The red Chaos Magic slowly lifted up a very cool-looking car, floating up and down in the air.

That was the Lamborghini that Lin Feng spent huge sums of money on recently...

As if surprised by her own ability, Wanda's wrist dance was even more exciting than yesterday!Lin Feng's Lamborghini danced happily in the air.

Pietro ran around in a circle in the yard at a fast speed, leaving only a slight silver trace in place.

Lin Feng felt a little pain in his brain.

He walked out of the villa with a speechless expression on his face, the lawn of the villa was almost trampled bald by Pietro.

These two...couldn't they still have the attributes of bear children...

"Wanda..." Lin Feng called out angrily.

The sudden sound startled Wanda, and her unskilled Chaos Magic instantly lost control.


The Lamborghini hit the ground heavily, the window glass was immediately shattered, and the tires were flattened.

creak creak...

The Lamborghini's alarm screamed aggrievedly, as if complaining to Lin Feng about Wanda's "cruel" methods.

Wanda shrank her neck, her ability was strengthened, and she was too excited for a while...

"Hold... sorry"

The shrunken Wanda apologized softly.

Pietro also ran over, looked at the Lamborghini, then at the lawn he had damaged, and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry, Mr. Superman..."

"I will work part-time to compensate you!"

Lin Feng pinched the center of his eyebrows, speechless and having a headache.

"Forget it, come in and have breakfast, after I finish eating, I will send Pietro to the place where you go to work!"

He decided to send Pietro to S.H.I.E.L.D. after breakfast.

Chapter 84 Arranging Pietro, Preparations Before Departure

After breakfast, Susan took Wanda to go shopping again.

Wanda and Pietro can be regarded as leaving Hydra clean, with little money and no luggage.

Wanda needs to buy some personal items and clothes for her stay.

As for Lin Feng, he took Pietro directly to the space carrier.

He wants to hurry up and arrange Pietro out, same-sex repels each other!

On the deck of the Helicarrier, Nick Fury received two people with a dark face as always.

"Is this the superhero you were talking about?" Black Braised Egg looked at Pietro with one eye.

Simple tights, sneakers, put in the crowd is an ordinary person, there is nothing special about it.

But it’s not prudent to say that, Black Braised Egg already knew that Wanda and Pietro were the only two people who survived Hydra’s inhuman experiment.

But he didn't understand why Lin Feng said that he had the strength of a superhero. According to Hydra's database, neither of them had any outstanding abilities.

Lin Feng chuckled, the data of the corned egg had obviously expired, his villa was not monitored by the corned egg whenever he wanted to.

It would never have occurred to Lin Feng that Lin Feng could strengthen the super powers of the twins!

Pointing to a small black spot in the distance, Lin Feng patted Pietro on the shoulder.

"Young man! Show your future boss."

Pietro nodded, then disappeared in front of the two with a whoosh.

He also knows that to prove his worth, the more outstanding he is, the more attention he will receive.

Before Black Braised Egg could respond, Pietro ran back with a whoosh, still carrying a man on his shoulder.

Coulson looked confused.

In the last second, Coulson was still holding the file, talking to the data, and suddenly his eyes went dark, and he was inexplicably carried in front of his own director.

"Director?" The high-speed movement made Coulson dizzy.

Black Braised Egg ignored him, but looked at Pietro with interest.

"How did you do it?" Black Braised Egg asked aloud. He just felt a gust of wind blowing, and the young man disappeared. In less than a second, he carried Coulson for himself.

"Super speed!" Lin Feng replied: "The speed cannot be caught by the naked eye."

"Of course, it's not very fast now. After training, his speed will be faster, how?"

The stewed egg sticks out a thumbs up, yes, it is indeed good.

"I've accepted this man! Thanks to our Mr. Superman!"

" you really have no conspiracy?" Hei Mi Dan changed the subject, but couldn't help asking Lin Feng again.

Mainly because of Pietro's ability, Lin Feng gave him such a superhero for free?Maybe there are other thoughts secretly.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes at this, Nick Fury has asked himself three times

"You think everyone is as dark as you!"

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Ludan chuckled, but was not annoyed.

The ability that Pietro has shown is of great help to S.H.I.E.L.D., who doesn't want this kind of ability.

But Lu Dan suspected that Lin Feng had other ideas, so he had to be more cautious.

But the braised egg is not too worried.

The professional team in S.H.I.E.L.D. has already established Lin Feng's personal model.

The final evaluation given is: Although a little lazy, but the three views are correct, the heart is sunny, has a sense of justice, and can stick to one's heart.

That's right, if he couldn't stick to his heart, Lin Feng might have turned into an ancestor long ago.

After all, if an ordinary person has superhuman abilities, the dark side and desires in his heart will be magnified without limit.

Black Braised Egg was very satisfied with Pietro's initial ability, and after repeatedly confirming that Lin Feng had no conspiracy, he asked Coulson to take Pietro down to test his personal data.

"He should have a younger sister." After arranging for Pietro, Black Braised Egg pretended to mention it inadvertently.

"Does his sister have any special abilities?"

As soon as the stewed egg opened his mouth, Lin Feng knew that he hadn't held his fart well, one Pietro was not enough, and he still wanted to get Wanda's idea?

"Don't even think about it, Wanda, I'll take that little girl myself."

Lin Feng's refusal made Hei Po Dan raise his eyebrows, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Could it be that Wanda's ability is stronger than that of Pietro?

After thinking about it for a while, Marinate poured out bad water with a playful look on his face.

"You take someone else's little girl, can Susan agree?!"

"Why don't you leave it to me, and I'll help you train and train?"

"Hehehe, climb..."

Lin Feng resolutely refused, wanting his own Wanda, to be your Spring and Autumn Dream!

There was nothing to talk about with this black stewed egg. After arranging for Pietro, Lin Feng patted his ass and left.

What's worth mentioning is that Ludan originally wanted to invite Lin Feng to visit his Helicarrier, but Lin Feng refused without even thinking about it.

He has no interest in the space carrier, and he is afraid that it is not the time to visit, and the black marinated egg will play tricks to join the Avengers.

Still the same sentence, Lin Feng doesn't want to be controlled by others, and wants to join the Avengers Alliance by himself, in the next life!

Lin Feng's refusal was also within the expectations of the marinated egg. He had seen a long time ago that this kid didn't like oil and salt.

Shaking his head, Marinate walked towards the office, quietly waiting for Coulson's test report.

Pietro quickly completed the preliminary ability model, followed by the screening test of the three perspectives and personality.

Not long after, his data was placed in front of the marinated egg.

Ability, temperament, experience, family background and so on.

Looking at the rows of data, Marinate kept nodding.

If you want to join the Avengers, you must have a heart and a sense of responsibility.

If these two items fail, then you can only be an ordinary agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. at most.

Fortunately, the data shows that Pietro's trainability is very good.

After thinking about it, Potato called Steve who was doing physical training.

Pietro's temperament is not bad, his ability is very outstanding, and the test data clearly shows that he is a superhero-level avenger.

He is not very old, and Potato intends to ask Steve to take him personally, and instill some positive thoughts on Pietro by the way.

As for the relative shown in Pietro's information, Wanda, it's a pity that he couldn't get it...

Braised Dan secretly felt sad, while Lin Feng flew to Tony Stark's new villa.

The Marbury villa was bombed, but who is Tony, the rich man, the villa is not just a set!

After the story of Iron Man 3 ended, Tony moved to another villa. As for the Marbury set, Tony probably won't live there anymore.

After all, the address has been exposed to the whole world.

Tony was not afraid of KB attacks, but he couldn't stand the frequent visits of people, which would really make him irritated.

"Sir, Mr. Lin Feng is here."

Jarvis' voice sounded in the workshop.

Tony raised his head and narrowed his eyes. He was still studying Mark 85.

"Let him in, what's the progress of the reverse push?"

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