-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Emperor looked at Ye Chen suspiciously.

It seems that the emperor doesn't know that Shipa is evil.

"He actually took such a name? Is he going to destroy the world?"

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Ren Huang was not stupid, and naturally guessed the meaning of his name.

This is for fear that there is no one in the world who does not know that he is going to destroy the world.


Ye Chen also took a sip of tea, nodded and said.

"Has Chang'e visited you recently?"

This is the question Ye Chen wants to ask Ren~Huang.

"Yes, she did come to see me, just six or seven days ago, a week!"

Originally, the emperor's face was still sad because of what Chang'e said to him, but his eyes widened in the next second.

"Could it be that you are doubting Xiaoyue?"

Chang'e was indeed the object of Ye Chen's suspicion, he nodded.


Ye Chen had long suspected that Xiaoyue was contaminated with something.

"How is it possible? Thousands of people come to this hospital every day. How could it be Xiaoyue."

The Emperor obviously didn't believe it.

If this is the case, he hopes that the Holy Mother of Yaochi did all this.

"It's up to you to believe it or not."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he left. This is what he wanted to ask today.

"This old man thinks he's so powerful that he doesn't have any sense of loyalty when crossing rivers and tearing down bridges."

Kim Jong-joong was still sulking outside at this time, beating his chest and feet.

He felt that he was going to be pissed to death, but he didn't appreciate it for helping him so much.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he thought it was the Emperor who had come out, and hurriedly closed his mouth again.

"You only have these skills, why don't you dare to say it?"

Mao Youyou on the side looked at Jin Zhengzhong with disdain and said.

After seeing Shi Yechen, Jin Zhengzhong felt relieved.

"Take me to see those patients."

Ye Chen pointed to the front, letting Mao Youyou lead the way.

But Mao Youyou really frowned, a little reluctantly.


Ye Chen looked at Mao Youyou and asked a little puzzled.

"These patients become manic when they see people, so..."

So Mao Youyou was afraid of what would happen, so naturally he didn't dare to take Ye Chen there hastily.

"It's okay, just take me there, you don't need to go in."

Ye Chen naturally dared to go, and it was naturally because he had already prepared, otherwise his life would not have been for nothing.

But Mao Youyou was still hesitating.

"Master Ye said it's all right, but you still don't believe Master Ye? Nothing will happen."

Kim Jong-jung looked at Mao Youyou's appearance and said.

Mao Youyou glared at Jin Zhengzhong before walking forward.

This has not yet arrived, and the voices of these people's roars have already been heard.

"These people are unconscious."

When Uncle Qiu heard the voice, he frowned and said.

"It's starting to eat people, and it must be unconscious."

Jin Zhengzhong whispered from the side, but Uncle Qiu still heard him.

Uncle Qiu flew over with a sharp glance, startled Jin Zhengzhong, and quickly withdrew his gaze.

"I'm going in."

After Ye Chen said this, it can be said that everyone was stunned.

I didn't expect Ye Chen to go in!

These people are completely irrational people, and if they go in, it's a near death and zero life.

"Master Ye, are you joking? If you go in, you will die, right?"

Jin Zhengzhong on the side felt that Ye Chen was just saying yes, and said with a smile.

0···Ask for flowers·······

But Ye Chen is the talker.

"I'm not kidding, I'm going in."

Ye Chen is very serious, he really wants to go in.

"Master Ye, no, after you go in, they will bite you crazily. They can't be called human beings now."

Uncle Qiu was also taken aback by Ren Tianxing's idea, and hurriedly waved his hand and said.

Everyone is against it.

After all, the creatures inside have lost their minds and will definitely attack Ye Chen.

And there are so many infected people here, how could Ye Chen deal with it.

..... 0

"If you are afraid, just give me the key and don't worry about my safety."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he stretched out his hand towards Mao Youyou.

But how could Mao Youyou give it to him, tightly covering his pocket.

"Master Ye, you can see it from the outside, why do you want to go in, do you know how dangerous it is inside?"

Ma Xiaoling on the side also nodded, frowning tightly, and grabbed Ye Chen's sleeve.

"Master Ye, you can't go in. They've already started to get restless when you stand here."

Indeed, those infected who were locked inside were extremely excited to see him coming.

The pupils also turned black, without any whites.

The teeth were very sharp, and the mouth was big, and it roared at them.

"If I don't go in, how can I formulate a prescription? Since I dare to go in, it means that I am well prepared."

How could Ye Chen hurt himself.

But a few others didn't think so.

This is too dangerous, this is going to die, courting death, they will never let Ye Chen in.

Ye Chen had no choice but to take the key from Mao Youyou's pocket.

Four hundred and fourth obedient infected

The others didn't even see Ye Chen's movements clearly, the key was already in his hand.

"Master Ye, you can't go in, it's very dangerous."

Mao Youyou was a little anxious and wanted to take back the key in Ye Chen's hand.

But Ye Chen directly cast an enchantment between them.

Everyone panicked and stared at Ye Chen with wide eyes.

And the patients inside were also extremely excited, seeing Ye Chen's arrival, their eyes widened a lot.

Ye Chen opened the door, and everyone stared at him, for fear of any danger.

But when Ye Chen raised his hand, those people fell silent.

"It's unbelievable that they suddenly quieted down five five seven."

Kim Jong-jung stared at this scene with wide eyes, it was so shocking.

"Master Ye can actually calm these patients down?"

You know, the sedatives don't work.

Ye Chen rested on a patient's hand and frowned.

Although it is a bit tricky, but fortunately there is still time.

Ye Chen wasn't so worried, at least these people could still be saved.

The moment Ye Chen came out, those patients went berserk again, wanting to go forward and scratch Ye Chen.

They also have no memory of what happened just now.

"Master Ye, you can calm down these unconscious things."

Jin Zhengzhong looked at Ye Chen with great admiration, and now Ye Chen's status was a little higher in his heart.

"Master Ye, are they still saved?"

Mao Youyou looked at Ye Chen and asked expectantly.

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