"But the two of them won't meet if we don't stop them."

It is only a matter of time before they meet, if they stop, how long can they stop?

"Since this is the case, what should we do? Just watch the two of them meet like this?"

Ah Cha looked astonished.

"'But if they do meet, isn't it too late?"

When Ye Chen heard this, he just waved his hand, he had his own plans.

"Let the two of them meet, and you can send someone to track them down."

Ye Chen just said with a flat face, without much emotion.

Uncle Qiu on the side also heard Ye Chen's words.

He naturally believed in Ye Chen.

"I don't think the two of them will discuss this time so soon. What's more, Shipa hasn't seen the Holy Mother of Yaochi yet, so there is enough time."

Uncle Qiu also said that it is the best way now to wait and see what happens.

If you do it first, it will give the opponent more opportunities.

"In that case, then (Li Li's) listen to you."

Ah Cha felt that what Uncle Qiu said was right.

After all, they can't do anything now, so it's better to wait for the two to meet before discussing.

At this time, Ma Xiaoling, Mao Youyou and others also hurried over.

The news of these two people is very well-informed.

"I heard that the evil being imprisoned in Pangu's tomb has come out of troubled times?"

Kim Jong-jung said with a serious face.

"I've heard that there are evil beings imprisoned in this ancient tomb, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Ma Xiaoling also frowned and said.

She had heard it from her ancestors a long time ago, so she thought it was just a legend.

"All legends are based on evidence."

Ah Cha also said copying.

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As an ancient person, she has lived for so many years, so she is naturally the one with the most say.

"Then we just wait and see what happens?"

Ma Xiaoling and the others had long heard the conversation between Ye Chen and Ah Cha.

"Watch what happens."

Ye Chen nodded and said.

"By the way, Master Ye, for some reason these days, the phenomenon of "human cannibalism" has appeared."

There is also a reason for Mao Youyou to come this time.

She frowned every day, looked at Ye Chen and said.

This phenomenon has never happened before, but for some reason, it suddenly broke out in recent days.


Ye Chen frowned slightly, this phenomenon is rare.

"Yes, I don't know why, some people seem to be crazy and start to bite the people around them crazily, and this is very contagious."

Mao Youyou had a very headache, they couldn't find the source of the pathogen, so they could only ask Ye Chen for help.

"That's interesting, where are these people now?"

Ye Chen looked at Mao Youyou and asked.

Only by seeing the symptoms of these people can he understand what is going on.

Kim Jong-jung on the side also widened his eyes curiously.

"Cannibalism? The phenomenon in Mr. Lu Xun's novels actually appeared in reality?"

It's not that Jin Zhengzhong is so useless that he still knows about Mr. Lu Xun.

"The pathogen started in the hospital, and we have now isolated all the patients in the hospital."

"As for whether there are any patients outside, we are still looking for it."

Mao Youyou sighed, they were very busy for this matter.

"Hospital? The Emperor and Shanshan are in the hospital right now."

Ma Xiaoling also said thoughtfully.

All of this is not too coincidental.

"Let's go and have a look now, Ah Cha, you should watch Na Shipa's movements carefully, and tell me immediately if there is any movement."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he got up and followed Mao Youyou towards the hospital.

Seeing Ma Xiaoling following behind, Ye Chen asked her to go back to rest.

"Don't go, you were bitten by Xiaoyue just now, you still need more rest."

Moreover, the corpse poison on Ma Xiaoling's body has not been completely released.

I don't know what the consequences will be, so it's better to stay at home.

Ye Chen's words warmed Ma Xiaoling's heart.

He actually cared about himself.

But she still rejected Ye Chen's kindness.

"Master Ye, the descendants of my Ma family, no matter what happens, we can't make us back down, so let me go with you."

Since Ma Xiaoling had already said that, Ye Chen naturally couldn't say anything more.

What's more, with Ma Xiaoling by his side, there wouldn't be any major problems.

Ye Chen and others entered the hospital.

Human Sovereign had also noticed it a long time ago, waiting for Ye Chen and others to come to him.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, they saw Ye Chen and the others.

The Emperor's seal has been released, and his temper is quite different from before.

Seeing Ye Chen and the others, they were also very indifferent.

"You all go out, I only talk to Ye Chen."

The Emperor said very coldly, his eyes were as cold as two pieces of ice.

When Kim Jong-jung heard this, he was not happy.

How to put it, we were the ones who helped you before, why turn our faces and deny people now.

Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge is not.

But Ma Xiaoling stopped her in time.

If Jin Zhengzhong said this today, I am afraid that someone will explain it here.

Ye Chen also waved his hand and let them go out.

"Do you want to ask me if this virus is from me?"

The Emperor looked at Ye Chen, smiled coldly, and asked.

"I know it wasn't you who poisoned me, otherwise I wouldn't talk to you here calmly."

Ye Chen sat aside and said very calmly.

He didn't come here this time to ask Human Emperor Xingshi for his crimes.

There was such a coincidence that as soon as the Emperor came, such a virus broke out here.

"Then do you think this matter has something to do with the Holy Mother of Yaochi?"

The Emperor looked at Ye Chen and asked, he couldn't think of anyone else either.

"I think it doesn't matter, she can't be so stupid."

Indeed, if this is framed, it would be too obvious.

"Then do you think that this matter was not intentional?"

The Human Sovereign looked at Ye Chen and asked incredulously.

But how?This was not intentional.

But no matter how you look at it, it seems to be intentional.

Ye Chen nodded.

"Looking at this situation, it's not a sudden outbreak, but it has been buried for a long time. The Holy Mother of Yaochi will never use such low-level methods to frame you."

The Holy Mother of Yaochi has always done things aboveboard.

"It's true that you said that, but I heard that the evil spirits of Tianpan Ancient Tomb have been waiting for an opportunity to move recently, maybe it's him?"

Renhuang has a lot of eyeliners, so it's not surprising to know that Pangu's tomb has changed.

"He doesn't have the time yet. The incubation period of the virus is about a week, and Naspa came out in just a few days."

He simply did not have such a long preparation time.


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