Isn't this an advertisement?

When he saw that the person in the camera was Ethan Chan, he put down the bowl and pricked up his ears.

This is his favorite star! ! !

Chen Yixun!


But strangely,

What is Chen Yixun doing?

Wang Liang was confused.

Instigated by curiosity, he put down the bowl and stared at the screen.

Seeing this, the rest of the family also looked over curiously.

"Son, what's wrong?"

"Mom, the interview with Eason Chan."

"Chen Yixun?"

"It's the one who sang with Faye Wong at the Spring Festival Gala, the one you said you always liked."

"Oh!! He!!"

As soon as she heard that it was someone who sang with Faye Wong, my mother suddenly became interested.

Everyone looked at the screen.


On the TV screen, Chen Yixun smiled foolishly.

He touched his bangs, "At that time, the little boss gave it to me to try, and I found out later that it is made of traditional Chinese medicine."

"And without those chemicals."

"It's been a month since I washed it. At least I feel very comfortable after using it. My scalp doesn't itch every day, and my hair doesn't fall out anymore."

When he talked about not losing his hair, he had a sincere expression on his face.

"This shampoo really stopped hair loss on the first day of use. After I finished using it, I told the boss of this brand, OK! Spokesperson! I will be it!"



Everyone was dumbfounded.

Anti-hair loss shampoo?

This is not an advertisement, is it?

Can't you?

Everyone didn't even remember to eat at this time, all their minds were put on the advertisement over there.

Sure enough, the second after Chen Yixun finished his commercial lines——

From the original interview, I switched to being photographed by countless media on stage.

And behind the red platform is a line of big characters, congratulations to Yixun Chan for endorsement of Jiang's Overlord Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo.

Finally, the advertisement page of the product popped up.

Three green bottles of shampoo were placed neatly on the table.

Chen Yixun also came out from the side with a bottle of shampoo in his hand.

"There's something wrong with hair, like this tree..."

"Jiang's Bawang Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo, the hair will no longer fall out! Trustworthy!!"


That hearty and sincere smile, and the advertisement, made Wang Liang feel dumbfounded.

Anti-hair loss shampoo?


Even the TV show has restarted.

He felt as if his mind was full of—

"Ginger Bawang Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo, no more hair loss! Trustworthy!"

Simply poisonous!

But when will Eixun Chan endorse a shampoo?

And it's a shampoo I've never heard of before.

All of a sudden, Wang Liang couldn't care less about eating. As a loyal fan of Chen Yixun for N years,

He immediately took out his phone and opened Weibo.


As soon as I opened it, I saw Chen Yixun's latest top Weibo.

[Eason Chan V: I like Jiang's brand very much, and I am very happy to be the spokesperson of Jiang's Overlord Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo. 】

Underneath, he wrote a large piece of small composition.

The content of the small composition is also very simple.

Basically, they are introducing the Jiangshi brand.

That is rainbow fart,


【Chen Yixun V: Knowing this brand is very accidental. I was unwilling to try it after receiving the samples, because this brand is not well-known.But the referrer promises to me that you only use it once, if you don’t think it’s good, you don’t have to accept it, I use my reputation to guarantee that this brand is very useful! 】

[Chen Yixun V: I was thinking, people have used their reputation to guarantee it, and it is not easy for the brand to send it to me. Anyway, I have to use it to make a decision.So I started using it. 】

[Eason Chan V: Before using it, I thought, how could there be shampoo that can prevent hair loss?Isn't this a joke?Is hair loss prevention so simple, I was thinking, WTF?This company is starting an international joke. 】

[Chen Yixun V: But after using it, I found that I was wrong. This product is really easy to use. If any of my fans are troubled by hair loss, you can try it. 】


When I saw this Weibo, after reading the content,

Wang Liang was in a daze.

The entire Weibo basically only talks about one thing——

Jiang's Overlord Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo, easy to use!

perfectly worked!

Super easy to use!

This made Wang Liang feel a little bit moved.

He stroked his thinning hair before middle age, and subconsciously clicked on the link on Weibo.

Or, buy one?


Link jump.

When Wang Liang saw that he was redirected to Pin Xixi's page, everyone was dumbfounded.

What the hell?

Fighting Xixi?

His idol endorsed Pin Xixi's brand?

190 looked at the pile of things on Pinxixi,

He just felt that the world was a fantasy.

[Ten billion subsidy! 】

[Limited time kill! 】

[Timed clearance! 】

[Cash Wheel! 】

What the hell is this! !

No wonder he said on his idol's Weibo account that he had done countless ideological struggles.

This is indeed a lot of ideological struggle.

A first-line singer took over the endorsement of a company that sells things in Pinxixi.

How awesome is this product! ?

If this product is not really perfect,

It is estimated that his idol will not accept this endorsement! !


purchase! !

Wang Liang gritted his teeth and placed the order.


When Chen Yixun posted this Weibo, it immediately gained a lot of attention. ,

It was his fans who first discovered this Weibo.

Fans of Eason Chan were shocked when they saw this blog post.

This is Chen Yixun?

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