For a while, the three of them beat you back and forth, very enthusiastic.

The fighting power of the two exiles exceeded Lin Feng's expectations.

Back and forth, with a tacit understanding, Lin Feng was dragged in the air.

They didn't seem to intend to share life and death with Lin Feng, but seemed to be delaying time on purpose.

"Host, speed up!" The system's voice came.

"They wanted Thanos to snap that finger."

"Carol has long been trapped in the universe by them and cannot participate in this war"

"According to the current development trend, the Avengers are not enough to beat Thanos!"

After a pause, the system decided to help Lin Feng find out: "I'll help you guard against their tricks, host, hurry up!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng's figure flashed again, forcing towards the two exiles

From the corner of his eye, he observed the battle situation on the ground from time to time.

On the ground, after performing a small combo, Steve was almost beaten by Thanos and couldn't take care of himself.

Although he was injected with super serum, he was still at the limit of human physique.

The shield made of Zhenjin was cut into several sections by Thanos' sword!

With the last slash, Steve was slapped heavily on the ground.

He was ashamed, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and he didn't get up for a long time.

Thanos didn't make up the knife at this moment, he looked at the three people fighting evenly in the sky with some melancholy, and then looked back.

Everyone in the Avengers was lying on the ground or lying on their stomachs.

"I have conquered for so many years, and I have never mixed a trace of personal emotion!"

"Your obstinacy is disgusting"

There was no fluctuation in Thanos' words, it was extremely cold.

"Now I want to let you know how I will treat your ants-like planet!"

"I will enjoy the process!"

As the voice of Thanos fell, a huge blue light curtain fell from the sky.

Afterwards, the conical spaceships followed and fell to the ground.

The hatch of the conical spaceship opened, huge shadows all came out, and countless beasts howled.

Huge Leviathan beasts reappear on the battlefield, giant beasts with restraining devices, and alien soldiers with high-tech weapons.

Under Thanos' command, countless captive monsters gushed out like a tide, densely packed, bringing a breath of despair.

His loyal dogs, Ebony Maw, Proxima Dark Night, General Deathblade, etc., also walked out of the light curtain.

Thanos army, assembled in Blue Star!

At this moment, Blue Star encountered an unprecedented disaster for the second time.

At this moment, the Avengers were alone and helpless facing thousands of enemies.

At this moment, Steve gasped for breath and prepared to give his life.

Just when Steve thought Blue Star had run out of fuel.

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice suddenly rang out from beside my ears.

"Captain, Captain, can you hear me?"

"Captain! I'm Sam!"

"On your left!"

Steve turned his head with difficulty.

Thin golden lines carved a circle in the air.

It is the space magic from Karma Taj!

Immediately afterwards, a portal appeared, and the falcon flew out from behind it!

The second, third, and fourth, countless portals opened in the sky or on the ground at the same time.

They connect all parts of the world, even the depths of the universe!

The black panther walked out from the portal. He led countless warriors who feared no life and death, shouting the slogan of victory through the sky.

The Valkyrie riding on a white flying horse, followed by the heroic Asgardian army.

Ant-Man, who was staying at the Avengers base, turned into a giant tens of meters high, stepped out, and the earth trembled.

Bruce, who had calmed down a little, was roaring angrily at the moment, as if the irritable Hulk had returned.

Doctor Strange, Star-Lord, Spider-Man, Bucky, Groot, Wanda, and even the mage from Karma Taj have joined the battle!

In Steve's eyes, light gradually appeared.

It is the ray of hope!

The guard force belonging to Blue Star appeared at this moment.

At Blue Star's most critical moment, they stood up and gathered an unprecedentedly powerful fighting force!

The snapping of their fingers five years ago took them away, and five years later, they have a precious opportunity to fight back!

They are assembled at this moment, carrying the last hope of mankind to go to war!

Tony and Saul, who woke up, gathered around Steve one after another.

Steve suppressed his excitement.

He took a deep breath, stretched out his right hand, and shouted loudly: "Avengers!"

Thor's hammer returned to his right hand with a whistling.

He looked directly at Thanos, and his voice became low and powerful: "Assemble!"


Countless blue star coalition forces launched a charge!Rushed to the battlefield, pointing at the army of the tyrant.

Under their feet, the ground trembled, the air was turbid, and morale was overwhelming.

What they bear at this moment is not only the fate of the blue star, but also the fate of mankind.

It is all the creatures in the universe who disappeared under that snap of fingers!

Morale is unprecedentedly high, and the final battle begins at this moment!

The Thanos army also rushed into the battlefield with an order, but how could they resist the angry Avengers!

When a soldier falls, one stands up to make up for it!

The Avengers have put life and death at stake.

The only thought in their hearts is to kill these hateful alien monsters!

The shouts went straight into the sky, the monsters screamed, and the humans roared angrily.

Guns fired!Gold and iron intertwined!A roar and a howl resounded throughout the battlefield!

The flames of war spread over this land, and the sky and the earth changed color.

There is gunpowder everywhere, fighting, fighting, defending and perishing!

Thanos' face became a little ugly.

During his combat career, the blue star was the biggest obstacle for him to accomplish his goals. His purple head couldn't figure out why the earth had such a powerful counterattack force.

But don't wait for him to figure it out.

Wanda, the scarlet witch with red eyes, descended from the sky.

The eyes she looked at Thanos were full of hatred, old and new hatred, and the chaos magic around her was in full bloom!

"You took everything from me!"

Thanos frowned, puzzled but determined: "I don't even know you!"

Wanda was even more indignant, and shouted, "You will know!"

As soon as the words fell, chaos magic burst out instantly.

The scarlet energy rolled up the gravel of the battlefield and the old walls, and attacked Thanos.

Thanos waved the big knife in his hand to block this wave of attacks, and took advantage of the situation to slash at Wanda.

Wanda didn't dodge either, the scarlet energy wrapped the big knife, Wanda tore it with both hands, the big knife that was stronger than Zhenjin was torn into countless pieces and fell to the ground.

Under the suspicious eyes of Thanos, Wanda jumped up, and the scarlet energy wrapped him up and rolled him into the air.

Wanda shot with hatred, and Chaos Magic agitatedly removed one piece after another of the golden armor.

Without the protection of the battle armor, Thanos' body was exposed to magic.

He felt a powerful force pulling his body, and at this moment, the souls of the dead came out.

Enduring the tremendous pain from his body, Thanos couldn't help but let out a painful roar

"Ebony throat!"

"Salvo fire!"

Ebony Throat froze for a moment, and immediately carried out Thanos' order.

Thanos' vehicle, Temple No. [-], suspended above the sky, all weapon windows are on standby.

The next moment, shells covering the sky and the sun were fired, mercilessly hitting the ground.

The artillery shells did not distinguish between enemy and friend, and formed a dense barrage, bombarding the avengers and invaders.

Cannon fire baptism!The roar of the explosion was mixed with wailing and despair, and the number of armies on both sides continued to drop sharply!

Immediately afterwards, the second round and the third round of shells began to wash the ground without stopping like a rain curtain.

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