"I'm not here!"

Shi Jiu immediately pushed open the door: "It will be easy if you are here..."

Fangzheng hurriedly cleaned up the things on the table, as if Shi Jiu was some kind of scourge: "Let me tell you that I keep myself clean and I would never go to places like Flower Street..."

"I didn't ask you to go shopping in Flower Street." Shi Jiu couldn't laugh or cry, "I just finished my work recently, so I came to see you and say goodbye by the way."

"Farewell?" Fangzheng was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood, "Oh yes, you plan to go to Huainan City first, right? I really have to delay for a few days..."

"No, I won't go to Huainan City anymore." Shi Jiu shook his head, "I have something urgent to do and I have to leave Jingtian State."

When Fangzheng heard this, he didn't clear up the four treasures of the study on the table: "There is something urgent... Then you should be in a hurry. But when will you finish your work? After I return to Huainan, I will probably take the Wuche Book Examination directly, and stay for a couple of days You have to go to Beijing to catch the exam in a month. If you come back, you must let me know. Jingtian Prefecture is rich in products, and Huainan City is even more outstanding.

Shi Jiu was dumbfounded, and smiled: "Maybe it's too late, but if you go to Beijing to rush for the exam, maybe we can meet again."

"You want to go back to the capital?" Fang Zheng was surprised.

"No, but I may go back in a while." Shi Jiu waved his hand, "I heard that you wrote an article for Monster Slayer."

As soon as he mentioned his old profession, Fangzheng immediately straightened his back a lot, but then he smiled wryly: "Indeed, I also learned what happened from the government, so I realized that Brother Bai was hiding something...Don't worry, I promise to write a few more sentences for you."

Shi Jiu understood, it seemed that the government had indeed given Fang Zheng his information, and even told him that his name was Bai Lan.It seems that Baishanzhui not only let the government uniformly call itself Bai Lan, but even publicize it to the outside world...

- What a fart!What the hell did Bai Shanzhui do?I

Can't even use my own name!And how divine is Bai Lan!This surname makes me suspect that you old boy is trying to take advantage of me!

"I actually came here for this article, but it's not what you think." Shi Jiu sighed, "I hope my name won't appear on the article."

Fangzheng frowned, his eyes full of confusion.No matter the people in the world or the court officials, the opportunity to leave a name in history will never be let go.But the person in front of him actually rejected this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so why?

Shi Jiu put forward his own request: "I hope to use [Monster Slaying Division One Warrior] as the title when describing that part."

Fang Zheng paced around the table for a few steps and asked in confusion, "Why?"

Shi Jiu smiled slightly, turned and left: "You will understand later."

If he had seen the demon slayer's sacrificial hall before, he would not only leave his name, but even persuade Fang Zheng to write more credits for himself.

But now, he hoped that the people would know that the dragon-slaying warrior was a member of the Monster Slayer Division.

Shi Jiu walked out of Fangzheng's room door, but Luo Liuli couldn't help sticking his head out to look inside.Although Shi Jiu asked her to wait downstairs, how could she be obedient and obedient?After Shi Jiu went upstairs, he quietly followed.

She has a unique physique, and there is no breath when she walks, even if she is two ranks taller, she may not be able to spot her.

Fangzheng still wondered why Yu Shijiu didn't want to leave his name, but saw Luo Liuli squeezed beside Shi Jiu, who seemed to have a close relationship: "This is..."

Luo Liuli's footsteps were as silent as a cat's, and she was extremely agile, standing close behind Shi Jiu.Shi Jiu looked around in confusion, but couldn't find the person Fangzheng mentioned.

Luo Liuli's appearance and Xiao Yusheng's are completely two extremes. Just looking at Xiao Yusheng's face makes people feel deserted and cold, but Luo Liuli is just the opposite.She is as lively as a butterfly dancing on flower petals, and her bright eyes reflect the strange light of elves.

At this moment, Luo Liuli's eyebrows and eyes are flying, not to mention her proud figure, the spirituality in those eyes is the only thing Fang Zheng has seen in his life.

What is this girl from?

"Pfft..." Luo Liuli finally couldn't hold back his laughter, and reached out to pat Shi Jiu's shoulder.

When Shi Jiu turned his head, Luo Liuli's finger just poked his face.

Shi Jiu's face was dark: "I didn't play your trick when I was five years old."

Luo Liuli puffed out her chest proudly: "Hmph, I don't need it anymore when I'm three years old!"

"Then you still play?"

"Because I think you are as good as I was when I was three~"

Fangzheng suddenly realized.

Even if Shi Jiu didn't introduce Luo Liuli, it can be seen that the two people behave intimately, which is obviously not an ordinary intimate relationship.It must be Shi... Brother Bai's confidante.

As expected of Shi...Brother Bai.

"Are you good at writing?" Luo Liuli suddenly stopped teasing Shi Jiu and looked at Fangzheng.

Fangzheng couldn't help but be serious: "Ahem... I will understand the text below..."

A look of obvious disappointment appeared on Luo Liuli's face: "That's it... forget it."

Fangzheng's neck stiffened.

No, you can ask me again, I was just being humble.

"Liuli, it's time to go." Shi Jiu turned around and cupped his hands at Fangzheng, "Fangzheng, the mountains are high and the rivers are long, see you in the future."

Fangzheng bowed hurriedly and returned the salute.When she looked up again, only Luo Liuli was left holding on to the door, looking at Fangzheng curiously.

In terms of appearance, this girl's appearance can be ranked among the top ones that Fang Zheng has seen in his life, even comparable to the Bai Yuxian he saw a few days ago.In particular, the unique agility she possesses is a talent that many women can only dream of.

"You can write more articles related to Shi Jiu in the future." Luo Liuli said with a smile, "Also, you must write me in the same article~"

Fangzheng hesitated for a moment: "I don't know if the girl is..."

"My name is Luo Liuli, see you~"

After speaking, Luo Liuli's figure disappeared into the corridor, bouncing after Shi Jiu.

Fangzheng scratched his head in confusion: "Luo Liuli...a bit familiar...he has the same name..."

Chapter 102 Chapter 100 Xiao Yusheng Feels Lost

Shi Jiu felt that Luo Liuli had been mysterious these two days.

Since Fang Zhengna came back, Luo Liuli often disappeared for most of the day, unable to find anyone.Shi Jiu felt that she might be messing with something behind the scenes, but he never discovered her secret.

"What have you been doing these two days?" Finally, Shi Jiu asked the question in his heart while eating, "I often don't see you..."

Although Tian Shijiu felt unaccustomed to having an extra follower a few days ago, but now that this follower disappears, he is even more unaccustomed.

"Ah..." Luo Liuli glanced around in embarrassment, "I...I'm fixing things..."

Shi Jiu sized Luo Liuli suspiciously: "Fix things?"

"It's just...my weapon is broken..." Luo Liuli held her mouth, stopped pouring the food, and frowning, "I can't find anything that can be repaired here..."

Shi Jiu had never seen Luo Liuli's weapon before, so he suddenly became curious: "Show me?"

Luo Liuli hesitated for a moment, then reached out and stabbed the ground next to her butt... no, in the shadow.

"This." Luo Liuli took out the long stick that was broken into three pieces from the shadow, "You can repair weapons?"

"Shadow?" Shi Jiu didn't focus on the staff, but instead focused on Luo Liuli's ability to take things from his own shadow, "Can you put things in the shadow?"

"Hmph~" Luo Liuli hugged her arms and raised her chin, "It's amazing!"

Shi Jiu drooled enviously.

The exercises in this world are really...beyond Shi Jiu's cognition.

If this scene appeared in novels or animations, Shi Jiu would not be surprised.But when it really appeared in front of me... I wonder why this thing is so cool!

Shadow storage!In addition, Luo Liuli can also turn into a shadow, which is simply the ultimate ability that combines practicality, prettiness...and fashion!

"This has something to do with your physique, so don't think about it." Luo Liuli muttered softly, "You really know how to repair? None of the blacksmiths here can do it..."

Shi Jiu picked up the stick that was broken into three pieces, looked at it carefully for a few seconds, and came to a conclusion: "A blacksmith will definitely not be able to repair it, because theoretically you should find a carpenter for this thing..."

The starting point is heavy ebony, even heavier than an equal volume of iron.Cracks are all over the body of the rod, and there are many obvious hollows.These hollow channels spread from the head of the stick to the tail of the stick, like an ant nest growing inside the stick.

Not only that, but there is also a strange cage-like structure on the head of the staff, the space is about the size of a fist, and it seems that there was something in it.

"This stick of yours...was bitten by insects?" Shi Jiu looked at the three sections of the broken stick suspiciously, "Why are there all insect eyes?"

"Hey -- don't show off if you don't know how to repair it." Luo Liuli pursed her lips, trying to snatch the staff back.

"Let me take another look." Shi Jiu raised his hand, avoiding Luo Liuli's hand, and looked carefully.

The more Shi Jiu looked at it, the more he felt that this thing...why does it look so familiar?

If you don't know the operating principle or design purpose of a thing, then take it apart and count the functions according to the functional areas.

This passageway for bugs to crawl, this small cage containing something unknown, and this hard stick head with sharp thorns at the end...

Isn't this a bug stick? ? ?

The system can do it!

Shi Jiu silently compared the difference between the bug stick produced by the system and the stick in front of him.

Hmm... not much.

"What's your weapon called?" Shi Jiu handed back the staff, "It's rare."

"The Gu staff, the people from southern Xinjiang gave me." Luo Liuli put away the staff, and there was inevitably disappointment in her voice, "Don't ask, and don't tell others."

Shi Jiu was surprised: "Why? The Gu stick has a special meaning?"

"Anyway, just don't tell others that I have it." Luo Liuli reluctantly pawed at the rice.

"Oh..." Shi Jiu rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

"System, can the weapon you forged be used by others?"

【Can. 】

Shi Jiu rummaged through the system for the bug stick.

He has accumulated a lot of monster materials over the years, but Shi Jiu only uses Miao Dao, so he hasn't seen much of other types of weapons.Since Luo Liuli's weapon was broken, wouldn't it be enough for him to replace it with a new one?

Picking and picking, Shi Jiu picked a bug stick named [Black Bone Spring].Its appearance is similar to Luo Liuli's Gu staff, but the main material is the torso of the seventh-rank emperor house tree demon.

Back then when Shi Jiu dissected the Emperor House Dryad, he didn't use a knife, but an ax—very hard and laborious.

"System, make a black bone spring."

[The required time is 72 hours, the required materials...]

"I know, I know, you just do it—by the way, can this thing be customized according to other people's body shape?"

[Yes, the weapon will automatically adapt to the user's size and habits. 】

Shi Jiu didn't tell her what he planned to redo for her, and told her after two days when it was done.

"Eat and eat, I will ask someone to ask in the past two days."


Time passed quickly, and the Tianmen Mountain disciples were about to leave Jinxiang City.

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