But Lin Feng didn't blame himself, and found himself a new body to stay.

And just now, she came into contact with the Cosmic Cube, and gradually recovered her memory before hyperspace.

Lin Jili's response made Lin Feng gasp.

Mommy, his outrageous guess came true.

The answer is about to come out.

Lin Jili is the Cosmic Cube!

Lin Feng confirmed: "All the memories have been restored?"

Lin Jili nodded affirmatively: "Yes! All are back."

"Okay, then, can you answer a few questions for me?" Lin Feng said.

Lingerie nodded.

"Why did your consciousness leave the cube before and float into hyperspace?"

Lin Feng's opening was the core issue.

He didn't think about why the consciousness can still be separated from the body after the birth of consciousness in the Cosmic Cube.

People are non-human creatures, isn't it normal to have some small skills?

He couldn't figure out why the consciousness of the Cosmic Cube drifted into hyperspace.

Chapter 360 I, Lin Feng, Cosmic Cube His Father

Hearing this, Lin Jili frowned and began to think.

Then, a look of embarrassment appeared on the little face.

"This...that...that was an accident..."

Speaking of it, it's still a bit of an embarrassing accident.

But Lin Feng is not an outsider. In Lin Jili's heart, she always remembers that it was Lin Feng who saved her who was about to disappear.

And even if the memory is restored, the bond between Lin Feng, Susan and others will not disappear.

"At the beginning, when I opened my eyes for the first time, I was on a beautiful planet."

"It's just that shortly after I was born with consciousness, that planet ushered in a devastating disaster." Ling Jili stretched out her small hand, a green miniature planet, spinning in her hand.

Speaking of destruction, Ling Jili felt a little sad.

Lin Feng's eyes moved, he looked at the familiar planet and interrupted: "Star Clan?"

"Huh?" Lin Jili stared at her big eyes and said in surprise, "You know?"

Isn't that a coincidence, Lin Feng chuckled: "Yes, I was still strolling on that planet yesterday."

"Feel it carefully, there should be a record in the cube, and the Star Clan has returned to life."

Ling Jili closed her eyes, and opened them again after a few seconds.

A happy smile appeared on his face again.

"StarClan has always been a tough race."

"Unexpectedly, they actually regained their vitality by relying on their own efforts..."

Lin Feng immediately corrected him: "No, no, it should be said that he hugged my thigh!"

"That's it? Speaking of which, it was the energy of my Universe Emperor that revived the planet!" Ling Jili said dissatisfiedly with her hands on her hips.

For a while, it seemed to be back to the previous state of the second year.

Alright, alright, although the eyes are a little different from before, it is still difficult to conceal the burning soul of Chu Er in the depths.

"Yes, yes, the Great Universe is right!" Lin Feng laughed, he didn't want to argue so much with the brat.

After all, they are released in the universe, the second is fake, and Niu B is real, and he is really called the emperor of the universe...

"Tell me, what next?"

"And then?" Ling Jili recalled again.

"After the birth of consciousness, I became curious about the world."

"I'm trying to explore my abilities and want to communicate with Star Clan."

"But soon, the planet ushered in disaster."

Lin Jili suddenly felt guilty.

At that time, she had already given birth to consciousness, but it did not prevent the disaster from coming.

But if you really want to say it, you don't blame Lin Jili.

"I just came into consciousness not long ago, and I can't control my energy perfectly."

"If I intervene forcefully, it is very likely that the entire galaxy will be blown up."

"I knew those bandits were targeting me, so I decided to teleport away to save StarClan."

"But I didn't expect..." Lin Jili's expression became more and more embarrassing as she thought about what happened at that time.

Lin Feng was amazed at the face changing back and forth.

"Well, anyway, my control has gone wrong."

"Consciousness and main body were sent away in two parts... and sent to different places..."

Ling Jili scratched her head in embarrassment.

Hey, it's not her fault.

Think about it, just like a newborn child, at the stage of ignorance, how would he know how to control his strength.

Sometimes it is completely understandable to use too much force!

"Yeah, I understand!" Lin Feng folded his arms.

You must be Xiu'er in the universe.

This time, the clues in my mind are complete.

He finally knew what he had encountered in hyperspace before.

Isn’t this just the consciousness of the Cosmic Cube?

I also know why the Cosmic Cube should be conscious, but never responds to Lin Feng.

This TM, consciousness and body, can be transmitted separately!

The consciousness has gone crazy, can you still respond to Lin Feng?

Cooperating with me, I have been holding other people's body and screaming!

As for the appearance of the Cosmic Cube, Lin Feng probably had some guesses.

I'm afraid it's also related to Lin Jili's appearance in Blue Star.

"And then, can't you feel the body? Then you can only sleep in hyperspace for hundreds of years?" Lin Feng teased.

"Hehehe, yes..." Lin Jili smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head.

"Actually, it's not that powerful."

"But I still have to thank you. If I hadn't met you, I should have disappeared..."

That's not complimenting you!Unicron.

Lin Feng shook his head and shrugged indifferently: "It's nothing."

After all, it was my own fault at the time, which caused the shock to wake up Lin Jili, and made her almost disappear.

He should keep Ling Jili himself, this is his fault.

It's just that I didn't expect that Lin Jili was the consciousness born from the Cosmic Cube, which is too coincidental...

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and asked again: "Then you have regained consciousness now, do you have any plans in the future?"

"Plan?" Lin Jili looked at Lin Feng cautiously.

This, this is not to drive her away, right?It doesn't make sense.

"Can I still live here?"

To be honest, Ling Jili didn't have any plans.

This happened shortly after the birth of consciousness, and then I fell into a deep sleep.

For hundreds of years after that, she had been sleeping until Lin Feng woke her up.

He was full of calculations, and his conscious time was only a few years, and he was still a child.

Lin Feng looked at Lin Jili's reaction and remembered something about the Cosmic Cube.

After the consciousness of the Cosmic Cube is born, there will be no absolute good or bad.

It is affected by the surrounding environment.

When I first met Lin Jili, she was born not long ago.

So now this character...

Thinking about it, Lin Feng's face turned dark.

Wanda, Martina.

One connivance, one assistance.

The Cosmic Cube has become the ghostly appearance of today's middle two,

Two culprits, neither one can escape!

Without hesitation, Lin Feng responded: "Of course, you can always have your bedroom here."

Out of selfishness, Lin Feng also didn't want to see Lin Jili leave.

This is the Cosmic Cube!

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