Mantis girl stared at Lin Feng curiously.

She had never seen Lin Feng make a move, so she had no real sense of Lin Feng's strength.

I have to say that the mantis girl should be the most polite existence in the Guardians of the Galaxy...

"Lin Feng!" Rocket was not polite, and called Lin Feng's name directly.

"Why are you here?"

The little raccoon cheated and didn't say that he was waiting for someone to come here to find the treasure.

In case Lin Feng really didn't know, wouldn't it be tantamount to self-destructing if he said it?

But Lin Feng's answer dashed the little raccoon's hope.

"Come here? Of course it's the same purpose as yours."

"Otherwise, could it be that you can't sleep at night and come out to look at the stars?" Lin Feng explained.

After speaking, he turned his head and smiled at Xi Xing.

"See, a cannon fodder who is not afraid of death just like you."

"I guess you can't even beat them, and you still want that thing."

Xixing rolled a blank look at Lin Feng, but didn't speak.

She doesn't know the Guardians of the Galaxy, but she knows that too much talk is too much.

After saying hello just now, she stopped talking.

"Ahem, Mr. Lin Feng!"

"I want to solemnly declare that we are not cannon fodder..."

Feeling belittled, Quayle mustered up the courage to stand up.

It's just that the tone makes people feel cowardly and funny.

Lin Feng was not annoyed, he raised his hand and pointed in one direction.

"See there, there is a woman riding a white wolf."

"Probably be able to fight back and forth with Thanos."

"And that, the armored ones over there can crush Thanos to death with one hand."

According to Lin Feng's induction, the strength of the Tianshen group is much higher than that in the movie.

Of course, pinching Thanos to death with one hand also corresponds to Thanos in the movie.

Chapter 336 Advice, the Cosmic Cube Appears

"I understand that your spacecraft's detection system is relatively backward."

"I can tell you that there are more than 100 forces in this galaxy, and you belong to the bottom wave."

"Give you a piece of advice, go back quickly."

"If you really want to fight, you are the cannon fodder sent by the first wave!"

"Think about it."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he took Xi Xing and went back.

He still has to stare at the small black hole. According to Xixing, it has been less than 12 hours since Cube's appearance.

For Rocket and others, Lin Fengnian gave a piece of advice in a sympathetic manner, otherwise he would not have come here in person.

As for how they choose, Lin Feng does not intend to forcibly interfere.

They are all adults, and they know the seriousness of the matter. If they still want to do it, they should be mentally prepared to bear the consequences.

Lin Feng ran over in a hurry, left some words and disappeared.

Several people in the spaceship looked at each other.

"What should I do? Let's go?"

"Let's go? But we spent all our savings to buy three bombs..."

"Do you think this can kill Lin Feng? Or those monsters in his mouth?" Rocket wanted to jump up and scratch Quill's paw.

Regarding the monsters mentioned by Lin Feng, Rocket had no doubts at all.

Lin Feng alone can handle himself casually, so is it necessary to lie to people like himself?

Terrible, mom, I'm going home!

"Let's go, let's go to a place a few light years away to watch the situation."

After all, Rocket is still not willing to give up this treasure, and is ready to watch the situation in the dark.

"This is good, this is good." Quayle also thought this proposal was good, and for the first time agreed with the Rockets' idea.

Gamora and Drax have no objections.

Wouldn't it be a fool to push forward even though he knew he couldn't beat him?

Mantis Girl has no opinions and doesn't express her opinion, just listen to her.

A few people hit it off, and the spaceship jumped out of the galaxy like a dog...

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of Yondu who was following them, keenly aware that something was wrong, and jumped out of the galaxy like a dog.

Returning to the original place, Lin Feng waited patiently again.

He has been waiting quietly for half a month, and it is not less than ten hours away.

Can the Cosmic Cube be obtained?

Lin Feng could only answer, if nothing else happened, he would be sure.

Because there are hundreds of forces in this galaxy, none of them can compete with Lin Feng.

If they were all added together, it might give Lin Feng a little headache.

Because there are a few of them that cannot be erased by snapping the fingers of the infinite stones...

Twelve hours, compared to Lin Feng's long lifespan, is almost fleeting.

The small black hole was spinning rapidly, faintly covered with a layer of blue light.

"Here we come, get ready!"

Xi Xing, who hadn't spoken much for a long time, suddenly spoke.

Although she couldn't see the position of the black hole, she could feel the cube's state because of the means left by the elders.

As he said that, the phantom of the cube appeared in Xixing's little hand again, and the blue light was even more dazzling than before.

Lin Feng nodded, his eyes remained motionless, always staring at the black hole.

After staying for so long, it was just for the moment when the Cosmic Cube appeared.

Team leader Wang still didn't show up, and Lin Feng could only temporarily forget about it.

He stretched out his hand to grab Hui Xing, and was ready to teleport and snatch it the moment the Cube appeared.


The countdown begins.

Lin Feng's teleportation ability is ready to be activated at any time.

The blue light in the small black hole is also getting brighter.

This phenomenon immediately attracted the idea of ​​the first echelon of onlookers watching the treasure.

They are the existence of medium strength among all forces.

The boss knows to hide behind the scenes to watch the situation, but the cannon fodder knows that he is not strong enough, so he hides further away to observe the situation.

"3,2,1, [-], [-]... here we come!"

After Xixing's voice fell, the black hole suddenly shattered.

The blue light flourished for a while, and it was even so bright that it was a little whitish.

Light comes and goes quickly.

After the light disappeared, the blue cube-shaped object was suddenly exposed to the universe and scurry around.

Lin Feng's figure that was about to teleport stopped.

He stared at this scene dumbfounded.


After a long wait, the Cosmic Cube finally appeared in the universe.

However, there are 10 of these TMs? ? ?

"What's the situation? Why are there 10 cubes?"

Knowing that time was running out, Lin Feng hurriedly asked Xixing.

"Out of 10, 9 are fake. They can emit the same energy vibration frequency to confuse each other."

"Take me there quickly, I can tell which one is real!" Xixing responded quickly.

At this time, it reflects the importance of the race that the original cube has.

This was also one of Xixing's bargaining chips for asking Lin Feng to help.

When Lin Feng heard this, he immediately teleported without saying a word.

Lin Feng only stayed for about two seconds, and the first echelon had already started fighting.

Dozens of spaceships jumped to the area where the cube appeared at the same time.

Among them, there are many strong men who have physically crossed the universe.

Those with spaceships fired directly.

Those without spaceships directly use their own means to carry out energy strikes.

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