"Friend! We don't have the Susan you're looking for here, please leave our home!"

Although it was an inquiry, there was no doubt in the middle-aged man's tone.

He squinted his eyes and stared at Lin Feng closely. As long as Lin Feng made any abnormal movements, he would shoot without hesitation...

Chapter 58 Lin Feng with the Clawed Claw, Gu Yi in Confusion

Lin Feng stood where he was, staring at the middle-aged man with a gun expressionlessly.

A drop of cold sweat ran down the middle-aged man's cheek.

Lin Feng's eyes were like beasts, and he couldn't help feeling a kind of fear in his heart.

He is not afraid of bullets!

For some reason, this idea was born in the heart of the middle-aged man.

His fingers pulled uncontrollably towards the trigger.



A strange sound suddenly came from high in the sky, accompanied by slight air fluctuations, interrupting the confrontation between the two.

For a moment, Lin Feng felt that the voice was very familiar.

With a thought in his heart, he turned and walked out of the villa, looking in the direction of the sound.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank.

A huge blue portal appeared above Twister!

To be precise, it is the sky above the Stark Tower!

Familiar portal!Familiar scene!

With super vision, like a magnifying glass, the distant scene was brought to Lin Feng's ears.

In the portal, the familiar Chitauri Legion rushed down on the aircraft.

This scene stunned Lin Feng, and absurd guesses suddenly appeared in his mind.

"This is impossible!"


When the sound of the sonic boom came, Lin Feng flew up and flew straight towards the Stark Tower.

The stunned middle-aged family was left behind.

The youngest daughter tugged at the sleeve of the middle-aged man.

"Dad, is he a monster..."

The middle-aged man froze there.


After a while, he shook his head, walked out of the villa, and looked up at the sky.

He wondered what the intruder saw.

However, in the next second, his face became serious.

"Lily, pack up your things, let's go to the basement..."

The middle-aged man ordered decisively...

Lin Feng, who flew to the scene, landed on a tall building.

The sight in front of him was simply unimaginable.

Above the Stark Tower, a blue beam of light rose into the sky.

At the end of the beam of light, there is a portal connected!

In the portal, countless Chitauri troops flew to the ground and started killing.

Tony Stark, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, including the Hulk, all joined in the fight to stop the invaders.

The US team jumped into the J car and directed the evacuation of the people.

Iron Man kept sniping at the Chitauri Legion on the aircraft in the air.

Bruce, transformed into the Hulk, knocked down a Leviathan with one punch.

Scenes of familiar scenes all confirmed Lin Feng's guess.

This is the battlefield of Avengers One...

For a moment, Lin Feng's heart was full of mixed emotions, and his mind was even more chaotic.

What the hell is going on with this horse?

Could it be that he returned to the timeline of Avengers One?

Lin Feng's eyes kept searching subconsciously.

He didn't see his figure!

my heart sank again

He obviously participated in the reunion incident, but he was not seen on the battlefield.

Lin Feng's face was as black as coal.

He realized that he might have come to a waist twister in a parallel universe.

Although a little unbelievable, he couldn't deny the sight in front of him.

Lin Feng thought for a while, and suddenly thought of another method to verify the system.

He stretched out his hand and swiped down in the void.

A translucent personal panel appeared in front of him.

Fortunately, the personal panel still exists, which means that the system has not been uninstalled.

Just flickering ripples and lines on the panel from time to time

It looked like an old TV with a bad signal.

The panel can be called out, but the system does not respond.

What went wrong?

For a moment, countless guesses flashed through Lin Feng's mind.

He tried hard to recall the process of his evolution from leaving the blue star to flying to the sun

nothing is wrong

However, after waking up, the system stopped moving.

Lin Feng's brain is running at high speed, deducing countless results

Finally, a possibility with the highest probability is obtained

All of this may have something to do with the exile...

During the two months of Lin Feng's evolutionary sleep, something happened that Lin Feng didn't know about.

Leading to the disappearance of the system, or sleep?

No matter which result it is, it is not good news for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng floated into the air, his eyes rolled away, and he saw a scene that should not have appeared in Avengers One

A roof not far away.

The Hulk, who was supposed to be on the battlefield, was standing with Mage Ancient One, talking about something.

Lin Feng looked back at the Hulk on the Stark Tower who had smashed the Chitauri.

He looked again at the Hulk talking to Ancient One.

With a blank expression on his face, he slowly flew over and landed between the two of them...

Ancient One is not only a mage in the Marvel world, but also a wise and wise man.

Lin Feng felt that maybe he could get some help from her.

See a stranger flying in the air suddenly.

Both Gu Yi and Bruce stopped talking and looked at the person coming

"Bruce?" Lin Feng asked

He looked at the Hulk, who was obviously rational and a size smaller, and sighed inwardly.

"You are?" Bruce wondered, he didn't know this young man in a battle suit, but his outfit also looked like a superhero.

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, and said, "Don't tell me, you came here from 2023..."

Bruce was surprised: "How do you know?"

Lin Feng touched his chin, momentarily at a loss for words.

Bruce's words verified another conjecture in his mind.

The Hulk in front of him is Bruce, who is integrated with the Hulk for four miles in the Avengers.

In other words, the future Captain America and Tony are also here...

Without answering Bruce's question, Lin Feng turned his head to look at Gu Yi, smiling helplessly.


He didn't know if Master Gu Yi could recognize him, but it seemed that there was a high probability that he would not recognize him.

Sure enough, Gu Yi looked at Lin Feng suspiciously, and then frowned.

She sacrificed the magic circle with both hands, and then kept spinning.

Gu Yi closed his eyes, and the time gem appeared in the magic circle. As the magic circle rotated, it emitted a green light.

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