Susan nodded silently, but the arms around Lin Feng's waist were even more forceful.

Lin Feng was a little dumbfounded, but this feeling of being cared for by others still made him very happy.

He continued to pat Susan on the back: "Okay, okay, I don't have any aliens to call me on this trip to the universe. I'm going to find something!"

"Don't worry, there is no danger this time!"

"You promise?" Susan said in a low voice.

Lin Feng chuckled: "Of course I can guarantee it!"

With Lin Feng's assurance, Susan raised her little head, and Lin Feng saw that her eye sockets were a little red.

Pinching Susan's little face, Lin Feng gave her a reassuring smile: "Don't worry, I'm a superman, and what I'm looking for this time will make me stronger!"

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you."

Lin Feng struck while the iron was hot, and quickly shifted this somewhat heavy topic.

"I want Wanda to live in our home."

"Huh?" Susan lost her worried mood in an instant, and her eyes became dangerous.

"Let Wanda live in?"

"Did you fall in love with her!!"

Lin Feng leaned back and reached out to pinch Susan's little cheek.

"What are you thinking! Of course not."

"Wanda's abilities are quite outstanding, and with my help, she will become unexpectedly powerful."

"The main purpose of letting her live here is to protect you!"

"As for his brother Pietro, I have other plans!"

Pietro Linfeng had already planned it out. After strengthening it, it would be fine to send it directly to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Like Tony, he can only live in one man in his villa!

Hearing this, Susan shook her head and held up the couple-like Superman wristbands.

"I don't have this!"

Lin Feng smiled: "It's not just for this reason, Wanda's heart is kind, but she lacks a lot of life and social experience."

"To put it simply, it is easy to be deceived."

"I want you to guide her, don't step into crooked ways, my little reporter!"

What Lin Feng said was not wrong, but Wanda seemed to be easy to deceive.

In the movie, she was also deceived by Hydra before being deceived by Ultron, her second idiot brother was not much better.

Pietro can be handed over to S.H.I.E.L.D., but Wanda absolutely can't. She has to fight with herself.

And as long as Wanda is here, no matter what S.H.I.E.L.D. does, Pietro's sense of belonging will be with him.

Susan pretended to be disappointed: "As expected, you still have your eyes on her!"

Immediately, Lin Feng's face twisted.

Seeing Lin Feng's wonderful expression, Susan couldn't help laughing: "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, I agree with Wanda to stay here!"

It's just that Wanda lives here, and she's perfectly fine with it.

First of all, Wanda is a woman, and it can be seen from the conversation that Wanda is not bad.

Secondly, Lin Feng would be away for several months, so it would be boring to guard such a big villa by himself.

Her little best friend doesn't know what she's been up to recently, and she might not be able to contact her once a week!

There is someone living with me, so the huge villa doesn't look deserted.

Chapter 83 When I woke up, my car was smashed by Wanda?

Not long after, the four sat down around the dining table.

Wanda and Pietro sat together, and the twins seemed a little restrained. After all, after losing their parents, they seldom had dinner with others.

"Pietro, Wanda has already told you..."

Pietro nodded silently.

Wanda told Pietro everything she knew, including their nemesis, Tony Stark.

He knew that as a superman, Lin Feng should not lie to himself.

But the truth that had been in his heart for more than ten years was overturned in one day, which made him feel a lot of unreality.

Seeing Pietro nodding, Lin Feng continued: "Then tell me your choice, Pietro."

Pietro obviously hesitated, and Wanda on the side poked him quietly.

"Wanda's choice is my choice, but there are some things that I want to verify myself!" Pietro said.

Lin Feng said it didn't matter, he probably knew what Pietro wanted to verify, it was nothing more than whether Tony Stark was his enemy or not.

"Since you all agree, let me tell you about the arrangements for you."

"After dinner, I will help you improve your abilities! Then, I will send Pietro to a place where you can earn a good income and have enough time and resources to investigate the authenticity of everything I said! "

"But all this is not free! I think you should be able to understand." Lin Feng emphasized.

"As a reward, Wanda will live in my villa and protect Susan!"

"Of course, this is not dangerous for you. If the time limit is set, it will be tentatively set for one year."

"During this period, I will pay you wages, that's all for now, do you agree?"

The two brothers and sisters made eye contact and nodded, expressing that they had no objection.

The Hydra base was taken over by Lin Feng, and the two brothers and sisters had nowhere to go, and neither of them liked the days of wandering.

Besides, the conditions offered by Lin Feng were very generous, and the two had no reason to refuse.

As for Wanda living in the villa, Lin Fengfeng would not have any other ideas.

Pietro thinks it should be unlikely.

One is because Lin Feng is a superman and a public figure.

The second is that his girlfriend Susan also lives here, even if Lin Feng has any ideas, Susan will stop him.

If Lin Feng knew that he thought so, he would definitely laugh out loud.

Young man, too young!

Seeing that the two agreed, Lin Feng smiled with satisfaction. Now that the negotiation is settled, they can have a happy meal!

"Okay! Let's eat first! After eating, I will help you improve your abilities!"

The twins couldn't wait to see the sumptuous dinner.

The two of them didn't have much money, and Hydra's food was not delicious.

The brothers and sisters have been wandering for several years, and it is rare to see such an abundance of food!

Not much to say at the moment, a sumptuous dinner, the two of them were satisfied.

After dinner, Lin Feng arranged the two of them in the guest room.

There are still quite a few rooms in his villa, but for the convenience of evolution, he first arranged the two brothers and sisters together.

Pointing to the two single beds, Lin Feng said: "Lie down, one for each, and I will guide the energy in your body."

"You will fall into a coma, and when you wake up again, your abilities will greatly increase!"

The twins nodded and lay down on the bed together.

The two of them were like silly roe deer, not worried about Lin Feng harming themselves at all.

No wonder it was cheated in the original book.

"Close your eyes!" Lin Feng ordered.

The two siblings obediently closed their eyes.

Lin Feng raised his left hand, and the soul gem glowed yellow.

The yellow light was like smoke, slowly drifting towards the twins' brains under Lin Feng's urging.

A burst of dizziness struck, and the twins soon lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

"System, let's start!"

Of course Lin Feng didn't know how to guide the abilities in the two of them, but isn't this a dog system!It's not for nothing, at most it's just spending some reputation points.

With the help of the system, the energy of the mind stone constantly lures the abilities in the two's bodies, continuously activates and strengthens them.

The output power varies from time to time, and the two brothers and sisters often frown subconsciously.

After continuous output for about 10 minutes, Lin Feng cut off the transmission.

All he has to do is to guide and strengthen, and does not require much energy.

And this is already the limit that the twins can bear at present, and now the abilities in their bodies are constantly changing.

Everything is waiting for them to wake up, and then they can know how the effect is.

However, Lin Feng estimated that it would be at least tomorrow when the two of them woke up.

After closing the door, Lin Feng is going to rest, it's another busy day for a superhero!

Silent all night.

The next day, the twin siblings woke up earlier than Lin Feng expected.

Early in the morning, Lin Feng was awakened by the sound of clanging in the yard.

Looking through the window, the two brothers and sisters were excitedly experimenting with their abilities in Lin Feng's yard.

Wanda's poor red energy, which was originally thin, now surrounds her hands with a richness that is almost visible to the naked eye.

Lin Feng was very relieved that his ability had been strengthened, but when he saw this chick's test subject, his face darkened immediately.

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