When did Eason Chan become so good at advertising?

You know, with his current status in the music scene, many people have asked him to speak for him.

Among so many endorsements, only this brand called "Jiang Shi" allowed him to post such a long Weibo.

Passers-by didn't see it,

But their fans could see it.

Chen Yixun definitely put his heart into it.

These words, if he didn't really use his heart, how could a lazy person like him type so many words just to promote a product?


There will be more comments below.

[I'm going to be EE for ten years: It's the first time I posted such a long advertisement by our Eason, I was shocked, I thought in a daze that I entered the wrong Weibo. 】

[Eason is the most handsome: anti-hair loss shampoo?Can it really prevent hair loss?If it's true, I'm going to place an order. 】

[Eason is the most handsome: Damn, I withdraw my decision to place an order, brothers, I just found out that this is a Pinxixi product! 】

[Little White Dragon in the waves:? ? ? ?Fighting Xixi? ? ?Are you kidding me? 】

[Eason is the most handsome: Really, who is joking with you, click in and have a look!Our Eason endorsement turned out to be a product sold at Pinxixi!This shit! ! ! ! 】

This is too embarrassing! ! !

Which first-line male star actually endorsed Pin Xixi's products! ?

If you say this, you will be laughed to death by your opponent!

——————————————off topic ———————————————

Happy New Year, keep updating. =V=.

Chapter 1 Eixun Chan's Rebellious Fans [-]

Many of Chen Yixun's female fans don't like his wife.

Many fans know it.

His wife doesn't work and spends money lavishly.

In addition to spending money every day, you still spend money.

Many fans don't like her very much.


Now that something like this happened, fans all subconsciously thought it was Xu Haoying's fault.

[Eason's little baby: Eason, you said it yourself, if you were kidnapped, you would blink. 】

[Eason's cutie: This must be Xu Haoying forcing you to pick it up. If you're short of money, hold more concerts and we'll pay for you QAQ. Don't pick up any endorsements. I just took a look at this company. It is simply a newly developed company...]

[Little sloppy: Hasn't this Xu Haoying always been like a vampire?Her behavior is really fascinating, what do you think, how can you let Eason accept such a LOW brand? 】

[Xu Qi: Really, even I can't stand it anymore. Is there any reason in the hands of this merchant?I haven't even heard the name. 】


Eixun Chan's fans were particularly vocal about their opposition.

But there are also very sensible fans of "[-]".

When some fans saw this information and clicked into Jiang Feng's Weibo, they suddenly discovered a secret...

Isn't this Jiang Feng the little boss who helped those orphans pay 1000 million in the orphanage before?

When everyone saw Jiang Feng, they immediately recognized Jiang Feng.

【Wang Lingling: Isn't this the handsome little boss from before?I remember!It turns out that this shampoo belongs to his family! 】

[Wang Lingling: Calm down, the little boss has just opened the company, but he has a very good personality. Did you forget about the orphanage last time?Everyone thought that there was a problem with his company's products, but it turned out that other people's products were fine. 】

[Little carp swims and swims: I remember!Still very impressed with this little boss!At that time, their company had a balance of more than 1000 million, and he used all the money to pay for medical expenses. 】

[Xiao Liyu You Ya You: I think such a small boss should not threaten others to accept the endorsement. 】

[Susu: To be reasonable, is there a possibility... In fact, their products are really good?You haven't tried it out, so what are you complaining about? 】

[Ruanruan: Agree!Chen Yixun is not an impulsive person, I think you really underestimate him. 】


Passers-by basically sided with Jiang Feng.

Although it is outrageous for Eason Chan to endorse the Jiang family, at least Jiang Feng is really serious and responsible!

Chen Yixun himself has already posted a small composition saying that it is easy to use, and also said the reason.

Isn't it too much for this group of fans to vent their anger on others?


Eixun Chan's fans reacted very violently.

A large number of fans even flocked into their Pin Xixi store, deliberately placing orders to score low.

At night, Xu Qing ran over in a hurry.

"Little boss, there are a lot of low-scoring customers in our store, and they all give low-scoring ratings by directly confirming the delivery after placing an order."

A low score is nothing.

But the most important thing is that breaking the previous record of their store is the most irritating thing.


Jiang Feng glanced at the comments above.

Many people even pretended to have used it, pretended to take a photo, and pretended to be a passer-by to leave a bad review.

[Eason cutie: pictures/pictures, Spicy Chicken products, Spicy Chicken Company, all these good reviews are all brushes, right?It doesn't work at all, so don't buy it. 】

Seeing this kind of comment, Jiang Feng took the phone and replied directly below.

[Reply from the store: Well, you just placed the order with the picture/picture/, and we haven’t shipped it yet. Where did you use the pirated and shoddy products? 】


Jiang Feng was very patient and read every negative review.

Most of the bad reviews have Eason in the prefix, which is enough to prove that this is a fan of Eason.

He replied one by one.

[Eason's Qinqin: It's too embarrassing to find our Eason endorsement, hurry up, hurry up, I'm really speechless. 】

[Shop Reply: No, I'll piss you off. 】

[Eason's Lele: Everyone, don't be fooled by the good reviews of this store, it's definitely done by someone else. 】

【Response from the store: Ah yes, yes, you saw it with your own eyes?But you are dead. 】

[Wenwen from Eason: The service attitude of this store is not good at all. I asked the customer service some questions, but the customer service was impatient at all. Such a store has the nerve to boast of its 100% praise, so it can only be sold on a platform like Pinxixi. It's for sale. 】

[Response from the store: Picture/picture, yours is a new angle for black people, yes, it is more novel than the previous directions, and I found this article from countless private messages of backstage comments for your brand-new point of view. EXM?Impatient with our customer service?The dense green screen is the pride of our customer service, okay? 】


Xu Qing was a little worried that Jiang Feng would get angry when he saw it.

But when he saw his little boss's unaffected fighting spirit, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Damn her!

How could she feel that her little boss would be affected in this way!

Seeing Jiang Feng responding vigorously, Xu Qing couldn't help asking: "Little boss, those who come to our place to comment and leave bad reviews are basically Eason fans. Should we contact him? Let the other party restrain his attitude a little bit." fan."

After all, he is now the spokesperson of Bawang Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo!

Became their spokesperson, but they don't work as spokespersons, and even fans not only don't help to increase sales.

Many rebellious fans even came to leave negative comments!

That's it!

What is this!


Seeing Xu Qing's indignant look,...

Jiang Feng smiled and said:

"Need not."

"But if his fans keep being so rebellious, wouldn't we be the ones who have been wronged?"

"No, this should only be part of it. Every celebrity has rational fans and rebellious fans in their fan base."

He paused, and added, "Although it seems that his rebellious fans are making trouble now, such a few kittens won't affect much."

What's more, playing memes in moderation will actually help you get out of the circle.....

such as--

Spend 1000 million to recruit spokespersons, and all the recruits are unjust fans.

Isn't that the topic?


Xu Qing saw Jiang Feng's confident appearance,

Although he was worried in his heart, he was soothed a lot by his calm appearance.

"Okay, Boss, Double Eleven is coming soon, how do we determine the price of the gift package for the final event of Double Eleven?"

"Pricing? Pricing is very simple, it is the price of all the gift packages added together."

Jiang Feng paused and added:

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