"Less than the last minute."

0···Ask for flowers·······

"Never give up lightly."

Wang Zhenzhen finished speaking.

He looked at Kuang Tianyou.

Eyes full of love.

Riley and Shiya heard Kuang Tianyou and Wang Zhenzhen's congratulatory speeches.

Can't help but also a little moved.

They held hands tightly together.

Riley looked at Shiya affectionately.

To Kuang Tianyou and Wang Zhenzhen said:

"Shiya and I."

"Thank you very much."

The atmosphere eased.

Kuang Tianyou's tone also changed a lot.

He urged the ceremony to be hastened.

"All right."

"Fifty-eight years."

"What are you waiting for?"

.. ......  

"Don't you hurry to kiss the bride?"

Wang Zhenzhen also echoed.

Riley smiled.

Take out Angel Tears.

Wear it on Shiya's neck.

50 years have passed.

Angel's Tears is back where it should be.

And Riley.

And finally kissed his bride.

Wang Zhenzhen was moved to tears.

The ghosts also applauded.

Congratulations to this couple.

Everything is beautiful like a fairy tale.

Just at this time.

The wedding bells are ringing.



The bell echoed over the castle.

A flock of birds was startled.


Hear the bell ring.

Ma Xiaoling and Kim Jong-joong worked together to knock Master Peacock unconscious.

escaped from the hotel.

He ran all the way in the direction of the castle.


Has arrived at Ye Chen near the castle.

There was a momentary pause.

Followed by.

Then lightly jumped.

Standing on the highest point of the castle.

Riley and Shiya's wedding is over.

It also seemed like it was all over.

Ye Chen looked down into the distance.


There are two shadows.

Running towards the direction of the castle.

It was Ma Xiaoling and Kim Jong-joong.

Chapter 230 Can't move

After completing the wedding ceremony, Riley and Shiya left the church together.

Riley looked at Shi Ya who was smiling like a child.

My heart is full of sweetness.


He couldn't help but think of what Ye Chen said before leaving.

"What you have to do now is not to thank me."

"Let's just pray that Shiya won't hurt the innocent again."

"If there is a next time."

"That would not be the case."

thought here.

Riley suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Because it's just before the wedding.

Shi Ya sucked human blood again.

And that's not just one or two people.

But almost the entire town!

It would be fine if Ye Chen didn't know about it.

He will leave here with Shiya.

Be incognito.

But what if you knew?

Think so.

Riley grew more worried.

Only "[-]" wanted to take advantage of the fact that it was still safe.

Hurry up and leave with Shiya.


Shi Ya took Riley's hand.

Said to take him somewhere.

Riley didn't know why.

But I think there should be enough time.

It did not refuse.

Shi Ya took Riley to go.

The room where Riley locked himself up before.

"What are we doing here?"

Riley was puzzled.

"I have something to give you."

"But you have to close your eyes first."

Shi Ya said with a smile.

Riley closed her eyes obediently.

Followed by.

She was pushed against the wall by Shi Ya.

Riley was taken aback.


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