Xiao Yusheng lowered his head slightly: "I... I will probably come back as soon as possible, but I have to send Gouzi back to the master. Regarding the organization behind Gouzi, I will go back and ask the master or the head of the sect."

Seeing that Shi Jiu didn't speak, Xiao Yusheng felt uneasy: "You...you must eat well during the few days I've been away."

In Xiao Yusheng's view, this may be the highest level of concern.Shi Jiu has lost her appetite these days, and she always looks around when eating, she can't imagine how sad a person is to lose his appetite.

It's good not to mention this, but when this is mentioned, Shi Jiu immediately becomes depressed.He really didn't eat well these few days, because he ate with Luo Liuli.

It's not because Luo Liuli doesn't let him eat properly... It's because Luo Liuli doesn't give him a chance to eat at all.Every time the food was just placed on the table, Luo Liuli poured the food down her throat as if she was pouring it into her stomach, and Shi Jiu couldn't grab her at all.

"It's okay, I'll eat well." Shi Jiu couldn't laugh or cry.

"Then... I will be back, keep in touch." Xiao Yusheng instructed earnestly, and finally repeated, "Soon."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yusheng bid farewell and left in a hurry.

Luo Liuli was still in a state of stiffness that was broken by Xiao Yusheng, and it was not relieved until she left.

"Are you familiar with her?" Luo Liuli asked this question two days late.

What surprised Shi Jiu was that Xiao Yusheng had already left, but the sense of crisis in his heart had not been relieved: "It's quite familiar..."

Luo Liuli's gaze flickered: "Shi Jiu, you have only entered society for a few days, don't be fooled by any random woman."

Shi Jiu carefully recalled Xiao Yusheng's words and deeds and his indifference to irrelevant matters.

Then I recalled the lies she has told since I met this sand sculpture netizen.

"I heard you calling her Yusheng just now?" Luo Liuli closed her eyes, pursed her mouth, and muttered softly.

Shi Jiu cleared his throat, and answered honestly, "Yes."

Luo Liuli turned her gaze to the side: "Then what do you call me?"

Shi Jiu's crisis radar was already frantically warning, without even thinking, he blurted out the address for Luo Liuli: "Liuli."

"Oh, that's it..." Luo Liuli stiffened her neck and didn't turn her head, "You like to call people by their first names instead of their surnames?"

"Yes, yes, yes."

"Oh, then... that's fine."

Just as he was talking, Xiao Yusheng suddenly ran back again, and handed Luo Liuli a jade talisman: "This is my communication jade talisman, I will still look for you."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yusheng didn't explain how to use it, and ran away again.

Looking at the back of Xiao Yusheng going away, Luo Liuli rubbed the smooth jade talisman in his hand thoughtfully: "Has she always been like this?"


Chapter 101 Chapter 99 Farewell to Fang Zheng (Two in One)

In the capital, on the rooftop of the prison.

"So he killed the Ba snake?"


The old man with his eyes slightly closed was sitting in front of a chessboard full of cracks, holding a cup of cold tea in both hands.And behind him, Bai Shanzhui had his hands behind his back, with a calm expression on his face.

"What do you say he is?"

"Very young."


The old man opened his eyes and waved to the air.A volume of books came out from the wall of books piled up like a mountain on one side, and slowly fell into the hands of the old man.

"Let me see……"

The old man turned the pages of the book slowly, and the densely packed small characters on it recorded all kinds of strange physiques in history.Soon, the old man turned to a blank page.

"Strong boy body, isn't it..."

A little thought flashed across Bai Shanzhu's eyes: "Yes, between the ages of 15 and 25 is the power generation period, and it is necessary to stimulate the holder's Yang Qi to rise with the extremely Yin Qi or extremely Yin body. The owner's power will be Extremely fast speed growth. According to the talent of the holder, it is divided into upper, middle and lower levels. The lower level can throw bulls, the middle level can throw boulders, and the upper level can kill demon kings."

"Its meridians are different from ordinary people, and every holder has no consistent characteristics. Except for infinite strength, the rest of the physical characteristics are unknown."

"Rare, excellent physique..."

Bai Shanzhui kept talking, and the scroll in the old man's hand also kept showing ink marks following Bai Shanzhui's description.Its ink is not new, but as old as it has been recorded in books for decades.

The old man didn't speak, but let the book keep emerging new records.

After a while, the description of Bai Shanzhui was finished, and a new record about the body of Dali boy was released.

"What about Luo Liuli?" The old man put down the scroll and held the cup in both hands again.

"Qianying Lingyue body, there is a minor poison eating Gu in the body, other than that there is no abnormality." Bai Shanzhui frowned, "Master, is there a way?"

The old man put down the teacup and stretched his waist. The rattling sound of muscles and bones made one wonder if he was going to lose his waist in the next second: "Later generations will have their own blessings."

Bai Shanzhui's answer was decisive: "Master please help me."

"Oh..." The old man stood up slowly with the chessboard in his hands, walked to the fence, and looked down at the bustling Daxuanmen in the capital, "Tell them to return to Beijing in a year."

Bai Shanzhuo lowered his head: "Yes."

"That's it?"

The old man's voice was faint, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.But from Bai Shanzhuo's ears, it was a crushing blow that could crush the entire prison roof.

There was a long period of peace between the master and the apprentice, until Bai Shanzhui said, "Nine months, what do you think?"

"What do you think?"

A little thought and determination flashed in Bai Shanzhui's eyes. The teacher compressed his time, obviously wanting to speed up the progress.For this reason, some special means are not impossible.

"Half a year."

"That's half a year." The old man flicked his sleeves, and slowly took out a whisk from his sleeves, "You can go to work at ease, and I will watch over those two little guys."

Bai Shanzhui breathed a sigh of relief, with the protection of Master, friends and future friends can rest easy, and he can do it boldly.

"However, don't rush in. We killed the Dragon Emperor's concubine a few years ago to cause this turmoil, and now the turmoil is about to die..." The old man looked at the whisk, grabbed a mane, and threw it into the wind, " You should have a measure of how to act."

"Yes, the disciple knows."

A white crane came out of the clouds, holding a jade-like bamboo knot in its mouth, and slowly landed on the attic.

The old man picked up the bamboo joints and asked suddenly: "Do you know how many years have passed since the eighth grade was produced in this world?"

Bai Shanzhuo was silent for a moment: "The last person who broke through to the eighth rank should be Zhuge Zhuo, the prime minister of the current dynasty, and it has been more than forty years ago."

The old man hummed, and put the green bamboo into his sleeve: "First is the fairyland, then the ninth rank, and then the eighth rank. After that, it has to be the seventh rank, sixth rank, and fifth rank. Now you just go to the street and grab a small one." Hey, after a few hundred years, he may be a peerless master."

"Daolong Diaozun is different from us. When he was born, there were still some seniors in the human race. He is still fishing for dragons today because he believes that the human race is still alive, and the one that escaped is hidden somewhere."

"And I don't think so, we are now the lost one."

"Due to the limit of innate lifespan, the ever-decreasing gap between man and nature will keep lowering the upper limit of our clan. And those monsters with long lifespans can preserve the power of ancient times to this day. Our time is running out, delay The longer you wait, the slimmer the chances."

"Yes, the disciple understands."

"Those juniors, just let them do things according to their temperament. As long as the general direction is good, don't interfere." The old man took his sleeves and turned around, "It's easy to know the sky, but it's hard to go against the sky. Since God gave us a chance , then do not fiddle with it with mortal hands."

"Half a year."

There was a bit of murderous intent in Bai Shanzhui's calm voice: "Yes."


Estimating the time, Bai Shanzhui would be back in two days, Shi Jiu felt that he had to say goodbye to Fang Zhengdao.

I also promised to go to Huainan City with him before, but I will probably leave Jingtian State next.Since the promise cannot be fulfilled, there must be a beginning and an end.

Out of the demon slaying division, Luo Liuli followed behind Shi Jiu as expected.But these days, Shijiu has long been used to having a follower, so he didn't say anything.

"Where are you going? Going out to eat?" Luo Liuli has a unique passion for eating, "I'll go too!"

"Not for dinner, but to meet a friend." Shi Jiu sighed, "I'm leaving now, I'll go say hello to him."

Luo Liuli suddenly realized: "Oh—that scholar, right? Then let's go eat?"

Shi Jiu squinted at Luo Liuli: "How do you know?"

"He said it." Luo Liuli was puzzled, "He boasted in Xiangyue Pavilion that he knew Shi Jiu..."

Shi Jiu coughed twice, he was really embarrassed to say that he was a shareholder...

As for eating...

Luo Liuli's eating is slightly different from what Shi Jiu knew about eating, it might be better to say that Luo Liuli is keen on pouring rice - but the destination of pouring is different from others.

Others pour food into the slop bucket, but she pours food into her stomach... Every time he eats with Luo Liuli, Shi Jiu has to worry about the tableware on the table, for fear that Luo Liuli will eat too much and chew the plate into pieces swallow.

Luo Liuli's eating momentum was inversely proportional to her height, as if someone was robbing her.As for whether he tasted it, Shi Jiu didn't dare to say, anyway Luo Liuli said that everything he ate was delicious.

"Didn't you just finish breakfast?" Shi Jiu sighed.

Luo Liuli muttered in a low voice: "It will be noon after seeing you...you can have dinner after noon..."

As he walked, Shi Jiu found that something was wrong with the passers-by today.Many people took a piece of paper and read it with relish while walking, and some of them looked like scholars, and even clapped their legs while reading, and clicked their tongues.

Shi Jiu couldn't hold back, stepped forward and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Mr. Fang wrote an article." The scholar sitting on the breakfast stall didn't look up, "Everyone is passing it on."

"Can you show me?" Shi Jiu's eyes fell on the paper, "Who is Mr. Fang?"

"Mr. Fang from Xiaoxiang Academy." The scholar sighed, and handed the paper to Shi Jiu, "He wrote an article for Jinxiang City a few days ago and sent it to the government. The government posted it, It is said that he will call a stele maker to use it when erecting a stele for this incident... No matter what Mr. Fang does in this year's imperial examination, it is certain that he will be famous for a hundred generations."

"I heard that this is still the first draft. Mr. Fang got the information from the government, and he will write a more detailed one when he goes back." The scholar's voice was full of envy, and he gnawed on the fritters with pain on his face, "Why can someone write such a thing? Why can't I write an article..."

Luo Liuli was bouncing around: "Show me? Show me too~"

Shi Jiu began to read with a strange expression: "In the 237th year of the Daqian calendar, the demon king of Jingtian Prefecture was born, and the blood moon covered the sky..."

The style of writing is tough yet graceful, and the words are carefully chosen. The whole article faithfully records the scene of the dragon ascending to the sky and falling to the sky that day, and also praises the heroic demeanor of the demon hunters who fought bravely regardless of their own lives.Even from the perspective of Shi Jiu's ancient literature department, it is more than enough to appear in textbooks for junior high school students.

"Let's go to the Yuelai Inn." Shi Jiu put away the article and walked quickly to the Yuelai Inn.

If you guessed correctly, this so-called Mr. Fang is very likely to be Fang Zheng.Although because of the acquaintance, Shi Jiu never felt that Fang Zheng had much literary talent.But once he produced a serious article, he found that Fang Zheng's talent was really not bad, even to the point where he could be listed in a textbook.

Arriving at Yuelai Inn, Shi Jiu knocked on Fangzheng's door with ease.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa-"

There was a sound of rushing around in Fangzheng's room. Shi Jiu felt strange and asked, "Fangzheng? Are you there?"

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