Fang Zhengyi replied solemnly: "For the people of the world to live and work in peace and contentment, and for the inheritance of the way of sages and sages."

Shi Jiu regretted not being able to read books for the rise of Daqian: "How can you make people live and work in peace and contentment by studying?"

Fangzheng still kept the same rhetoric that didn't change: "Reading makes people wise, and wise people can gain virtue. If knowledge spreads to the world, the people will live and work in peace."

Shi Jiu shook his head, thinking that he should give him some advice from the perspective of a modern person in the 21st century: "Let me ask you, can you feed the people by reading?"

"Of course." Fangzheng felt puzzled, "Otherwise why would I study?"

Idle is also idle, Shi Jiu joked: "I'm hungry now, how can you make me full?"

Fangzheng was stunned for a moment, and smiled mischievously: "I am definitely not good now, but I will be able to do it after I finish the five-car test in the academy."

Shi Jiu looked at the braggart scholar with disdainful eyes: "You can still fill me up with just one mouth?"

Unexpectedly, Fangzheng raised his chest, extremely proud, and even a little triumphant: "When I pass the five-car test in the academy and get the approval of the book of righteousness, I can cultivate righteousness! At that time, I just need to say [Shi Jiu is not hungry] , you won't be hungry."

Shi Jiu frowned, but didn't understand what Fang Zheng meant: "What do you mean, I won't be hungry if you say I'm not hungry?"

"Of course." Fangzheng spoke earnestly, not as if he was lying. "Confucianism is not so much based on literature as the way to enter the Tao, but rather based on the principles in the text. As long as you pass the Wucheshu test and get the approval of the Zhengqi book, you will be involved in this big fight." There is a link between luck. As long as I do what I do with no regrets, the awe-inspiring righteousness can turn decay into magic! At that time, I just need to say [Rice is growing in the ground], and rice will really grow!"

"Tell me carefully?" Shi Jiu was immediately interested.

As soon as this was mentioned, Fangzheng became more excited than Shi Jiu, and his eyes were full of longing: "For example, Mr. Ji, the governor of Huainan City 12 years ago! Back then, Huainan City was hit by a severe drought and there was no harvest. He came to the Dragon King Temple , scolded the Dragon King for a day and a night, and smashed the Dragon King Temple. Then he stood in front of the temple, impassioned, guided by his own awe-inspiring righteousness, mobilized the weather, and begged for a heavy rain from the sky for Jingtian Prefecture, the earth produced a hundred grains, and rescued the people In the torment of water and fire!"

The more Fangzheng said, the more excited he became: "A man should be like this! If Fang can do this feat in his lifetime, his life will not be in vain, so why not sacrifice his life for the country! If I pass the Wucheshu test, although I can't do the feat of Mr. Ji, I will let you It is still possible for Engong’s stomach not to be hungry in a short period of time.”

Ah... you can't say what you say?The clown was me?

Shi Jiu was a little dazed, he had a new understanding of the level of force in this world.

Shi Jiu hesitated for a moment: "Is it so miraculous? What happened to Mr. Ji later? You said that he died for the country... What happened?"

"That was a torrential rain that covered the entire state. The power of mortals to move the celestial phenomena is to act on behalf of the heavens, and it will shorten their lives." There is no news. It is said that he has suffered a backlash. Although the righteousness is still there, the body can no longer bear it."

Shi Jiu held back the second half of the sentence. Sure enough, this kind of rule-level bug ability has a price.

"There was a severe drought in Jingtian Prefecture back then, didn't the imperial court provide disaster relief?" Shi Jiu thought about it, and then felt very strange, "Why did the governor use it like this... It's almost like offering himself to the sky."

"That year was a disaster year. There were nineteen prefectures, and ten prefectures suffered severe drought and severe floods. The imperial court couldn't provide relief at all." Fangzheng gave Shi Jiu a strange look, "Brother Shi, at that time you should... Next year, shouldn't you forget it?"

Shi Jiu thought about it, there is no need to lie about this kind of matter, lest he have to make up for today's lie in the future: "I am an orphan. In Demon Slayer, I don’t know much about the outside world.”

Fangzheng suddenly realized that he had said something wrong just now, so he shrank his neck in resentment: "So that's the case, it was Fang who took the liberty."

The atmosphere was awkward for a while, but Shi Jiu was the first to break the silence: "You must have a lot of knowledge when you go abroad to study, right? Tell me about what you saw on the road?"

Fangzheng scratched his head, knowing that Shi Jiu was looking for a way out for himself: "There are many rumors, but if you ask me to tell them, I really can't tell them for a while. Let me think about it first..."

"Since we are all going to Huainan City, let me tell you about the things in the south. Brother Shi Jiu, have you heard the rumor about Luo Liuli, the demon girl of the Hehuan Sect?"

Shi Jiu was immediately in awe.

Isn't this the number one sect in the multiverse, the Hehuan Sect?

No matter which oriental background world you are in, there must be a branch of the Acacia Sect; and no matter which Acacia Sect, there must be a beautiful witch walking on the rivers and lakes, dedicated to giving herself to the protagonist in various ways, This has become the corporate culture of the Multiverse Acacia Sect.

"I just heard about it, and I don't know whether the news is true or not." Fangzheng looked around, and after confirming that they were the only two of them, he whispered, "It is said that Luo Liuli showed up in Southern Border not long ago, and with Daozong Tianmen Mountain's [ Bai Yuxian】Fairy Xiao is fighting in court. If it wasn't for the people from the Hehuan Sect who appeared later, I'm afraid the two of them will have a winner."

Having said this, Fangzheng suddenly deviated from the topic, and sighed: "But speaking of Daozong... the emperor was obsessed with cultivating Taoism. If I were an official, I would definitely read a book, admonishing the emperor to put state affairs first."

Regarding this kind of words, Shi Jiu looked at Fangzheng's eyes that had not been severely beaten by the society, and could only laugh without saying a word.

"It's very important for these two people to draw a winner?" Shi Jiu was very concerned about this name, and a breath of big melon came over his face, "What is [Bai Yuxian], this is a title? Fairy Xiao is another Where is the sacred place?"

"Fairy Xiao, you..." Fangzheng hesitated to speak, and considering that Shi Jiu didn't know much about the outside world, he patiently explained to him, "You have too many questions, I will explain them to you one by one."

"A few years ago, the demon girl Luo Liuli of the Hehuan Sect was born. It is said that she has an extremely important position in the Hehuan Sect, and may even be the successor of the suzerain; and Fairy Xiao Xiao Yusheng is the first disciple of No. 90 of Tianmen Mountain. She is an iceberg beauty who has nothing but the sword, she is born with a clear sword heart, and is the ultimate talent of sword repair, and now everyone in the world regards her as the future head of Tianmen Mountain."

Shi Jiu was suddenly enlightened, and a sense of excitement arose spontaneously: "I understand! I understand too well! The battle of the century between the future leaders of good and evil factions, right?"

Fangzheng gave Shi Jiu a strange look: "No, but it is said that Fairy Xiao and Naluo Liuli are both beautiful, and there are debates in the world about who is more beautiful, and they are vying for the title of the most beautiful woman in the world." ...Everyone is very interested in why the two of them fought this melon."

Shi Jiu: "...Then do they look good?"

Fangzheng shrugged his shoulders: "Who knows, after all, there are very few people who have seen them, and even fewer people who have seen them at the same time... This is not the point, the point is that I heard a news that people from the Hehuan Sect Although it appeared at that time, it was not here to save Luo Liuli."

Shi Jiu was silent for a while, and felt that this routine was a bit familiar: "It can't be to chase her down, can it?"

Fangzheng scratched his head: "I'm not sure about that. After all, after the people from the Hehuan Sect showed up, Fairy Xiao immediately evacuated. No one knows what happened afterwards."

But Shi Jiu thought for a while, and suddenly felt very strange: "Why do you hear your tone, as if you saw it directly at the scene?"

Fangzheng smiled embarrassedly: "I heard a storyteller say it, and I don't know if it's true or not. It's probably [-] percent true and [-] percent false. But there are so many rumors in the world, I think this is a little more reliable."


Shi Jiu regretted that he went to work on horseback, because after riding for a long time, his butt really hurt.

If I knew it earlier, I should have seen if there was any caravan on the way to take a carriage, maybe I could earn some extra money...

While regretting the past, Shi Jiu turned over the map: "Ahead is... we have passed the border of Jingtian Prefecture for more than a day, and we should be able to reach Jinxiang City in half a day's journey..."

Although there are melons to eat these days, he can't wait to go to Jinxiang City to have a good meal.

Originally, Shi Jiu only had dry food on him, but after killing the wolf monster, he got some fresh meat, which was made into jerky in the system space—but the wolf meat was really unpalatable.

Fortunately, he ran into another rabbit demon later, Shi Jiu chased it for four miles, and he was able to improve the food a little in the past few days.

Of course, in line with the idea of ​​paying homage to Yuan Lao in another world, he didn't waste the wolf meat.On the road, he met passers-by who had run out of dry food, so he gave all the dried wolf meat to passers-by.

At this time, two days had passed since they met Fangzheng. Shi Jiu and Fangzheng rented a horse when they passed by the post station, stopped and stopped along the way, and finally arrived at the border of Yunhe State.

It has to be said that in the natural environment without industrial pollution, the air is fresh and the ecology is rich. Shi Jiu has already encountered three monsters along the way, an average of one and a half a day.Although the strength is not strong, but this frequency is indeed a bit high.If the monsters and beasts outside the city are at this density, how did the peasants survive until today?

"Are there so many monsters in Dagan..." Shi Jiu felt a little strange, "If there are so many monsters, how did humans get a foothold here?"

Shi Jiu thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that we are relying on us to kill demons. It's really hard for me."

Sand sculpture netizens seem to be still avoiding the pursuit of monsters, Shi Jiu can only entertain himself along the way.But maybe it's because the life in the Monster Slaying Cave was too depressing, and Shi Jiu was in the wilderness again, so his nature was gradually liberated.

But Fang Zheng was next to him, he was not so completely liberated after all, he just tormented Fang Zheng unspeakably.Shi Jiu often said some weird words on his own, and Fang Zheng was too embarrassed not to answer...but the only problem was that he couldn't answer.

But Shi Jiu didn't care, and even enthusiastically taught him how to pick up the stalk, and Shi Jiu enjoyed himself along the way.

But only Shi Jiu was happy.

Fangzheng also felt very strange that they encountered so many monsters along the way: "This place already belongs to the territory managed by Jinxiang City. Actually, there shouldn't be so many monsters..."

At this moment, the long-silent system sound suddenly sounded in Shi Jiu's ears.

[Ding—an emergency task is triggered: Seeing the road is uneven, draw your sword to help. 】

[Task content: The disciples of Tianmen Mountain who came across by chance are facing threats to their lives in order to cover the villagers from escaping.Please selflessly help the seriously injured disciples of Tianmen Mountain, and show your good character of doing good deeds without expecting anything in return. 】

[Task Reward: 2 Bone Strengthening Pills, 0-30 fashion points will be issued depending on the completion of the task. 】

Shi Jiu was a little dazed, looking at the peaceful wilderness around him.

Where are the Tianmen Mountain disciples?

Chapter 10 Chapter 9 Are there any monsters that I haven't dissected? (5.5k)


The sharp piercing sound mixed with the sound of explosions overwhelmed the panic and screams of the people, and the uproar of voices mixed with the sound of falling trees was contrary to the impassioned 10 minutes ago.

The dust raised in the woods has not dissipated, and it is even spreading outside the woods.No one knew what the result would be, but the smell of blood in the smoke made people feel a cold sweat.

Suddenly, there was another whipping sound, and a black figure flew out of the woods and smashed straight into the crowd.The crowd dispersed tacitly, but they didn't run away immediately, but stood in place to see what it was.

The Taoist disciple in tattered clothes vomited blood, rolled four or five times on the ground, before he could speak, he vomited out a mouthful of blood.

After confirming that the person who was thrown out was the Taoist priest who had come to slay demons and demons, the crowd let out a disappointed wail and fled into the distance in unison.In the blink of an eye, the young monk was the only one left on the ground.

"Bang bang—"

A strange sound like knocking on wood came from the woods, accompanied by the creaking sound of branches being trampled, and a burly figure with a height of two meters stepped out of the smoke and dust.

The first thing to be exposed is a sharp and curved beak like an eagle, but it grows on the head of a tortoise; it has a huge black and reddish back shell, which is covered with scars; behind it, a dragon about four or five meters long The thick long snake tail is winding to its side, it is powerful and powerful, it is obvious that it just used it to blow away the Taoist disciple.

Li Zhuoyun struggled on the ground, looking at Xuan Gui who was pacing towards him with the eyes of a victor looking at food, a lot of despair appeared in his eyes.

He despaired, but did not regret it.If he didn't catch up, the people in this village would be dead.If he did it all over again, he would be more careful, but he would definitely do it again.

This time, as an inner disciple, he followed Senior Sister Xiao down the mountain to practice.After the first two months, he became familiar with the society and gradually relaxed his vigilance. When chasing the monster group, he chased a spinning turtle that had escaped from the group and left the main force.

The direction in which the spinner turtle fled was not in the direction of Jinxiang City, so the others didn't care.But Li Zhuoyun noticed that there were villages scattered in that position on the map.In order to prevent Xuangui from massacring the village, he chased after him alone.

Rotary Turtle is alone, but so is he.

The speed of the spinning tortoise is not fast, but the speed that any creature can explode when escaping for its life is astonishing.The four paws of this spinneret were pawing and pulling on the ground at an extremely fast speed, and it crossed mountains and mountains in the blink of an eye. It took Li Zhuoyun a lot of effort to catch up.

Sure enough, there happened to be a small village in the direction of Xuangui's escape.At this moment, Xuan Gui was injured and urgently needed to recover his blood. These helpless civilians were the best blood food.

As an inner sect disciple, Li Zhuoyun's strength has reached the second rank. In theory, even if he can't beat the adult tortoise, he can hold on for a while and cover the civilians from escaping.But who would have expected that fighting monsters would be completely different from fighting with his fellow disciples. Within a few rounds of fighting, his spiritual power had already bottomed out, and he could no longer activate the magic weapon for protection.

He had read from the classics of the sect that the spinning turtle's normal moving speed was in the middle and lower reaches, but the speed of the snake's tail was extremely fast, so most of his energy was put on guarding against that snake's tail.

But he didn't expect that Xuangui's fighting style was open and closed, and there was no room for him to move around.Even if he managed to avoid the sweep of the snake's tail, the strong wind from the snake's tail could make him unsteady, and even hurt him from a distance.

But now it’s too late to say anything, Senior Sister Xiao and other fellow disciples want to drive away the monsters, and drive the monsters away from the human gathering place. He is the only one who chased the lonely Xuangui and left the large group. No one has time to rescue him .

The tortoise approached slowly, its neck stretched slowly, and it actually protruded more than two meters from the shell, as if deliberately showing its length to the other party.

It was because Li Zhuoyun didn't know that Xuangui's neck could be stretched so long just now that Li Zhuoyun was caught in the trick for a while.

But now, he actually saw surprise and sarcasm in Xuan Gui's eyes, which seemed to say: "Have you always been so brave?"

Li Zhuoyun gasped and wanted to stand up, but the pain from the broken bones made him stop involuntarily.His brain was buzzing, he couldn't hear the sounds around him, and he could only rely on inference to judge the passage of time.

Because of the congenital nature of the physical body, they are both of the second rank, and human monks often cannot defeat monsters, at most they can drive them away.But Tianjiao of the same generation can defeat monsters at the same level.

What about yourself?Just trying to avoid the spin turtle's attack, I tried my best, and I couldn't find any chance to attack.What's more, with his current strength, the Taoism he has mastered can't break the defense of Xuan Gui, who is known for his defense.

Fighting a war of attrition... how stupid is it to fight a war of attrition with a tortoise!Even if I am old and dead, I can't consume a turtle!

At any rate, he is a young top talent with both potential and good looks in the school, but this battle made him realize how far he is from the real Tianjiao.

"However... At least it took some time..." Li Zhuoyun lay down again and looked behind him, "Those villagers should have already run away..."

Only then did he see the backs of the people running away, and he couldn't help but be taken aback.

impossible?Did you lose so quickly?There is no reason!Anyway, I dragged on for 10 minutes, right?Why are these people running now?

Xuangui walked towards Li Zhuoyun with slow steps.The flesh and blood of monks is a good supplement for it.Although he couldn't fully recover to the state before he was stabbed by that woman, he was still much stronger than the ordinary people in that village.

"Wait a minute!" Li Zhuoyun gritted his teeth, raised his hand to block between himself and Xuangui, "Before you eat me, I have something to say!"

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