Even though he knew what he was doing, he might be buried in the universe someday.

But when this scene really happened, it was like a dream, and it was unacceptable.

But Starka didn't shoot, and she didn't dare to.

Lin Feng was like a god, with just a snap of his fingers, he wiped out her companions.

Lin Feng chuckled.

What a double standard!


Starka dropped the eggplant in his hand, unexpectedly did not choose to attack, but sat down abnormally.

He stared at Lin Feng with a dark face.

The brain was running rapidly, and there were countless connections between the news of the ability of the infinite gems and the picture just now.

"You can turn them back, can't you?"

Starkar is the leader of the Outcasts.

Even in a state of grief and anger, he will not lose his mind.

A smart and powerful brain forced him to calm down.

It is mentioned in the information that the red gem of reality can ignore all laws of science and physics and modify reality wantonly.

At first, Starka really didn't believe it.

But the huge logical thinking and associative ability allowed Starka to capture the red light that appeared before the fleet disappeared.

He is testing, but at the same time expecting that the facts will be as he imagined.


Hearing this, Lin Feng was a little surprised.

This big guy is pretty smart?

He really only used the ability of a Reality Gem, as long as the output is removed, Starka's fleet can come back.

"Why should I change them back?" Lin Feng deliberately led the topic.

Starka's eyes lit up.

Lin Feng did not deny that he could turn the fleet back!

His guess was correct.

"Originally, I didn't believe it. With infinite gems, I can do whatever I want."

Starka explained in a deep voice.

"But in you, I did see what kind of strength the Infinity Gem possesses!"

"Have you seen it now?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Unfortunately it's too late!"


"It's not too late!"

"Make a condition!" Starka stretched out his hand.

Lin Feng's behavior showed that he had no real intention of destroying his own fleet.

Everything is self-provoked.

Lin Feng needs an explanation, or compensation!Come as the price for my group to offend the strong.

He now regrets accepting this commission.

The main reason is that the conditions given by the other party are too generous!

The fish is hooked!

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth curled up.

"Then, try to help me investigate, the person who spread the news of the infinite gems!"

His purpose was achieved.

Same as Starka's analysis.

From the very beginning, Lin Feng had this intention.

The more people who help him investigate, the better.

The more people there are, the faster the event will progress!

As for Starka's fleet, Lin Feng did not intend to destroy it.

After all, he is not from the motherland, and if he threatens himself, he will take away his entire family.

Starka has been in the universe for so many years, and has much more experience in obtaining news than Lin Feng.

That being the case, wouldn't it be more cost-effective to ask him to run errands for him than to invite him to come here.

As for why Lin Feng didn't just snap his fingers and eliminate those who spread the information.

That's because Lin Feng doesn't have that person's name and portrait.

If the conditions are not met, using the infinite gems rashly may kill innocent people.

If you snap your fingers recklessly, this universe will soon face collapse, which is not what Lin Feng wants to see.

"Of course, I won't let you help for nothing!" Lin Feng said.

He took out two glowing stones and pushed them in front of Starka.

"This is?" Starka's eyes lit up.

"Don't get me wrong, this is not an infinite stone!" Lin Feng explained.

"It's a platinum kryptonite!"

"It can allow anyone to have a strong combat power in a short period of time!"

"The kind that is strong enough to fight against Carol who explodes at full strength!"

What Lin Feng took out was platinum kryptonite.

There are still a few of these things lying in his warehouse.

Some were obtained from missions, some were redeemed by him, and some were rewarded with the usual reputation growth rewards.

The main function of this thing is to allow an ordinary person to have all the abilities of Superman's Man of Steel within two hours.

But for Lin Feng now, it is useless.

It couldn't be more suitable for trading.

Starka was a little disappointed to hear that it was not an infinite gem.

However, he also understood that Lin Feng would not trade infinite gems.

After a moment of silence, Starka waved his hand and picked up the two platinum kryptonite on the table.

The deal is done!

"I accept!" Starka said.

"And my fleet?"

Lin Feng nodded.

"Of course! Your fleet is intact!"

With that said, Lin Feng snapped his fingers again.

The broken rocks floating in the universe are recovering rapidly.

In an instant, Starka's fleet returned.


"Got it, boss! Do you want to attack?"

The familiar voice of his subordinates came from the headset, and Starka breathed a sigh of relief.


After giving an order, Starka turned off the headset.

He was right, Lin Feng really used the ability of the Reality Gem.

The news he got was correct, the ability of infinite gems was far more powerful than he imagined.

Fortunately, Starka has a smart brain.

Otherwise, today, he and his fleet will have to confess here.

"In the beginning, the news came from a living planet named Stia."

"It is mentioned in the message that with infinite gems, you can control the universe, have endless wealth, and do whatever you want."

Now that Lin Feng has fulfilled his promise, Starka will not be that kind of villain who breaks his promise.

"Now I believe in the authenticity of those messages."

"I'll help you find the disseminator of the news."

"But I don't necessarily guarantee that I can find it!" Starka said.

His cautious personality made him try to find out who the client was as soon as he received the commission.

However, the opponent is too mysterious and possesses powerful means of camouflage.

Starka only found the source of the news, which was a planet called Stia.

But he didn't care about it at the time, and now it seems that he has to investigate it with all his strength.

In his opinion, the Infinity Stones are both weird and powerful.

He vaguely felt that he seemed to be involved in a trouble...

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