"Is it my fault that your marriage is unlucky;

"It's your indifference, your coldness;

"You don't like it, why do you want to marry;

"You think your marriage is unhappy, why don't you get a divorce;

"Did I ask you not to divorce for me?

"Don't talk, for me;

"This is your own choice, don't involve me;

"And don't impose your choice, your life, on me;

"Don't you think, you live in a dry well!

"It's cold and full of oppression, without a ray of sunshine;

"You are not tired, you can adapt, I am not adapted, I do not want such a life;

"Acting with you every day, I'm really tired;

"I can't go on acting, I don't want to act anymore;

"I want to live my own life;

"A life in which you do not interfere;

"Instead of the wretched life you imposed on me;

"I don't need you to care what kind of girlfriend I'm looking for;

"But I tell you, I will never find a girlfriend like you;

"Your unhappy marriage was all caused by you..."


a crisp sound,

The world is quiet.

Then the door slams,

After a while, there was a sobbing cry, full of despair and bewilderment.


Su Cheng hesitated a little, got dressed, and went downstairs.

Although it is for nothing to take advantage of Pei Yin all the time,

This is cheap for a long time, and I am somewhat concerned about it.

Now she must be very sad and very sad.

Su Cheng wanted to comfort her.

bang bang bang...

There was a knock on the door.

Pei Yin wiped away her tears, took a deep breath and exhaled again, adjusted, and opened the door with a cold expression.

the door opens,

The nostalgic figure suddenly appeared.

Pei Yin's eyes blurred, her vision blurred,

He stepped forward and hugged her tightly, very hard, very hard.

So what if life is a dry well.

There is also a sky in the dry well, and there is also a ray of sunshine shining.

past tense,

Hesitation, hesitation, always do not want this ray of sunshine to shine.

Also think that no sunlight is needed.

Right now, there is nothing left.

I just want to have it, I just want to hold on tight, hold on, and never let go.

"Ding, the investment was successful, and I got 5 points..."

Su Cheng felt Pei Yin's nostalgia,

Thinking of her sorrow, her sorrow,

Suddenly, I realized why some investment goals are stuck at 99%.

Because more or less, there are some concerns and fetters.

These fetters, but family, may be relatives, may be other,

But there must be him,

Stuck at 99%, because these fetters are still there.

When one day,

There are no other ties,

Or, became the most important fetter,

The progress of the last frame is natural.

Chapter 172 Peach Blossom Luck, Gentle and Soft, (Subscribe)

Very long time,

Pei Yin fell asleep peacefully,

Su Cheng hugged her tenderly, his heart was very restless,

With Pei Yin's 5 more points, the number of gift bags has accumulated to 29.

Would love to open a few.

However, think about those 4 invalid packages last night.

Su Cheng held back again, knocking on piecemeal like this,

It is a continuous exhaustion of fish, which is too wasteful. It is better to bless the lucky charms and open the whole wave.

This idea came up.

The more Su Cheng thought about it, the more his heart moved.

On the Xiangdao side, the matter of the investment bank will be settled soon.

The APP is also made,

With investment banks,

Link Magnesium Stock Exchange, - Hong Kong Stock Exchange,

One big and one small two - cornucopia add up,

10 small goals a day, a small gift bag, is still very simple,

20 trading days a month is 20 gift bags.

The key is that there is a steady stream of gift packs.

If you think about it this way, it's okay to open all the 29 gift bags.

"Ding, use the lucky charm, the 60-second countdown..."

Su Cheng didn't hesitate much, and the lucky charm blessed him.

"Ding, get 1000 cash."

"Ding, get the investment progress experience book (four stars)."

I go……

Su Cheng was pleasantly surprised, and got another four-star investment book. It was a good start, but all the rest were invalid, and it was not a loss.

"Ding, get the painting experience book."

"Ding, get a black technology car."

Black technology car?

It sounds good. I will study it later and continue to develop it.

"Ding, I got a world source stone."

what is that?

Su Cheng didn't study much, and continued,

"Ding, I got a world source stone."


Su Cheng couldn't help but blinked, and continued.

"Ding, I got a world source stone."


"Ding, I got a world source stone."

I don't believe it, three times in a row.

"Ding, I got a world source stone."

"Ding, I got a world source stone."

"Ding, I got a world source stone."

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