Chapter 67 The exile ran away?lose the face of the villain

The earth-shattering explosion resounded through the sky, which immediately caught Lin Feng's attention.

He followed the reputation and saw that Thanos' Temple No. [-] was constantly firing shells and washing the ground with artillery fire.

The insane Thanos doesn't care about the life and death of the Leviathan giants.

In his eyes, they are all cannon fodder.

In order to accomplish his goal, he will sacrifice everything!

Gamora is the best proof!

Otherwise, Thanos wouldn't have shed a single tear for her...

Cannon fire washes the ground, the Avengers hide everywhere, and casualties continue to appear.

With a thought in his heart, Lin Feng turned around and flew towards Temple No. [-].

His goal is very clear, let's scrap this big guy first.

However, the two exiles did not intend to let Lin Feng go.

With a dodge, the Exile stood in front of him, one left and one right.

"where do you want to go?"

It was the first time since the battle that the exile spoke, his voice was like rubbing sandpaper, and Lin Feng felt it hurt his ears.

"Go away!" Lin Feng didn't have time to talk nonsense with him, his eyes were red, and the heat rays shot out, but he was dodged by the exile with a teleportation.

The black gold broadsword struck again, Lin Feng bent down to dodge, and took advantage of the opportunity to strike again.

However, the exile's speed was not much slower than Lin Feng's, and the exile with the knife would retreat immediately regardless of whether he hit or not.

Immediately afterwards, Doomsday rushed behind Lin Feng and kicked him out.

As soon as Lin Feng turned around, Doomsday retreated, and the Exile with a knife behind him stepped forward again.

The two exiles were like slippery loaches. When Lin Feng fought against one of them, the other kept harassing him.

The two of them didn't try their best, so they flew a kite and dragged Lin Feng to nowhere!

Gradually, anger ignited in Lin Feng's heart.

Carol was trapped in outer space by the exile's insidious tricks, and he couldn't fly back to support like the original book. He didn't have much time to fly a kite with the exile.

If this goes on like this, Thanos will snap his fingers and finish the fight.

With a thought, Lin Feng decisively turned on the special red kryptonite.

For Lin Feng now, this prestige value is nothing, just buy a few more later!

A red light flashed past, and Lin Feng's physical fitness directly improved by a level.

For him now, the upper limit of energy he can bear has doubled.

Lin Feng's figures flashed one after another, more than twice as fast as before.

The pupils of the ever-receding Doomsday shrank, and Lin Feng's sudden surge exceeded his reaction!

A fist kept expanding in his pupil.

boom! !

With one punch, Doomsday's chest was directly dented.

Doomsday's eyes were full of disbelief, he spurted out a mouthful of black blood, and flew out of sight directly under this punch.

He didn't even have time to play his hole cards. He didn't understand how Lin Feng, who was as strong as himself, became so powerful in an instant.

The exile with the knife paused, stopped in mid-air, and then quickly retreated.

It seemed that he was frightened by Lin Feng's punch.

Lin Feng doesn't have time to take care of him now, and if Thanos continues like this, the Avengers will be disbanded.

He quickly flew to the ground, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the heat rays blessed by infinite gems.

Not enough time, Lin Feng did not accumulate too much energy, but even so, the power should not be underestimated.

The orange-red laser pierced Temple No. [-] in an instant. Lin Feng moved his gaze lightly, plowing Temple No. [-] in half like cutting paper.

Temple No. [-], which had been fighting with Thanos for most of its life, was broken in two, and there were still explosions at the break.

The rain of cannonballs stopped instantly.

Two spaceships fell from the sky with billowing black smoke and humming sound.

Boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, and everyone looked up, but the shells covering the sky and the sun were no longer there. They only saw Temple No. [-] billowing in black smoke, which broke into two pieces and smashed into the lake, splashing monstrous waves.

"Good guy..."

Steve gasped, witnessing the whole process.

He looked at Lin Feng with incredible eyes.

"What the hell is that? The eyes can emit lasers?" Tony also exclaimed. The data in the visor showed that the value of the laser just now exceeded the upper limit of Friday's measurement.

More than half of the Avengers saw Lin Feng's laser. They didn't know that there was such a powerful existence among the allies!

Rocket the Raccoon clung to Groot, eyes wide.

"Good guy, I still want to steal his wristband! Fortunately, I didn't do it..."


After finishing Temple No. [-], Lin Feng quickly turned around, ready to finish off the two exiles.

Looking around, he only saw Doomsday lying on the ground a thousand meters away.

But he couldn't see the exile holding the black gold sword.

"Host! That exile has escaped!"

"What?" Lin Feng dug his ears.

"Run away? Really or not?"

"The exile is so cowardly?"

Lin Feng was surprised and puzzled, this plot is completely wrong.

Shouldn't the villain be so tyrannical that he would rather die than submit, and even give the protagonist a curse to fight back or something?

And generally speaking, shouldn't villains have a few big cards?

Why did you just run away with one?Just come to harass yourself and run away?The face of the villain has been completely thrown away by these two bums!

Soon, the system gave the answer.

"They tried to tamper with my database earlier, triggering my automatic defense mechanism"

"My defense mechanism is not vegetarian. In order to escape, the two of them used their hole cards as early as that time."

"Even so, these two bastards have received serious injuries."

"Otherwise, these two bastards wouldn't be as simple as losing their strength today."

Lin Feng nodded and realized something: "Then why didn't you just kill them both? Why give them a chance to jump out?"

"Eh..." The system suddenly hesitated: "Isn't this just for you to practice your hands!"


"Then I really thank you!"

Lin Feng laughed, and the system seemed hesitant to speak, obviously concealing some information, but now Lin Feng is not in a hurry to expose him, and everything will be discussed after the war.

Lin Feng flew in the direction of Doomsday.

It turned out that the two exiles were not weak, but that they had already been severely beaten by the system.

After fighting for a while, the two bums didn't even break through Lin Feng's defense.

If Lin Feng was the Silver Superman template at this time, it is estimated that the two exiles could not withstand his punch.

If all exiles existed like this, Lin Feng could punch a child even in his heyday!

As if feeling Lin Feng's state of mind, the system jumped out, revealing some information mercilessly.

"Host, don't be careless! The strength of the exile is divided into several sequences, and these two are just the bottom ones."

"The real first-order exile is comparable to the multiverse level."

"The reason why the exiles were solved so easily this time has a lot to do with their decline in strength and the exhaustion of their cards."

"Otherwise, why do you think you only harassed you today, but didn't make a killing move?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng was startled, and Feifei's body was also shocked.

Multiverse level?

A few simple words represent enormous power behind them!

As far as he knows, the silver super talent belongs to the single universe level.

With the silver superman template, he can completely wrestle with any single strong man in the universe.

But this strength, in front of the multiverse level, is as fragile as an ant.

"Then if the first sequence comes over, wouldn't I have the essentials?"

Lin Feng frowned, but his heart sank involuntarily.

The exile is far more troublesome and complicated than he imagined.

The exile who fought with him turned out to be just a young man in the group, which made Lin Feng's mood sink.

"That's not true. Before the host grows up, the first sequence will not notice you!"

"How can you kill a chicken with a butcher's knife? Do you understand this principle? At least you have to reach the Golden Superman before you will be included in the list by the first sequence!"

The system made a metaphor, and the words are not rough.

Lin Feng had a black line on his face: "I'm a chicken?"

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