She rarely saw Lin Feng's serious side.

And every time Lin Feng showed a serious face, it meant something happened.

It's no small thing that makes Superman serious.

But this time, it seemed that Lin Jili, who was raised by Susan as her own child, had nothing to do, which made her feel a little worried.

Susan guessed right.

They couldn't see it, but Lin Feng could see it clearly.

The current Martina seems to resonate with the Cosmic Cube.

A terrifying energy was brewing among them.

Chapter 359 It's Real Hammer, Lin Jili Is Actually a Cosmic Cube

The energy level was rising, but it was remarkably steady, with no signs of getting out of control.

But even so, this sudden change still made Susan and the others very nervous.

Among them, there are more concerns about Lin Jili.

Look at the child, standing there like a lost soul.

Lin Feng looked at Lin Jili and the Cosmic Cube quietly.

He didn't step forward to stop it, but quietly covered it with a layer of biological force field to prevent accidents from happening.


Lin Feng called softly, but Lin Jili did not respond.

Lin Feng looked at Cube again.

At this time, the cube has automatically floated in mid-air, steadily and steadily, and there is no movement or abnormality.

Confused, Lin Feng looked very confused.

But in an instant, Lin Feng's eyes moved, and he suddenly felt that he had grasped some clues, and it was a little vague...

He rubbed his chin, always feeling that something terrible was about to happen.

While Lin Feng was thinking, Lin Jili made another move.

After being in a daze for a while, she decisively stretched out her small hand to reach the cube.

The moment she touched the cube, Lin Jili was sucked into the cube...

"Fuck?" Lin Feng exclaimed.

what's the situation?

Martina covered her small mouth with one hand, pointed at Cube with a trembling hand, and her voice was sharp.

"It ate Gilly?!"

Susan also looked puzzled and flustered.

"Lin, what's going on?"

"What the hell is this thing you brought back? Where's Gilly?"

She wanted to go forward to check the situation, but Lin Feng stopped her.

After Lin Feng was surprised, he became quiet.

He suddenly thought of the scene of meeting Ling Jili for the first time.

For a while, I only felt that some doubts in my memory became clearer...

It's the same feeling as grabbing the clues before.

"Don't panic, I'll take a look."

Lin Feng walked to the table and picked up the quiet Cosmic Cube.

The vague memory gave Lin Feng a bold idea.

First of all, after careful observation, Cu Fang did not change anything after absorbing Ling Jili.

If you can't see the change from the body surface, it can only come from the inside.

Lin Feng calmed down and poured energy into the Dao Cube.

Li Fang, who did not respond to Lin Feng's communication before, finally gave a response.

"Take the villain?" A childish and doubtful voice sounded in Lin Feng's mind.

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth twitched, ignoring the title.


"Are you inside the cube?"

Lin Jili's voice came back.

"Cubic? Is this it?"

"I feel so familiar here, as if it's a part of me..."


Lin Feng muttered, and then smiled.

This sentence confirmed Lin Feng's guess by [-]%.

"Do you want to come in? The scenery here is beautiful!" Lin Jili issued an invitation.

After a little thought, Lin Feng agreed.

"Okay, you pull me in?"

Lin Jili didn't speak, and directly used actions to represent words.

A mysterious attraction came from the cube in his hand.

Lin Feng didn't resist, and in an instant, his whole body was sucked into the cube.

Susan, Wanda, and Martina looked at this scene in horror.

Martina's voice changed: "Small, is the little cube eating people again?!!!"

"It ate Brother Lin Feng too?!"

Wanda became even more flustered: "What, what should I do? Should I call the police?"

Susan subconsciously reached out to stop her.

Now she felt that the thinking ability of her brain was broken, and her whole mind was in chaos.

But soon, she came back to her senses.

Take a deep breath.

"No, they can't solve this kind of thing."

"Lin Feng is powerful, so there shouldn't be any problems."

"Let's wait a minute, five minutes... no, two minutes"

Susan thought calmly, and immediately came up with a countermeasure.

Lin Feng is a superman, and it is normal to have some actions beyond ordinary people's cognition.

If there is still no movement from the cube after a few minutes, Susan plans to touch it herself to see if it can also be sucked in, so as to find Lin Feng.

"You must not touch that cube, understand?" Susan turned her head and explained to the two seriously.

"Yeah." Martina nodded hastily.

This little thing is so weird, she won't touch it!

The three of them sat on the sofa together, quietly staring at Li Fang in a daze, with an unconcealable worry on his face.


Inside the cube, Lin Feng was pulled into a space by the attraction.

This gave him the illusion of being in the universe.

It is also a boundless void, the difference is that there are no planets here.

Some are the aurora with blue light all over the sky, and there are blue light spots floating everywhere.

Lin Jili was standing not far in front of Lin Feng, holding a small light spot, with a look of reminiscence on her face.

"Look, it's so beautiful..." Lin Jili pushed some light spots towards Lin Feng.

The light spot floated in front of Lin Feng and disappeared.

I rolled my eyes, what the hell is this?

Shaking his head amusingly, Lin Feng floated to Lin Jili's side.

Lin Jili's eyes were not the same as before, but Lin Feng couldn't tell exactly what was different.

With a move in his heart, Lin Feng said, "Gili, did you recall the memories from the past?"

Lin Jili was taken aback for a moment, then smiled happily.

"Yes! Just now, I have already remembered the past!"

"So this is my former body!"

Lin Jili also remembered the scene when she first met Lin Feng.

At that time, she was floating in a silent space.

That is hyperspace beyond the universe.

She who was asleep was awakened by the shock of energy.

In order to protect her consciousness from dissipating, she stared at the body of Lin Feng's soul out of body.

The two had some misunderstandings.

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