"Close to 20%, sir."

Jarvis' words made Tony frown, and the progress was slower than he expected.

Although there are ready-made technologies for him to reverse, some technologies are still in theory in the current time period.

If you can't fully analyze the technology, the finished product is not as simple as a star and a half.

"Hey, Tony, is the suit useful?" Lin Feng walked in with a smile.

Tony praised without hesitation: "It's easy to use, of course it's easy to use!"

"This suit is a combination of almost all my ideas and inspirations, it's perfect!"

"As expected of me! Only I can create such a perfect battle suit!"

Tony spoke in amazement.

Right now, Tony Stark's technology is ahead of the entire world, and the Mark 85 brought to him by Lin Feng was made by himself ten years later. The technology contained in it is scary.

"Okay, okay, I'm not here to hear you brag about yourself, how is the research progress?"

The two had communicated on the phone two days ago. Tony wanted to study the technology inside, but he couldn't return the suit for the time being.

But Lin Feng said that it doesn't matter, the purpose of bringing it back is to let Tony develop and reproduce it as soon as possible. It would be great if he could create a more advanced Mark model.

"About 20%, mainly because the time is too short, and some technologies require a lot of deduction and testing." Tony explained.

Lin Feng nodded. It took only a few days for the battle suit to be in Tony's hands. No matter how powerful Tony was, it was impossible to reproduce this thing in a few days.

After all, Mark 85 is not a few years ahead of the world, but a few years ahead of Tony.

"Reproduce it as soon as possible, and give me and Susan a set when the time comes!"

Although this thing is not very useful to Lin Feng, but it can't stop him from being handsome when he wears it!

Hearing this, Tony nodded, there is no problem at all.

The Mark 85 was brought back by Lin Feng from the future, so giving him two sets is no problem at all.

Maybe it is wishful thinking for others to get Iron Man's suit. Even Tony's J-side friend Roddy only got a set of Mark 2 modified suit.

But Lin Feng was different.

Chapter 85 Journey to another star, the template is on "acquaintances"?

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "I'm going out again tomorrow, and this time it will take at least two months to start. If the suit is made, I will send a set to Susan first."

"Are you going out again? Are you going to the future again?"

Tony glanced subconsciously at the wallpaper on the display in front of him, and it had been replaced with a picture of Morgan Jr.

However, this photo will only be displayed when he is around. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he didn't mention it to Little Pepper.

After hesitating for a moment, Tony asked, "Can you take me with you this time?"

"if convenient……"

Ever since he knew that he would have a daughter named Morgan in the future, Tony would often smirk at Morgan's photos.

God knows how much he wants to see his little daughter with his own eyes, even if it's just from a distance.

Lin Feng shook his head and refused, "I can't take it with me. I'm not going to the future this time, but to find something in the universe."

"If you're in a hurry, go find Pepper to make a man! Calculate the time, it's only been a few years."

That is to say, but with the revision of the world line, it will be difficult for Tony to give birth to little Morgan before the time comes...

It is impossible to go to the future. If there is a chance, Lin Feng would like to take Tony for a walk in 1970.

After all, according to my own plan, the plot of Avengers 4 will basically not happen, and Tony will not see his father like the original book.

Lin Feng thought that would be a pity.

"All right……"

Hearing that Lin Feng did not go to the future, Tony was a little disappointed, but he was not too disappointed.

After all, Little Morgan is his daughter after all, she just needs to be reborn in the future, and she will see her sooner or later.

"Next time you go to the future, if it's convenient, remember to take me with you."

"No problem, I'll take you there if I have the chance!" Lin Feng nodded, writing a bad check without any pressure.

After chatting casually with Tony for a while, Lin Feng glanced at the sky outside, and it was already evening.

With a move in my heart, it's time to go home.

The happy weekend vacation is over, and tomorrow we are going to go to space, Lin Feng intends to get ready to spend time with Susan tonight.

It's also a pain for Susan, other people's young couple get tired of being together every day, but Lin Feng runs around the universe for several months.

So one of the reasons why Lin Feng let Wanda stay here is to have someone to accompany Susan when he is not around.

Of course, it must be a woman...

Early the next morning, during Susan and Wanda's farewell, Lin Feng flew out of the atmosphere.

Looking at the sun in the distance, Lin Feng sighed a little.

I didn't evolve successfully last time. I hope there will be no problems this time. If it doesn't work, I will go to another world to evolve by myself!

"System!" Lin Fengpiao shouted in his mind: "Give me the coordinates of the Superman template!"

The system jumped out and transmitted a line of coordinates.

"The delivery coordinates have been marked, the host, just go directly to this area!"

Lin Feng nodded, looked at the coordinates sent by the system, and opened the portal with the space gem.

According to the system, the location of the launch is a planet with intelligent life.

If this was placed before Lin Feng traveled, it would probably cause a sensation. The world before the time travel spent so much energy and time searching for alien life, but there was no clue.

However, there are aliens on the blue star of Marvel, and aliens are not a rare species for Marvel.

The blue portal brought Lin Feng to a dark red planet.

This is a planet transformed into a relay station, which is very common in the Marvel universe, and a large number of transactions are facilitated on this planet.

There is a protective shield outside the planetary atmosphere, which can resist energy attacks.

On the outer layer of the protective cover, there are many spaceships, large and small, floating in the harbor and leaving the shore.

Mostly for shopping or supplies.

The portal opened directly on the surface of the planet, a mechanical city with a cyberpunk style.


As soon as he left the portal, Lin Feng frowned, the scene in front of him was unexpected.

Originally, I thought that the living planet mentioned by the system was like a primitive forest, with at most two alien savages, but I didn't expect it to be a city with a cyberpunk style.

The creatures passing by Lin Feng from time to time are even more strange.

Strange-shaped flipper fish heads, big octopuses with blue tentacles, and creatures that look like standing elephants, and even some creatures that look similar to Lin Feng, but in various colors.

The strange alien creature took no surprise at Lin Feng's portal, just took a look at him and continued on his way.

Lin Feng looked at the city curiously.

The neon lights on both sides of the street are flickering, and the main color of the buildings is all gaudy metal wind.

The shops on the street were selling some things that Lin Feng couldn't understand, and he didn't know what they were selling, and the strange-looking shop assistants were yelling.

The whole street was endless, filled with noisy conversations and dynamic music, Lin Feng couldn't understand a word.

The shops are crowded together and there is no space at all.

Some shops are even suspended in mid-air.

A huge Ferris wheel, a retro suspension bridge with alien style, and a blue-black liquid flowing under the bridge.

The whole city is covered with metal and mechanical gears.

Boy, eye-opener!

When Lin Feng retires, develop this place into a tourism industry, interstellar tourism!Absolutely earn a lot of money.

In order to facilitate things, Lin Feng spent 1 reputation points in exchange for a common language, and the noisy conversation that he couldn't understand just now was automatically converted into meaning that Lin Feng could understand in a second.

It is much more convenient than learning with superhuman ability.

"System, where is the template?" After a little tour, Lin Feng got down to business.

Although the city scenery is novel, he didn't come to enjoy the scenery.

"The position of the template has been marked." The system replied.

In the next second, a circular electronic map appeared in the upper left corner of Lin Feng's line of sight, like a radar, with a red dot above it constantly flashing.

However, the red dot has been moving slowly, which should be similar to the system's guess. The box of the Superman template was probably picked up by other beings.

"It's so convenient..." Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, whistled, and walked in the direction of the red dot, thinking about how to return the box.

The red dot walked straight ahead, as if it had a purpose, Lin Feng followed behind the red dot unhurriedly.

As he thought, after a while, the red dot stopped and stopped moving.

Lin Feng, who followed closely, looked up, as if he had stopped at a cyberpunk nightclub?

The bright light tube signboard, two blue-skinned monsters with huge heads but bodies that look like speakers, are standing by the door. The belly speakers are constantly vibrating, and they are constantly outputting dynamic music.

Strange creatures in twos and threes kept coming in and out, hugging each other.

"Extinguished Star Bar?" Lin Feng read the light signboard.

It turned out to be a bar, Lin Feng looked at the red dot again and confirmed that he was in the bar.

He lifted his foot and walked in, but the "big sound" at the door did not stop him.

As soon as I entered the door, the light dimmed, and the overwhelming colorful lasers danced in the air, and the deafening music sounded, and I didn't know what the smell was, it seemed to be perfume, which was strange.

It looks the same as Blue Star's bar, except that the pole dancers on it are not human beings.

It looked like a hippopotamus without its skin. It had a good figure, but it was too weird for Lin Feng to appreciate it.

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