"What is she doing?" Bruce couldn't figure it out, and turned to ask Lin Feng.

"She should be looking at the future, or the past..." Lin Feng replied

After a while, Gu Yi opened his eyes, and his gaze towards Lin Feng also became serious.

"You shouldn't be here!"

Gu Yi slowly said: "The future, the past, there is no shadow of you!"

"Even in this universe, you don't exist!"

In countless futures and pasts, she has not found the sight of Lin Feng.

This evidence reveals the most likely result, that is, Lin Feng came from a parallel universe.

But the strange thing is that even if Lin Feng came from another parallel universe, it is impossible to escape the future seen by the time stone.

However, Lin Feng is like a ghost, and even the time gem can't trace his existence.

After hesitating for a while, Master Gu Yi still said the answer.

"Young man, can you tell me why you came here?"

Lin Feng's appearance made her worry about the future.

This is a phenomenon that has never happened before, and even Gu Yi is puzzled by it.

Hearing Gu Yi's question, Lin Feng smiled wryly and shook his head

"I don't know why it's here"

"Master, since you know that I am from another universe, can you send me back?"

Gu Yi thought for a while, but also shook his head

"I have no way to send you back, I can't see which universe you exist in!"

Chapter 59 The Key to the Future, Ancient One Lends the Time Stone

"You don't even belong to any universe here!"

Gu Yi's words meant something.

Although she couldn't see where Lin Feng came from, she could feel that Lin Feng didn't belong to all parallel universes.

This answer undoubtedly disappointed Lin Feng.

At this moment, Gu Yi suddenly saw Lin Feng's wristband.

The two precious stones, one yellow and one blue, made her startled.

"On your wrist... is the Infinity Stone?"

Lin Feng followed Gu Yi's gaze

He hummed, raised his left hand, and did not hide it.

"Yes, the Space Stone and the Mind Stone"

"I'm in another world, so I can be considered a superhero..." Lin Feng explained

"These two gems were obtained in this incident."

Speaking, Lin Feng also pointed to the Avengers who were fighting against the Chitauri Legion.

"I am stronger than any Avenger, and no one is better suited to keep them"

"The gem is in my hand, Thanos can't hit that snap..."

The words are full of confidence.

With a superman template and two infinity gems in hand, the probability that Ziyao Jing wants to snap her fingers is infinitely close to zero.

Hearing this, Gu Yi's eyes flickered.

She thought about it, and said to Lin Feng: "Can you show me the two gems?"

"Your existence is very special, they seem to be contaminated with your breath, maybe I can see something through them." Gu Yi explained as if he was afraid that Lin Feng might misunderstand.

Lin Feng just hesitated for a moment, then took off the two gems and handed them out.

He wasn't too worried that Ancient One would have thoughts about these two infinite gems.

If Gu Yi wanted infinite gems, she could have gone to S.H.I.E.L.D. in the previous time.

And now on the Stark Tower, there are two Infinity Stones.

Giving the gem to Gu Yi is also a helpless move. He has no clue about the current situation. It would be great if Gu Yi could give some useful information...

Gu Yi took the gem, she flipped her hands over, and cast out the magic circle again.

Place two gems on either side of the time gem.

The magic circle slowly turned, and Gu Yi also closed his eyes.

She began to observe Lin Feng's information and future.

As the observation time progressed, the magic circle turned faster and faster, and the three gems on it became brighter and brighter.

At a certain moment, it seemed to have reached its apex, and the magic circle exploded, bringing a gust of wind.

The broken magic circle slowly dissipated.

The three gems also floated down from the air and landed in Gu Yi's hands.

Gu Yi opened his eyes, looking at Lin Feng in a strange way.

Lin Feng was a little anxious, stepped forward and said, "How is it, mage?"

"Did you see anything this time?"

Gu Yi smiled and nodded, then shook his head again.

As if feeling Lin Feng's anxiety and confusion, Gu Yi gave him a reassuring look.

"The picture is a bit blurry, but it's not unrewarding."

"Don't worry, Lin Feng!"

"You will return to your universe, but there may be a little twists and turns in the process..."

In a word, Lin Feng let go of the heart he had been holding all the time.

Gu Yi called out his name, proving that she had indeed seen information related to Lin Feng.

"But before that..."

"You may need to take a trip to the future with this one in front of you." Gu smiled and pointed to Bruce Banner in front of him.

"You'll get the answers you want there!"

"To the future?" Lin Feng frowned and asked after a moment of thought: "How should I go?"

Bruce and the others can travel through the past. The most important things are the quantum uniform and Pym particles made by Tony, which he doesn't have.

Did it pick up Bruce?Obviously not!

How does this lead him to the future?

"Someone will tell you! Young man!"

Gu Yi continued: "I can feel that the me in another world has helped you."

"Sometimes, some things will appear when you need them."

Speaking of this, Gu Yi suddenly raised his head and looked up: "It's coming soon!"

Once again, Gu Yi uttered a puzzling sentence, but Gu Yi suddenly stuffed three infinity gems into Lin Feng's hands, then turned to Bruce and said, "Your future has been changed, take him to you In the future, he will help you!"

After speaking, Gu got into the hut without looking back.

The two on the rooftop looked at each other.

"Can you understand what she's saying?" Bruce scratched his big green head.

Lin Feng looked at the three gems in his hand and shook his head.

Even the ancient one in the parallel world, there are things he can't understand.

"Well, it seems that you don't understand very well," Bruce said.

"But it looks like you need to come with me."

Bruce didn't quite understand Gu Yi's words.

But he understood the last sentence.

Their future has changed again, and the black-haired boy named Lin Feng will help them.

Gu Yi gave the original stone of time to Lin Feng, the meaning is obvious.

If you want to get the time gem, take Lin Feng to the future!

Unexpected things happened, but Bruce didn't expect that this business would be smooth sailing.

The question to consider now is how to bring Lin Feng to the future.

Before departure, Ant-Man said that the amount of Pym particles is only enough for all of them to go back and forth.

Now things get tricky.

"Let me ask Tony if there are any spare uniforms and Pym particles?" Bruce suggested.

If he really didn't have a spare, he decided to give up his quantum uniform to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng holds three infinite gems, which are more powerful than him!

Lin Feng nodded in agreement: "I'm with you!"

After speaking, the two looked at each other and were about to set off

However, at this moment, intermittent words suddenly came from Lin Feng's mind.

"Ho... Host..." Intermittent voices sounded

Lin Feng's footsteps stopped suddenly, and his eyes flashed.

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