It's Bucky killing Stark's parents.

He glanced at Secretary G like a knife.

Lin Feng figured it out in an instant, this old guy wanted to provoke a conflict between Captain America and Tony!


On the screen, a locomotive stopped next to Howard.

Get out of the car with a muscular soldier comparable to the American team!

It's just his left arm, but there is a reflective metal arm!

It's Bucky!

"Save, save my wife!"

"Please, save her..."

In the picture, Howard Stark is struggling to crawl on the ground.

He didn't care about his injuries, but begged the soldiers in front of him to save his wife.

Bucky didn't seem to hear it, his face was cold and expressionless.

He grabbed Howard's hair with one hand and lifted him up.

Howard called out Bucky's name in some surprise.

In exchange, it was Bucky's violent metal fist.



One punch, another punch, like hitting Tony in the heart.

Tony was so flawed that he wanted to close his eyes and not watch this cruel scene.

But how could he let go of the truth? !

After a few punches, Howard was dead.

Throwing him back into the car, Bucky walked unhurriedly to the co-pilot of the vehicle.

Under Tony's fire-breathing gaze, he slowly climbed up to his mother's neck.

Then with a force, the picture stopped abruptly.

Tony finally closed his eyes, clenched his fists on the table, and trembled uncontrollably.

Uncontrollable disorder of breathing, boundless hatred and anger bred in my heart.

It turned out that his parents did not die in a car accident!

He has never known, has been kept in the dark.

Knowing the truth made Tony even more unable to control his anger.

"It's Bucky!"

Secretary G was very satisfied when he saw Tony's performance.

"The one in the picture is Bucky!"

He repeated, looking at Captain America by the way, Captain America lowered his head, with embarrassment and guilt on his face, not daring to look up at Tony.

"Bucky, Rogers' friend."

"And it's funny that Rogers knew about it, but he didn't tell you, Tony!"

"It's just because he's afraid of your revenge, making him lose his best friend. After all, Bucky is still alive!"

"I think this is what Mr. Lin Feng said, selfishness."

"Is it right?"

Secretary G's words pierced Tony's heart like spikes.

"Honestly, I feel so sorry for your parents, and you, Tony."

"When your teammate's friend is your enemy, what would you do?"

Secretary G acted with regret on his face, and kept fighting.

As soon as the words fell, Tony suddenly opened his eyes.

He stared at Captain America with murderous eyes.

Angry and disappointed.

Upon closer inspection, there were some tears in the corners of Tony's eyes.

"What he said is true!"

Tony gritted his teeth, and asked the US team for confirmation word by word.

Captain America opened and closed his mouth, with a look of guilt and embarrassment, not knowing what to say.

His character made it impossible for him to tell this lie...

"Tony, I can explain..."


Tony got up straight away, knocked over the chair, and walked quickly towards the door.

He ignored Captain America, whose words had proved what Secretary G had said.

"Tony, Tony!"

Captain America stood up and tried to call Tony, but Tony, who had been completely occupied by anger and hatred, couldn't hear his call.

There is only one thought left in his mind now.

Bucky's not dead yet, find him and kill him!

Watching Tony leave, everyone present looked at each other with complicated and bewildered expressions.

Secretary G's second plan seemed to have caught them off guard.

Everyone can predict what will happen next.

If nothing else, Tony would go after Bucky.

As for the American team...


Lin Feng also sighed.

He is capable of preventing Secretary G from broadcasting this video.

But by the time he realized it, the footage had already started playing.

Although Lin Feng can cut off the broadcast of the screen, Lin Feng has no reason to prevent his friends from knowing the truth.

And even if he stops it, Secretary G can show Tony this video at any time.

He reached out and patted Secretary G on the shoulder again.

His eyes were cold, like looking at a dead person, which gave Secretary G a chill in his heart.

"I'll come to you after I've settled Tony's matter!"

Lin Feng's words pierced Secretary G's heart like ice thorns. He couldn't bear it anymore and shivered.

Lin Feng withdrew his hand, and Secretary G felt a sharp pain from his shoulder.

If there is no accident, it has been bruised.

Without killing him on the spot, Lin Feng had taken care of the overall situation.

"Go back! I'll go see Tony!"

Lin Feng said something to everyone, and he didn't care about anything else. He walked out of the hotel and jumped into the air, chasing after Tony.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and finally look at the Secretary of State.

Then, they left without saying a word.

This kind of thing happened, and the pre-planning thing is obviously impossible to deal with today...

Natasha walked up to Captain America and patted him.

At this time, the American team looked disappointed and worried.

"It's not your fault, Steve..."

"Tony, he..." Captain America was still worried about Tony.

On one side is the comrade-in-arms guarding the blue star, and on the other is his best friend and comrade-in-arms.

Any accident between the two of them is not the result that the US team wants to see.

"Don't worry, Lin Fengfeng persuaded Tony..." Natasha comforted, but at the same time, she was also worried.

In S.H.I.E.L.D., Lin Feng's personal model shows that in this case, Lin Feng will most likely choose to help Tony...

Captain America had no choice but to nod and leave with Natasha.

Lin Feng used his ability to position Tony.

At this moment, he is wearing a black battle armor, flying towards the Stark Tower, at an extremely fast speed, flying very violently.

Even the car I drove when I came was thrown at the hotel.

Sighing again, Lin Feng flew up to follow.


"Search People, Bucky, Range, Global!"

"Priority—highest! I want to know his whereabouts now!"

Chapter 196 Knowing the truth, Tony's choice

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