I really want to chat with Fangzheng about the anecdotes of this world, but the system has not settled the task for him, presumably because he has not met the condition of "no return".Shi Jiu guessed that as long as he left quickly, it would be fine to get rid of him.

Sure enough, the scholar was unable to catch up with Shi Jiu because he was carrying a suitcase, and Shi Jiu finally heard the reward from the system that he had been thinking about.

[The task is completed, according to the performance of the host in this task, the settlement will reward 12 points of trendy value, and reward a copy of "The Prairie of Thinking". 】

Shi Jiu was stunned: "Isn't it 20 o'clock?"

[Although the original lines of the host are remarkable, but because the visual impact of this kill is not enough, after calculation, the trendy point reward is 12 points. Do you have any questions about the host? 】

Shi Jiu laughed angrily: "Then what do you think I should do?"

[The system suggests that the host can kill the wolf monster with a sharp knife first, and then wrap one hand around the scholar's waist, lift it up with light work, and land it on the tree canopy, so that the scholar can see the wolf monster's body falling in a delayed knife light. The shocking scene below. 】

After a little thought, Shi Jiu understood that the purpose of the system is to make his kills look more cinematic: "...Don't you think the example you gave is too gimmicky?"

[Gender is not an obstacle, the system supports the host to use his brain to think more and come up with more widely spread killing postures. 】

Shi Jiu took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and calmed down: "What's the fashion value for?"

[Fashion points can improve the quality of the host's skills. 】

Shi Jiu's eyes lit up, this is a good thing!

He had long thought about whether the passive skill of [Boundless Power] could be upgraded to [Power of Ten Dragons and Ten Elephants], but ever since he acquired that skill by eating monsters, he had never encountered the same type of skill. Naturally, it cannot be upgraded.

Do I have to consider and practice the viewing and expressiveness of my moves in the future?

Shi Jiu reined in his horse, and after thinking for a while, he turned his horse's head and walked back.

He wanted to verify one thing, so he casually took out the "Prairie of Thinking" he had just obtained, and flipped through it a few times.

The title page reads: "Thinking is boundless, and the mediocre is bound by the way-a wise man who does not want to be named."

The above seems to be introducing debate skills and ways of thinking, but it is obviously an idle book like "Quotations from the Fashionable King".

Shi Jiu sighed: "Can you give me less useless things like this, as long as you give me some skill books..."

Returning the same way, Fangzheng just finished packing up the scattered books and was about to continue heading south. When he looked up, he saw Shi Jiu.

Seeing Shi Jiu go and come back, Fangzheng was both surprised and delighted: "Your benefactor has gone and come back, what advice do you have?"

"Look, I saved you, do you mean it?" Shi Jiu brazenly stretched out his hand and weighed it twice.

Fangzheng was a little embarrassed. He was traveling abroad and didn't have much money on him. (Monthly fee group. 36135)

After all, I just heard that Shi Jiu is working in Huainan City, and coincidentally, his family is also in Huainan City.Although I just said that there will be a big thank you in the future, but it still has to wait for him to go home before choosing a gift to send.But now benefactor inexplicably turned back to ask for money on the spot, which caught him off guard.He hurriedly fumbled around from his body, gritted his teeth, and took out the money bag.

At worst, when he passed by Jinxiang City, he would copy books for others to earn some money. Now he must not treat his savior badly, otherwise he would be ashamed of the sage books he had read.

Shi Jiu looked at the purse, which was not bulging, and sighed.

Forget it, a poor student can't afford much money, so I better not be too skinny.

Shi Jiu reached into the money bag and took out a piece of silver.Then he threw the money bag back to Fangzheng: "Okay, let's go."

Fangzheng looked at the purse with a lot of money in a daze, as if he did not expect Shi Jiu to take a piece of silver.

"All right, all right, let's go quickly." Shi Jiu urged, he was still waiting for the scholar to leave quickly, so that he could go back and peel off the material of the wolf demon.

Although he now has a little disdain for the material of first-grade monsters, but now he is also helpless, and there is no reason not to take the benefits of being delivered to the door.

Watching Fangzheng's figure turning back three times, Shi Jiu suddenly remembered something, took out the idle book that the system rewarded just now, and threw it at Fangzheng: "I didn't take yours for nothing, you keep this book Let's see it on the road."

This kind of thinking book is probably only this kind of scholar can understand, so I can avoid it.

After Fangzheng left, Shi Jiu secretly clenched his fists.

There is no response from the system, this bug can be stuck!

system!Did not expect it!This is my new wool-sweeping route, and this time I, Shi Jiu, won the victory!

Shi Jiu happily rode the horse towards the location of the wolf demon's corpse in his memory, preparing to peel off the material of the wolf demon.

These are all the ingredients for his own stew in the system, and they are things that can actually be transformed into his self-protection power, and there is never too much.


Fangzheng stood there in a daze, somewhat at a loss.After a long while, I suddenly realized something.

Shi Jiu didn't ask for anything in return, but after he said that he would visit the door to thank him in the future, he turned around and asked for a reward, but what he asked for was not much... It must be that Shi Jiu didn't want to make himself feel guilty, so he found an excuse to settle the debt.

What a joke, the grace of saving life can be taken away with a mere few taels of silver!Even if Engong thinks this is appropriate, as a student of Xiaoxiang Academy, he will never agree with the principles of saints he has learned.

But since Shi Jiu had clearly expressed his intention to refuse, he didn't want to entangle him too much.As long as you keep this kindness in your heart, there will always be a time to repay it in the future.

Moreover, Shi Jiu also said just now that he is the demon hunter of Huainan City.When I got home, I explained the matter to my family members, and then came to thank me.

Fangzheng bowed his hands in the direction Shi Jiu left, opened the book Shi Jiu gave him, and walked towards Jinxiang City while reading.

Chapter 9

Skillfully skinning and removing the bones, and arranging the wolf monsters one by one, Shi Jiu suddenly felt melancholy.

If it weren't for his system, this ton of wolf demon would have rotted in the ground.I don't know how other demon slayers killed monsters in the wild. Could it be that there is a firework signal or something to call the transport team?

In fact, there are indeed. The demon hunter will carry three different signal tubes on his body, and different signals will be released after being opened.One is to ask for support, the other is to keep away from the danger here, and the third is to call the transport team to transport the hunting gains.

But Shi Jiu is not the demon hunter of the capital, so he cannot leave with the signal tube of the capital.In addition, the demon slayer in the capital didn't think that Shi Jiu could meet a monster so coincidentally on the road, so he didn't send him a signal tube.

Putting the corpse of the wolf demon into the system item box in a hurry, Shi Jiu continued to drive towards Jinxiang City on horseback.This time he didn't want to hang out on the road anymore. After all, the living conditions in the wild were poor, and the only food he could eat was dry food—and now he added this wolf demon.

But wolf meat is not tasty... It smells bad, even if it is covered up with a lot of spices in the inner space of the system, it still gives Shi Jiu a feeling that he doesn't want to eat it.

After riding the horse not far away, Shi Jiu saw the scholar he had just rescued in the distance again.

Now Shi Jiu felt a little embarrassed, he had just asked for money from the other party, and Fang Zheng would think that he was asking for money again when they met again, right?

Shi Jiu was silent for a while, intending to rush past Fang Zheng pretending to be in a hurry, so as not to give him a chance to speak, but Fang Zheng turned around and saw him.

"Brother Shijiu!" A beaming smile appeared on Fangzheng's face, "Just now you were too busy to leave, and I forgot to tell you something—you are also going to Huainan City, right? Me too. Brother I live in the west of Huainan City, and this time I am returning from a study tour and preparing to go home to take the Wuche Shushu test. If brother Shi Jiu doesn't dislike it, can you go with my younger brother? My younger brother is willing to lead a horse for your benefactor as a token of gratitude."

Leading a horse is something only servants would do. Generally, they are willing to lead a horse for others, which can be said to be extremely high etiquette.

Shi Jiu shook his head, then suddenly changed his mind: "You can go together, but you don't need to lead the horse."

It would be boring for him to be alone along the way, and it would be nice to have a companion on the way.In addition, this is a scholar who is studying abroad, so I guess I can get a lot of information from Fang Zheng.

Although he has also inquired about a lot of information about the big cadres in the Monster Killing Division, but who are the people in the Monster Killing Division?Either they are serious criminals or down-and-out people, and there are only a few jailers, which can't help Fang Zheng establish an overall understanding of Daqian.

You have to be a scholar—and no matter what era you are in, students are usually the purest group of people, so you don't have to worry about being fooled.

Shi Jiu jumped off the horse, led the horse and walked side by side with Fangzheng: "You are traveling alone, without a book boy or something... And you only walk on two legs, so you have to go to the year of the monkey?"

Fangzheng's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed: "Well...my horse was killed by a wolf demon...and I didn't travel for pleasure. First, the great Confucian Confucius traveled barefoot to study, traveled all over famous mountains and rivers to visit famous scholars, and then accumulated a lot of money. We should imitate his steadfast desire to study and not be restrained by luxury life."

Then there are words such as "A man should experience the suffering of the people's livelihood first-hand" and "Walking between heaven and earth, hiding the sun and the moon in his chest", which fully explained the rationality and importance of not bringing a book boy.

After chatting with someone, the journey was no longer boring. Shi Jiu took the opportunity to ask a lot about Confucianism.

"Are you going to Beijing to catch the exam in the future?"

Fangzheng nodded: "Naturally, which student of Confucianism and Law doesn't want to gain fame? But before that, I have to go back and pass the Wucheshu exam."

Shi Jiu sized Fangzheng a few times: "How many times have you taken the exam?"

Fangzheng's expression suddenly became embarrassing: "As the saying goes... as the saying goes, if a man is given a great mission from heaven, he will disturb his heart, work his body, seek in pain, and then have a dream..."

Shi Jiu laughed and heard Fang Zheng explain why he didn't pass the exam in embarrassment.

"...What's more, there are many heroes in the world, and a temporary failure doesn't mean anything..."

Fangzheng was still thinking about it, but Shi Jiu suddenly remembered the stories he had learned in textbooks when he was a child: "Fangzheng, what are you studying for?"

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