However, it is this tiny ant who is ungrateful and only knows how to recall the past.

Don't give up after you succeed!

"Like two of my friends said, as long as someone misses the past, they won't accept the future!"

"I will resist!"

"Two friends?" Tony's words were full of sarcasm: "Is there anyone else who thinks the same as you?"

Thanos stared at Tony Stark coldly, and the space behind him flowed like black water patterns.

Two figures hidden under the black robe slowly appeared.

Exile!I don't know when it got mixed up with Thanos.

As soon as the two black shadows appeared, the system immediately jumped out and shouted wildly.

"Host, it's them! It's these two little bastards!"

"Go! Kill them!"


Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and backed away slowly.

"Okay! Wait for me to save a lot"

Staring closely at the two exiles in black robes, Lin Feng quietly hid his left hand behind his back.

The two gemstones shimmered, and huge energy began to pour into Lin Feng's body.

He quietly moved behind Steve, so that Thanos and the others could not see his eye sockets that were gradually starting to glow.

"You will never understand the greatness of my purpose"

Thanos drew his double-edged sword and made his final declaration.

"I am very grateful to you for helping me find all the rough stones."

"I will use them to erase the entire universe! Then, create a brand new universe!"

"No memories, no complaints, only understanding, a grateful universe!"

After the words fell, Thanos picked up the big knife and put on a fighting posture.

Steve raised his shield and sneered, "A new universe full of blood and debts??"

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of rubbing!

The orange-red light instantly hit the black-robed exile from behind Steve.

Lin Feng's eyes popped out, sneak attack?He will too!

A heat ray was fired, announcing the beginning of the war!

The exile seemed to have been prepared for a long time. The moment Lin Feng jumped out, he waved his hands.

A black disc-shaped shield blocked the two of them, and the heat rays hit the two of them and kept retreating.

The two looked at each other, and one of the exiles stepped up, took out a black gold sword from behind, and slashed at Lin Feng.

The heat ray was disconnected, Lin Feng turned sideways to avoid the slash, and took advantage of the opportunity to blast out a powerful and heavy punch.


The Exile was punched by Lin Feng and fell to the ground.

Like a normal person, he stood up and patted the dust, seemingly unharmed.

Seeing that the blow was missed, another exile rushed to Lin Feng as if teleporting, imitating Lin Feng's appearance, and punched out.


There was another sound, this time it was Lin Feng who flew out!

"Damn it?" Lin Feng got up and touched his forearm in surprise.

This punch actually made him feel pain.

Violent fist winds blew off the Exile's hood.

A green ugly face was revealed.

It is covered with red veins.

Showing his true face, the black robe didn't care, and simply tore off the black robe on his body.

Under the black robe, there was actually a tattered blue-red Superman battle suit!

Seeing this, Lin Feng's pupils shrank. This image?


As if confirming his guess, the exile also threw a heat ray at Lin Feng.

Before Lin Feng had time to think, a heat ray was also shot out.

Two heat rays meet in the air, wrestling with each other.

"To Bo, I won't lose!"

Lin Feng roared, Superman's wristbands lit up, and the Infinity Stones sent energy again!

The red heat rays instantly turned orange red, and the crushing Doomsday retreated steadily.

sneak attack!

The exile with the knife swung his knife forward again and stabbed Lin Feng in the eyes!

There was a black light shining on the blade, and Lin Feng could smell the danger, so he couldn't take it hard.


Lin Feng cursed angrily, dodged the sword light and flew into the air, and then the heat rays attacked the two exiles intensively like they didn't want money.

The two exiles jumped up, followed Lin Feng into the air, and cooperated with each other to attack Lin Feng one after another!

For a moment, lasers flew all over the sky, sword lights splashed everywhere, and the three of them fought together.

On the ground, everyone in the Avengers also fought fiercely with Thanos.

"Sol! Give me a shot!" Tony seized Thanos' gap, rolled over and backed up, and the nano energy-concentrating device behind him unfolded.

Sol understood in his heart, and he shouted, his eyes were filled with thunder, and his hammer and ax collided together.

The thunderbolt as thick as a bucket blasted towards the energy-gathering device.


The laser weapon of the nano suit shines brightly, and the high-energy laser strikes Thanos.

Thanos roared, and the double-edged sword spun rapidly, blocking the oncoming laser light in front of him.

He continued to advance against the laser, grabbed Tony Stark, and the laser stopped suddenly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Thor threw out the hammer, and the tomahawk made a full round, and Thor's hammer was shot out like a cannonball.

Thanos pushed Tony in his hand to his chest, acting as a human shield.


Thor's Hammer directly sent Tony flying, hitting a gravel, Tony struggled twice before passing out.

Thanos picked up the big knife and swung it at Sol.

Sol slid sideways to dodge, took advantage of the situation and swung the ax to hit Thanos' head with a slash.

However, the long-term indulgent life has made the battery life and explosive ability of the big belly Thor far inferior to before.

Facing Thanos who was at the peak of his combat power, he had almost no power to fight back. The Storm Ax was shot flying in a moment, and he himself was knocked to the ground by Thanos three or two times.

Thanos punched two old punches, and Thorn suddenly became confused when he punched.

He reached out to summon the Storm Axe, but Thanos snatched it away and slashed at Sol's chest.

Sol woke up instantly, reached out and grabbed the attacking battle ax, grinned, and pushed it out with all his strength!

It's just that the current him, in terms of strength, is no match for Thanos.

The sharp battle ax sliced ​​through Thor's armor like tofu.

Seeing that Thor was about to be disemboweled by Thanos, a silver light suddenly flew out, smashing Thanos staggeringly, and saved Thor.

After rescuing Sol, the silver object flew into Steve's hands with the sound of howling wind!

Thor's Hammer!

Saul stared blankly at Captain America holding the hammer, then laughed out of breath.

"I knew it!"

Back in Stark Tower, Steve had shaken Thor's Hammer.

At that time, he had already suspected that Steve could really lift Thor's Hammer, but he was afraid of losing his face, so he pretended not to be able to lift it!

At that time, his face was extremely ugly, but today, when Steve raised Thor's Hammer, Saul was overjoyed.

With a gloomy face, Thanos kicked the laughing Sol away, picked up the double-edged sword, and rushed towards Steve...

Chapter 66 Delaying time?salvo

In the sky, Lin Feng was flying two exiles like flying a kite.

The heat rays of Doom Day interrupted Lin Feng's flight path from time to time.

There was obviously something wrong with the light on the black-robed exile's blade, and Lin Feng didn't dare to take it hard.

After dodging a knife again, Lin Feng forced Doom Sun back with a heat ray.

The frequent heat rays made his eye sockets a little red and swollen.

Lin Feng looked at the gap and punched the exile with a sound barrier.

The exile slashed his knife to his chest, and forcibly received a terrifying punch.

The Sword God whimpered and trembled unceasingly, and the exile's figure retreated violently.

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