There is no room for mercy at all.

As soon as someone got one of the cubes, an energy cannon with a diameter of up to one meter was immediately ushered in.

Immediately after the next second, the spaceship that fired the gun immediately ushered in a devastating blow.

Who doesn't have an energy cannon with a diameter of one meter?

In order to compete for ten cosmic cubes, there is no hand in this space.

For a time, colorful energy cannons ran through the entire galaxy.

A silent war started at this moment.

Dozens of forces from the first echelon made their moves in unison, making the center of the battle as bright as the sun.

It directly renders this area into a fireworks zone.

Lin Feng took Xixing and teleported to this area within a second, and several energy cannons fired over.

Looking at the energy cannon thicker than a bucket, Xixing felt like his heart was about to stop beating.

She subconsciously hugged Lin Feng tightly.

This is biological instinct.

When danger comes, they will unconsciously seek help from the strong.

Lin Feng had activated the biological force field long before teleportation.

The powerful protection from Superman made the energy cannon useless.

The energy cannon could no longer advance one meter in front of the two of them.

"Quick, which one is real?" Lin Feng asked directly, regardless of the energy cannons flying around the universe.

Xixing quickly checked the cube projection in his hand.

The projected light blue silk thread points to a direction far away, this silk thread can only be seen by Xi Xing.


Xixing stretched out a finger.

"That person... the cat is holding the real Cosmic Cube in its mouth!"

Lin Feng looked in the direction of his finger and shouted, good guy.

It was what he had seen before, a black cat the size of a truck, scurrying around in the combat space with a cube in its mouth.

Its movements are very sensitive, and the harvesting net made of energy cannons can't keep up with its speed at all.

Chapter 337 Black Cat: Come, Swallow the Cosmic Cube Raw for the Veterans

It seemed that it was afraid of accidentally swallowing this thing, so the black cat stuck the Cosmic Cube between the upper and lower rows of teeth.

Just like wearing a flashing braces, it glows faintly with blue light.

In the battlefield, no one except Xixing knows which cube is real.

But everyone is not stupid and can analyze it. Only one of them must be true.

So what they're doing now is getting as many cubes as possible.

If you can get all of them, you will be safe.

The black cat dodged several energy cannons in a row, and its agility was outrageous.

Lin Feng had never seen such a miraculous species, and he had no information about such a big black cat in his mind.

The only one I saw in the Marvel Universe movie was the Yuan Devourer, the cat.

The black cat kept dodging, and Lin Feng keenly noticed that its mental state was beginning to decline.

The firing speed of the energy cannon is extremely fast. It seems that the black cat should have the ability to predict the attack route or predict the future for a short time, so it can always dodge without injury.

But this ability is estimated to consume a lot of physical strength.

If nothing else, the black cat will run away.

Sure enough, when the energy cannon was recharging and most of the attacks were interrupted, the black cat shook, and the whole figure began to become blurred and transparent.

"Teleport!" Lin Feng saw the sign at a glance, and his eyes immediately gathered heat rays.

Although the cat is cute, if you want to compete with yourself for the Cosmic Cube, you have to do it!

Lin Feng didn't hesitate, and the heat rays spewed out quickly.

This power and speed are not comparable to the spaceship's energy cannon.

However, Lin Feng was moved with compassion. The power of this heat ray was not too great, and it was aimed at the black cat's ear.

Lin Feng's purpose was to interrupt its teleportation, not to hurt its life.

This cat looks like a rare and exotic beast, maybe it can be brought back and raised...

The heat ray flew towards the black cat quickly, and it was about to hit, and the vision suddenly appeared.

A deep purple light suddenly lit up in the void.

A huge figure flashed out of the light, and slapped the black cat flying, interrupting the black cat's teleportation.

Tenjin group members appear!


The heat rays aimed at the black cat's ears accurately hit the head of the figure that suddenly appeared.

Lin Feng frowned and stopped the heat rays.

Niu, brother, use your face to pick up skills?

Lin Feng didn't know the titles of the members of the Celestial Group.

I saw him wearing a large purple barrel metal armor, a bit like Tony's Mark 1 prototype.

The heat rays hit the armor on his head, knocking his head off.

Sudden attack, the mysterious pattern engraved on the large purple barrel armor glows purple.

It seemed that he was offended by Lin Feng's sudden attack.

I saw him stretch out his hands, and two beams of light shot out instantly.

One hit the black cat that was shot flying, and the other hit Lin Feng.

The black cat jumped away vigorously, but had no intention of fighting the big drum, and immediately fled into the distance.

But Lin Feng didn't even look at the incoming beam of light, and instantly disappeared on the spot.

The black cat has teleportation skills, the focus now is not to play with the gods, but to stop the black cat.

The transmission of the black cat has activation conditions and a time limit.

But Lin Feng was different.

With just one thought, Lin Feng can teleport in an instant.

Lin Feng moved directly to the direction the black cat was heading.

The black cat's eyes widened suddenly, a little confused, but it reacted extremely quickly and was about to turn around and run wildly.

Lin Feng's eyes froze, and his whole body entered a state similar to Speed ​​Force.

The super speed is showing off, and the whole world seems to have pressed the pause button in Lin Feng's eyes.

Lin Feng reached out and grabbed the Cosmic Cube that the black cat was holding.

But the next movement of the black cat made Lin Feng stunned.

Seeing that the Cosmic Cube cannot be kept.

The black cat closed its eyes and gritted its teeth.

It gurgled...

Swallowed the Cosmic Cube...

Lin Feng was stunned, his hands still outstretched in mid-air.

Fuck?Such a brave cat?

There is something, I have pressed the time to pause, how did the black cat swallow the cube at this speed?

At the same time, the moment the black cat swallowed the cube.

In the universe, the phantoms of nine cubes in the hands of various forces quickly escaped control and flew towards the black cat.

In the end, it all got into the black cat's stomach and disappeared...

The scene was silent for a second.

Everyone was stupefied, watching the cube in their hands flying with wings attached.

Finally, it flew into the cat's stomach.

Grass!a plant.

Everyone present is not a good person, can you suffer this kind of grievance?



Less than five seconds after swallowing, the sky was full of artillery fire again.

This time there was no melee, and the artillery fire was aimed at the black cat.

Nima, so many higher creatures are robbed here, and finally swallowed by a cat.

Where does this leave the face of the famous cosmic villains?

"This shit." Lin Feng rolled his eyes, what's the matter.

He grabbed Xixing with his left hand, and grabbed the thigh of the still dazed black cat with his right hand, and launched a teleport directly.

Since the cat ate it, take the cat away.

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