Lin Feng sneered disdainfully.

"Let's not talk about it, when commanding a superhero, will there be selfishness?"

"After all, there are some things that are not visible, you and I understand, there are no children here, don't try to hide it from Superman's eyes."

"Also, let me ask, what will the joint team do when dealing with these dangers?"

Lin Feng asked while pointing at the screen.

"Their brains are more developed than superheroes?"

"Their predictions are more accurate than superheroes?"

"Come on, tell me."

"How can the wolves under the command of Aries exert their combat effectiveness?"

Chapter 194 The Second Plan, Lin Feng Speaks Out

Lin Feng pointed his sword at Secretary G every word, without any intention of showing mercy.

"In my opinion, your so-called control will only become a bondage for the Avengers to save the world!"

"And I don't know, are you avoiding it on purpose, or you can really forget it."

"Superheroes, just keep the casualties down."

"Instead of saying that there were no casualties at all! Am I right?"

Lin Feng stood up and patted Secretary G on the shoulder.

The ridicule and sarcasm in his eyes were undisguised, and Secretary G's face was almost blackened into the same style.

With so many warriors under his command, how could he not know that casualties are inevitable.

"You should know better than me, right?"

"If a disaster happens, there will be unavoidable casualties!"

"Recall, countless warriors are controlled by you, which battle did not cause casualties?"

"Look at what they are fighting for? Is it really the safety of the people?"

"I don't think so?!"

"Money, minerals, all I see is plunder! Only struggle!

"Everyone has selfishness. How dark are those people in the Gray Palace, do you need me to give you a special document?"

"How can you guarantee that the Lianzhong team must supervise the Avengers from the perspective of the public?"

Lin Feng shot like a cannonball, spewing out all the things that could be said but could not be said.

Avoiding the important and taking the light, secretly changing the concept, these insane tricks of the Gray Palace in the United States were uttered by Lin Feng.

The veins on Secretary G's neck were all up, but he had no reason to refute.

It's just that Lin Feng is too bold to dare to say such things.

No way, others don't have the courage to say it, but Lin Feng is different, he can resist a kingdom by himself!

For anyone who disagrees with these views, Lin Feng can throw out evidence that he can't read all his life!

Lin Feng didn't intend to let Secretary G go, and directly delivered the final blow.

"What I admire even more is that you still have the nerve to release videos of Hulk and Abomination!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, if I remember correctly, these two behemoths seem to be the result of J's research?"

"Every time something like this happens, just randomly kick out a scapegoat. I think you guys spent more time playing than I imagined!"

"So in my opinion, this plan is completely formulated to shirk responsibility."

"Shift your original faults to superheroes, what I said, right?"

Lin Feng looked directly into Secretary G's eyes with a shocking coldness.

It was clearly his own fault, but he released it and planted it on the Avengers. This move is so fun!

Captain America and the others looked at each other, the meaning in their eyes was self-evident.

It was really almost led astray, whether it was the Hulk or the abomination, or the super physique of the US team, weren't they all products created by the J side for victory.

Secretary G's Adam's apple wriggled for a long while before he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Lin Feng's deliberate breath made him break out in a cold sweat, the sense of oppression was really too strong.

As if facing thousands of muzzles.

With Lin Feng around, the Sokovia incident would not have happened, so most people still refused to sign the plan, including Tony.

Perhaps only Rhodes from the J side thought more comprehensively, hesitating there.

What he considered more was the consequences of disobeying this plan.

But just like Lin Feng thought.

There is no big problem with the plan itself. Although it violates some free speech, but for the future of the people, some restrictions need to be modified.

But the biggest problem is that these guys did not really revise the plan for the sake of the people.

Everyone has selfishness, and Lin Feng is not a child, so he will not believe the fair and just remarks of the Lianzhong Group.

Moreover, Lin Feng was not empty talk. Regarding the joint team formed by 117, Lin Feng had heard all about the secret calculations.

For these guys in the Gray Palace, Lin Feng can only express hehe.

Even the American team didn't believe them, let alone convinced Lin Feng.

Secretary G took a deep breath, and kept telling himself to be calm.

"What Mr. Lin Feng said may be right."

Secretary G spoke with a slightly trembling voice. Lin Feng's coercion made him feel fear from the biological instinct level.

But for many years in a high position, the psychological quality is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

He also knew that with so many people present, Lin Feng could only scare him, and would not actually do anything.

Thinking about it this way, Secretary G's condition finally eased up a bit. He coughed and became more courageous.

Then continue to output to Lin Feng: "Mr. Lin Feng, there is a saying in your east, which says that those who are in power are obsessed, but those who are bystanders are clear!"

"The joint team to control the Avengers is not just to reduce the tragedy."

"More importantly, they will not do what Mr. Lin Feng said, they will abandon their personal feelings."

"More precise and quicker solution to problems, or impending disasters!"

"I can guarantee this! Because they are all elites from 117 kingdoms!"

Secretary G was there to make worthless guarantees, but because Lin Feng's words fell to the front, they had already reversed everyone's thinking, and now no one wanted to believe his nonsense.

All of you here have more or less dealt with various high-level positions, and know what kind of existence this group is.

Especially when Natasha and Hawkeye have been agents for so many years, what they have seen is only darker, not the darkest!

Secretary G also knew that his two words would not have much effect, but he did not panic, and launched the second plan without hesitation.

Let them first, chaos inside!

"I don't deny what Mr. Lin Feng said, and I also think they have more or less selfish motives."

"In this case, wrong judgments are often made!"

"It's not just us, it's superheroes, no exception!"

There was something in Secretary G's words, and he even took a special look at Captain America and Tony, implying something.

Lin Feng frowned and sneered, "What do you mean?"

Secretary G made a fool of himself.

"Look at what I got a while ago!"

"I think Mr. Tony would be very interested!"

"And I think this thing also fully demonstrates that superheroes really need to be controlled!"

Secretary G said, and pressed the remote control in his hand again.

The screen changed after a burst of snowflakes.

Lin Feng looked at the screen to see what Secretary G was up to.

What appeared on the screen was the scene of a car accident.

1991 12 Month 16 Day.

Chapter 195 Secretary G's operation, Tony who knows the truth

The picture time is a bit long, it seems to be taken by the camera.

The technology at that time was not as advanced as it is now, so the monitoring screen was a bit blurry.

But it's not hard to tell what's happening in the picture.

It is a straight road.

On the highway, a luxury car belonging to that era emitted blue smoke under the violent impact.

It looks like a normal car accident scene, or a loss of control of the vehicle.

After a while, a middle-aged man with white hair but neatly groomed opened the car door with blood on his head and climbed out.


Tony slapped the table, his eyes narrowed.

His eyes flickered, and within a short time, he recognized the characters in the picture.

It's his father, Howard Stark!

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and screamed inwardly, he also recognized this scene.

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