Of course, only the Reality Gem was used to change the Starka account, so it didn't last long. If the energy was withdrawn, the money would disappear.

But if Lin Feng used six infinity gems to snap his fingers, then this effect would become permanent!

Obviously, Starka knows that infinite gems are valuable, but he doesn't know that infinite gems can no longer be measured by money.

Starka's face sank like water.

Lin Feng's move verified a conjecture.

As stated in the message, with Infinity Stones, you can do whatever you want to a certain extent.


Mo? He stared blankly at Starka who said nothing.

It increased by 500 billion in an instant, and then disappeared, leaving her stunned.

500 billion, how long will it take their entire team to struggle in the universe to earn it!

Starka ignored Mo? Lin Feng's performance has proved that he is not short of money.

"I can do one thing for you!" Starka changed the condition.

Since money is not enough, then try other methods.

"One thing, one infinite gem, how!"

"Whatever it is?" Lin Feng asked with interest.

"Anything! As long as it doesn't violate the predator principle."

Starka decided that even if Lin Feng asked him to rob the collector, he would give it a try.

It's still the same sentence, when facing Lin Feng, if you can do it, try not to do it.

Starkar trusted his instincts, which had kept him alive for so long as the leader of the Marauders.

Cautious, intuitive!


Lin Feng leaned lazily on the back of the chair, somewhat lacking in interest.

Lin Feng still doesn't like the power of Starka and his fleet.

What can be entrusted by Silver Superman cannot be done by adding up to ten Starka.

please!I'm in the Marvel Universe now, walking sideways, okay?

If it wasn't for being in a good mood, Lin Feng wouldn't be bothered to talk so much with Starka.

This is just to save face because he and Stallone look the same.

Lin Feng's answer made Starka's face ugly.

"Really don't think about it?"

"Don't think about it!" Lin Feng refused decisively.

"Nothing to discuss?"

"Not negotiable!"


The scene fell into an awkward silence.

The negotiation failed, and the negotiation reached the brink of breaking down...

For a moment, only the breathing of a few people remained.

"It's nothing, let's go!" Lin Feng broke the silence.

"Don't delay me drinking!"

With that said, Lin Feng poured himself a large glass of blue wine.

Don't tell me, although the color is strange, it is indeed the most expensive wine in Alien Bar.

The taste is very good, and every time he takes a sip, Lin Feng can always think of the tempting heart tail of the proprietress Xixing.

Smacked his lips.

Just now, I really should have agreed to Xi Xing's conditions and stroked her tail...

Starka took a deep breath and stood up.

There's no other way, Lin Feng is a master who doesn't eat oil and salt.

Money is not required, and other conditions are not accepted.

It seems that the only way left for Starka is to grab this road!

"My fleet stops outside the planet!"

Starka's voice was low, and his words were full of gunpowder.

"So that?" Lin Feng asked casually, shaking his wine glass.

"So! You'd better hand over the Infinity Stones quickly! Otherwise, the fleet's artillery fire will turn you into ashes!"

Starka hadn't spoken yet, and the crystal man beside him couldn't bear Lin Feng's indifferent attitude from beginning to end, and jumped out to threaten.


"Yes, if possible, I would like to resolve this issue peacefully!"

Starka continued.

Lin Feng put down his wine glass and laughed angrily.

"The Infinity Stone was originally found by me, and it belongs to me."

"Do you know what you look like now?"

"Like a robber!"

Lin Feng stretched out his hand and waved it, turning into a large translucent screen.

On the big screen, a space fleet quietly floats above a planet.

The shipborne weapon system has been turned on and aimed at the planet.

As long as Starka gives an order, countless artillery fire will bombard the entire area where Lin Feng is located.

"This is your fleet?"

Lin Feng curled his lips and sneered.

It looks very scary, but in Lin Feng's eyes, they are just some large flying toys.

"It's really well prepared!"

"If the fleet is your reliance!"


Lin Feng snapped his fingers.

It lit up with a burst of red light.

On the screen, Starka's fleet collapsed and disintegrated in an instant, turning everything into a pile of rubble.

"So, now what?!" Lin Feng mocked mercilessly.

The sudden change made Starka's pupils shrink.

His face darkened instantly.

But he didn't attack right away.

Instead, he pressed the headset to verify the authenticity of the scene in front of him.


"Astro! Answer me!"

Starka kept calling, trying to contact the subordinates in the fleet.

"Charlie, Charlie!"

I adjusted several channels in a row, personal channel and public channel, but there was no reply.

The sight in front of him was incredible.

After verification, it is a brutal fact.

His fleet disappeared with a snap of Lin Feng's fingers!

For a time, Starka was cracked.

He stood up with a bang, and slapped the table with a slap, with endless killing intent in his eyes.

Afterwards, Starka pulled out the gun from his waist and pointed at Lin Feng.

"You killed them all?!"

Mo? and the crystal man named Martin saw their former teammates disappear inexplicably.

For a moment, I was sad and angry in my heart, and I didn't have time to think, so I followed Starka and drew out a hot weapon to aim at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng waved his hand, and in the next second, the guns in their hands turned into big purple eggplants...

"How ridiculous!" Lin Feng sneered with a smile, but his eyes were as cold as glaciers.

"You are only allowed to kill others? No one is allowed to resist?"

Chapter 177 The Deal Is Completed, New Clues


"The boss just threatened you! But you killed them all!"

Mo? said the words, she has shed tears of grief.

Several of her good sisters are still in the fleet.

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