It was also for Wang Shengnan downstairs.

Sit down at the piano,

When Pei Yin heard the seemingly absent voice upstairs, her face couldn't help but get hot, and she was annoyed with a word of animal, and wanted to play it for upstairs.

Chapter 171 Jumping notes, blurred fetters, (seeking subscription)

A piece of music is not finished,

Pei Yin couldn't keep playing, she always felt as if she was playing the accompaniment upstairs,

Annoyed just thinking about it.

I want to bite that figure a few bites at night.

After leaving the bedroom, Pei Yin went to Qian Sanyi's room, trying to help him tidy up.

On the desk, there is a photo,

Pei Yin was curious, picked it up and looked at it,

In the photo, Qian Sanyi lowered his head and sat on the ground with his knees hugged.

Lin Miaomiao squatted beside him and patted his back.


Pei Yin was angry and annoyed, her hand holding the photo trembled,

For sure, Qian Sanyi and Lin Miaomiao fell in love early.

The reason why I met Wang Shengnan at the beginning,

It is because Qian Sanyi found out that Qian Sanyi collected a lot of girls' hair, as well as girls' small hairpins.

For this reason, I found the school and learned that these belonged to Lin Miaomiao.

that moment,

really angry

How could Qian Sanyi, who had high hopes, fall in love early at the critical moment of the college entrance examination.

Later, I met the ordinary Lin Miaomiao.

Pei Yin instantly felt, ==,

Obviously, after thinking too much,

One by one, how could I like such a girl.

It must be this girl who likes her family one by one,

Because of such doubts, the teacher specially invited Wang Shengnan to play against each other.

As a result, he was almost pissed off by the sharp-tongued Wang Shengnan.

Later, he and Wang Shengnan became good friends and best friends, which was even more unexpected.

However, because of this, I also understand that Qian Sanyi and Lin Miaomiao are not puppy love,

At most, my family likes to pick up small objects lost by girls.


It can't say anything,

Just pretend not to know.

but right now,

see this photo,

Even if Pei Yin couldn't understand why Qian Sanyi liked the ordinary Lin Miaomiao,

But it is clear that Qian Sanyi and Lin Miaomiao really fell in love early.

No, absolutely not.

Pei Yin's first thought was to stop,

It's not because Lin Miaomiao's appearance is not outstanding, her studies are not outstanding, and it's not because of the critical period of the college entrance examination.

It is because Lin Miaomiao may carry the gene of psychopathy.

Regarding what happened to Wang Shengnan,

Pei Yin is distressed and sympathetic,

It is because of my distress and sympathy that I understand better what kind of tragedy and helplessness this is.

It must be stopped, Qian Sanyi and Lin Miaomiao are together,

Never repeat the mistakes of Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei,

Not to mention that Qian Sanyi, his own family, would replace Lin Dawei and become the one carrying the bottomless pit, raising Wang Shengnan's family.

At this time,

The door opened and Qian Sanyi came back.

Pei Yin looked cold and questioned with the photo.

"This picture, explain to me..."



Su Cheng was taking a shower, planning to go to the hotel to find Andy later, when he heard the noise downstairs,

"Why are you messing with my things again..."

"When did it start, and where has the relationship developed..."

"No, Mom, you misunderstood..."

"Do you think I'm (.) stupid? You are too simple. Such a girl is not suitable for you at all. Listen to me and break up today..."


Su Cheng couldn't help blinking, recalling the original plot,

Because of a photo, Pei Yin misunderstood that Qian Sanyi and Lin Miaomiao were in love.

This photo is really powerful.

Earlier, Deng Xiaoqi, who had always liked Qian Sanyi, also had the same misunderstanding because of this photo.

He also believed that Lin Miaomiao knew that she liked Qian Sanyi, but secretly fell in love with Qian Sanyi, betrayed the sisterhood, and was so angry that she broke up with Lin Miaomiao, and led her classmates to isolate Lin Miaomiao.

"I really have nothing to do with Miao Miao, it's not what you think..."

"Break up immediately, before you get too deep, break up when you break up, short-term pain is worse than long-term pain..."

"Mom, you really misunderstood..."

"I also hope that there is a misunderstanding. Is this photo a misunderstanding?"

Pei Yin's voice became colder.

"Do you know Lin Miaomiao's family;

"Her family has a family hereditary disease;

"Her aunt has mental illness, and her mother Wang Shengnan may be a carrier of the mental illness gene;

"Miaomiao also has this possibility;

"She has poor grades and is crazy every day, isn't this a sign;

"Think about it, is she suitable for you?

"Have you thought about your future;

"Genetically speaking, if you marry Miaomiao, your future children will be unhealthy;

"My genes are so good, your genes are equally good, why do you want to find a gene that is not good..."

"say no more……"

An indifferent voice, full of anger, said:

"Your genes are excellent, how are you living your life!

"Genes have nothing to do with life;

"You are so indifferent every day, you will not have a happy life;

"No child is willing to grow up in an indifferent family;

"I don't want to either, but do I have a choice!

"If I had a choice, I would rather live in Lin Miaomiao's family with a genetic disease;

"Because of warmth, because of her parents, she won't be as indifferent and cold as you..."

"Indifference, coldness..."

Pei Yin couldn't accept Qian Sanyi's thinking and attitude, and said excitedly:

"My marriage is unfortunate, your father is looking for you;

"I'm indifferent, I'm cold, can't I!

"Is my indifference, my coldness, aimed at you?

"The reason why I don't divorce is because of you;

"I worked so hard to raise you, do I care about you, don't I care about you?

"How can you say that about mom..."

"I am telling the truth……"

Another voice, equally excited, said:

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