I found myself unable to move.

Countless thorns carrying electric current appeared inside the wall.

Riley's hands were tightly tied to the wall.


"Why are you doing this?"

Shiya didn't answer.

She just gave Riley a deep look.

Turned around and ran out.

No matter how Riley shouted behind him.

She didn't even stop.

Shiya went straight to the height of the castle.

She didn't notice Ye Chen standing on the other side.

I bowed my head.

I saw Ma Xiaoling and Kim Zhengzhong who just arrived.

And Ma Xiaoling also saw Shiya in a white wedding dress at a glance.

"Where are Tianyou and Zhenzhen?!"

Shiya laughed.

He did not answer Ma Xiaoling's question.

Kim Jong-jung couldn't bear it anymore.

Take a step forward.

"stop laughing?"

"Why are you laughing!"

"Call your husband to come down and die together!"

Hear Kim Jong-jung's words.

Shiya stopped laughing.

Shiya who looked like a human just now.

Instantly turned into a zombie form.


"What do you think I came back for this time?"

"It's for revenge!"

"If you want to say goodbye to him."

"It's too late!"

Ma Xiaoling took out the exorcism stick.

"This lunatic."

"Let's go!"


He was ready to fight.

Kim Jong-jung was not to be outdone.

Blocked the Buddha's palm in front of him.

Shiya jumped down from the castle.

He rushed towards Ma Xiaoling and Kim Zhengzhong.


inside the church.

The ghosts have all left.

At this time, only Kuang Tianyou and Wang Zhenzhen were left in the empty church.

"I don't know when we will be released."

Wang Zhenzhen said with some worry.

"I trust Riley."

"But Shiya..."

"There's something wrong with her."

Kuang Tianyou recalled.

Always feel that there is something wrong.

Wang Zhenzhen said with relief:

"never mind."


"I just want to be with you!"

is talking.

The door behind him was suddenly pushed open.

The two looked back.

And no one.

There was only a fat golden human figure in the air.

"It's an elves!"

Wang Zhenzhen exclaimed.

Then he turned to look at Kuang Tianyou.

"It must be trying to rescue us!"

Kuang Tianyou grabbed Wang Zhenzhen's arm.

"Then let's go out quickly."

at the same time.

outside the castle.

Ma Xiaoling and Kim Jong-jung are fighting Shiya.

The strength of zombies sucking human blood is indeed impressive.

Both Ma Xiaoling and Kim Jong-joong were unable to subdue her.

Not only that.

Shiya also suddenly changed her form.

It turned into a huge human form with light flowing.

Poetry that has changed its form.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Ma Xiaoling and Jin Zhengzhong.

Ma Xiaoling avoided quickly.

But Kim Jong-jung was a beat slower.

Was caught by Shi Ya.

Kim Jong-jung shouted.

Was thrown out by Shi Ya.

Kim Jong-jung, who was thrown away, lay on the ground.

I couldn't stand up for a long time.

Seeing that she was about to be defeated by Shiya.

Ma Xiaoling was anxious and angry.

was about to move forward again.

I saw a Zen stick falling from the sky.

Shiya was forced to retreat.

The Zen stick stuck straight into the soil.

Master Peacock sat cross-legged.

Start casting.

Just listen to the bell on the Zen stick ringing non-stop.

A purple light burst out.

Hit towards the transformed Shiya.

Shiya couldn't dodge.

was knocked to the ground.

Changed back into the appearance of wearing a wedding dress.

Can't afford to fall.


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